Falls of the Gulduin: Outside Sarn Goriwing
You stand before the crashing black cascades of the source of the Gulduin. Strange water, cool and thin but opaque even as it splashes and sprays in the air, flows in a misty black fall from obsidian rocks which hang overhead, then swirls and eddies in a swift, wide rocky stream before tumbling over more falls below, dropping to the long Enchanted River which winds north into Mirkwood. The air is dark and cold, overcast by thick clouds even in the brightest summer noon, and brisk with the spray of the river, but your senses reel somewhat from the merest hint of the potent liquid.
But more dramatic than even the black cascades, perhaps, is the blacker spire of glassy rock which rises from and among them: for between the falls rises a Tower. Hewn, it seems, of the rock itself, it rises nearly two hundred feet above the stream which runs about its base. The uppermost reach of the spire juts above the highest waterfall, rising above a surrounding narrow precipice of stone. Narrow, seemingly empty windows can be seen here and there in the Tower. A long open bridge of the same glassy black stone leads across the stream, to a gate within the Tower wall. It seems the only way in. Bardag
Uruk Camp
Obvious exits:
Tower Window, Downhill, Steep Uphill Path, Warg Caves, and Bridge of Trees
Nighttime on Mersday, Day 7 of June, 3015
Ragakmog confident that the echoes are an audio trick and that thier sourceis quite distant. Evidently forgetting his buissness with the bridge or done with it. He moves back towards the camp. His path taking him past the caged uruk and as a result Bardag.
Bardag bows his head, and says "Sir, how can I be of service?"
From the other side of the Falls of the Gulduin shrill high pitched yaps respond to the lone howl, their sound and pitch increasing as they near. Then from the entrance to the Warg Caves numerous deep howls echo forth, their pitch reaching a fury of sound only to die back down to let the echos bounce off the mountains.
Ragakmog looks over at Bardag's words, his eyes immediatly noting Bardag's upper right arm, "Report Dog! What be the news?" If he was going to continue it is cut short by the yaps and howls. He turns to face the cave as it emmits its deep howl, "Sauron save us!" He mutters bringing his fist to his forhead superstiously.
Looking up towards the sky at the sound of the howls and yaps, Jobunqorz nods in approval and with a grin begins to take off his chain mail. As the heavy armor slides over Jobunqorz's head a snaga steps up from behind to take the armor, grunting from the weight. Then looking about the snaga takes the chain mail back to the Teguk's tent. The Teguk stands bare chested except for the dirty bandage around his stomach. On his massive chest is a faded tattoo of what appears to be the silhouette of a warg against a full moon. Flexing his muscles he turns to another snaga and sends him off to the officers wagon.
Bardag says, "Sir, I have no real news, only news of questions. Many are wondering why we would bring our camp so close to a Warg's den. Others question who this fowl uruk would be. I count myself as among the wondering, but I only ask when addressed."
A grin replaces the look of fear on Ragakmog's face as he mumbles, "Let the ole pack leader deal with thisss, yesss." Then snapping to Bardag he barks commmandingly ignoring his questions, "Soldier! Fetch the Teguk! He must know of this activity. Be off or I'll be sure you're tobe a peace offering to them." He moves the butt of his spear up and towardfs Bardag to hurry him on his way.
Burzum happens to be walking in the area of the Teguk, as he steps out of his tent. Glancing around as a dozen or so Uruks freeze for a moment, their words stilled. A grunt escapes the Logaz's lips as he strides purposfuly towards Jobunqorz, his axe resting through the loop at his belt. One hand holds the massive weapon against over swaying, while his other hand swings in motion with his pace. Nearing the Teguk, his deep voice raises to the wind, clearly heard over the rest of the silent beasts skulking about. " Greetin's, master Teguk. How yer wounds be farin'?" A sweeping bow accompanies the greeting.
The small snage returns quickly to the Teguk doubled over from the weight of a large chest that he carries. As he reaches Jobunqorz he sets the chest down, bows and steps off. Jobunqorz nods in approval to the snaga then turns about to face Burzum, "My wounds be alright." Lifting his head back up into the air he grins slightly, "Yes, alright indeed. But there are more important things adrift. Things which I want you to be near for."
Bardag ayes and turns to get the Teguk. He looks up the slight hill and sees the bare-chested leader standing, looking over his camp. As his legs pull him up the hill, he sees the fading tattoo upon the chest, but says nothing. He approaches the Teguk, and begins to bow before coming too near. "Sirs, Ragakmog bade me too inform you of the Warg activity, which seems to be getting nearer."
Ragakmog looks about this the western edge of the camp and calls out to any that can hear, "Form up lads there may be action this night! Get yer toys of war in hand and lets be looking a livly group. Form Up says I!"
Burzum's eye narrows at the response from the Teguk. His thick hands come up together as the Logaz pops his knuckles loudly, glancing from side to side, looking for anything unusual. " What things be driftin', Teguk?"
