
Being part of a large Mush such as Elendor, there are many commands that have developed over the years. Some of these commands are Mush wide, meaning that they can be used by every Player through out the entire Mush of Elendor. And some of these commands are like other Mushes and Muds, with even more being just native to Elendor. Mordor has also developed a few commands of its own that only those in the Mordain culture to use. So while there are many of commands out there, here is a list of some of the most obvious and important ones. %R%R%R %R %R

Mordain Global Commands
+compass Gives some hints on available exits in some situations
+darkhelp Hey...yer here aren't ya?
+darklords Lists the online darklords.
+mdoing Sets your 'DOING' on the +mwho.
+mwho Lists online Mordain plus info.
+mpoll Sets the poll question on +mwho.
+mooc/+mic Takes you to or from the Mordor OOC room.
+moldbies Lists the twenty eldest Mordain.
+mwhere +mwho with locations.
+mhide/* Replace * with on or off for location on +mwhere
report Shows what the darklords are up to.
+mtitle Lists the titles of online mordain.
= Displays on the Mordor Com.
+skim Mordor Shows the titles of posts to the Mordain Bulletin Board.

There are many other commands that are lurking about, some of them simple things to figure out, others not quite so obvious. So the best way to find out is to just ask another player, they1ll help point out the most helpful commands around.