
Feature status on Elendor is an honor that is given out to players that have shown that they are excelent role players, and also have added to the general Mushing experience. Along with the honor of being a Feature, Feature players usually get a boost in stats and hp, especially those players that are of combative nature.

Feature status is broken down into two parts, book Features and non-book Features. Book Features are characters from the books. Specifically for this mush the characters from the books by J.R.R Tolkien. The players who represent this characters from the books have an especially distinct honor, and a responsibility to up hold. The players must keep their Book Features as close to how they were in the books.

Non-Book Features are exactly what they appear to be. Their names were never mentioned in the books. But they still get a boost in stats and hp.

Features of Mordor

Sauron*Mouth of Sauron
Witch-king Khamul* Dwar*
Indur Akhorahil* Gothmog
Adunaphel Ren Uvatha
Grishnakh Shagrat* Gorbag
Radbug Lagduf Muzgash