With the fading of the rumor ladden disappearance of the Shamans of the ShadowVoice, the once empty void has begun to fill. New orcs who claim to be shamans, bone readers, and other such wonderous workers have begin to step into the empty nich. The higher officers, who were at first hesitant, have now taken steps to backing these new shamans.
The new shaman and mystic orcs have filled taken up holding some of the sacrivices and other traditional cerimonies. Also some of the orcs have shown talents at healing skills, through the use of herbs and other concontions. Others of these shaman like orcs have been found to have a good grasp on teaching the dark Language of Morbeth to others. And still others have shown a slight knack for poisons and mixing of things for special effects. However, of any of these powers that the shamans may show a talent for, they are not by any means magical. Instead they accomplish their tricks by knowledge of natural events, and with a little trickery.
As their position in the Armies of the Eye, these new shamans fall slightly to the side. Having no real rank, the shamans have no real power over uruks of Logaz or greater. And on the other side, no orcs have say over them unless they are Rakarg or higher. And while these shamans lack offical power, they have used their wits and skills to develop their own brand of getting what they want. Some have gotten into the position of controlling an ear of a Teguk or other high officer, while others have decided to use their healing or other skills to gain status.