Turning to Bardag Jobunqorz grins, "Fool, do you not think that I would not know this? Even if I was deaf, I would know the wargs are active." Raising a mighty hand to pound at his chest, "While it has been long since I've been here, I still am intuned with them." Looking to Ragakmog then to Burzum,, "You will see." Bending over he opens up the chest at his feet and begins to pull out a dark bundle.
A group of 15 Uruks form up under Ragakmog's command. This added to his personal black guard has made for a very deadly if hastily gathered force. "Battle formation Line!" The Tek'rak calls out and the order is picked up by the single Logaz in the unit, "Line! make a line you idiots!" the Logaz orders as he rushes back and forth straightening the line.
Burzum doesn't seem to care about the Warg, dissming them as easily as he would a pack of howling squirls. His hand moves down again to rest on the hilt of his axe, however, as his eye scans the borders of the area the small group is at. In his quick scan, he sees the Tek'Rak's group forming. Without hesitation, the Logaz makes his way over towards the line, shouldering his way between two Dogs. As the other Logaz aproaches, a growl emits from the Drill Seargents throat. " Git yer rat-bitten 'ide away from me, Logaz.. I kin stand in a line on my own. "
The other Logaz takes a step back in obvious surprise and trepidation at the large Logaz-hai's threat. "Yous take the left half and I'lls take the right, deal?" he asks tentativly. Meanwhile Ragakmog standign some paces infron of the line looks back satisfied with the assembly, "Serjents! brings em up and take a deffesne till wes word from the Captain. This be his party and his guests so we do it his way see!?" He asks rehtoricaly.
Jobunqorz looks over to the new Tek'rak of Minas Morgul as the tek'rak starts forming up the troops. A dark flustered look crosses his face and he raises his battle axe in one hand, still holding onto the large dark material in the other and marches over towards the Tek'rak, "Fool! You have no idea of what is going on!" Sweeping his battle axe to point at the orcs that begin to line up with their weapons, "Stand down! Put your weapons away. There will be no mass warg attack. Listening to a scared Tek'rak!" Reaching the tek'rak he spits at the ground, "Tek'rak, you have no authority up here, and you have as much knowledge as you do authority. Your ignorance just might get you killed. "
Ragakmog glares at Jobunqorz before calling out, "You heard the dog master! Stand down!" Shruggingly he steps aside giving the Teguk and his axe plenty of room to work. "What are the orders sir?" He asks with a hint of sarcasm.
Jobunqorz lets a small sneer spread across his face as he lowers the battle axe and slips it to lean on his belt. "Step back and you shall see. Turning back to face the lining up orcs he bellows in a loud thunderous voice , "The time is near! " As his words bounce off the trees and mountains the orcs of the camp turn with a look of bemusement towards the Teguk, "Too long have we been without the allies of Mirkwood. As I once was one of the orcs of this area I remember the old days when we would run in packs, controlling all of Northern Mirkwood."
The aseembled group of about thirty puts thier weapons down and break up thier line into a less forboding and less deffensive structure. Some look about hoping this is stood down enough. The Two Logaz don't seem concerened taking thier cue from the teguks mood.
Ragakmog nods and takes another symbolic step aside giving the full stage to the Jobunqorz.
The spray of icy mists flows freely from the ruined falls and thrown bridge of the old tower, its sprinkle of dew drifting like an eternal storm before finally gracing the flesh in frigid frost. Shadows hide within the corners of each fell tree, their normal hideous whispers masked by the roar of the water hitting jagged rocks below. Emerging through the darkness is a specter, a pale figure firm in stature and yet strange to the eyes. On his face is worn a thin smile, a fascade of his inner personality, and in his eyes a cruel coldness that seeps deep into each obsidian orb. It is Ouborog, Tek'Rak of Pulgorburzob, his presence always queer about the other uruks--harboring a great deal of terror and mystery.
Another out burst of yapping howls break out from the direction of the Warg caves. This time the howls are drawn out, long and full as they cut through the crisp air.
Scattered shouts rise from the camp as few of the orcs that were once part of Sarn Goriwing pick up on what is being said. Then as the howls cut through the air they Jump to their feet and begin to pound the butts of their weapons on shields and the ground. Meanwhile as Jobunqorz waits for his words to settle, grins as the howls seem to back him up. Turning about to face the gathered orcs he takes he holds of the dark material with both arms to show the camp. The thing in his hands is a warg skin, dark long hair that once shone with the sleekness of the warg that it belonged to, the head still attached has been formed to an orcs head. With an air of reverence he slowly and deliberatly puts the skin on, the head sitting atop of his own, the rest hanging down his back like a cloak. In a lower voice, "Tonight we change that. Tonight we win back the Wargs!"
Ragakmog stares in shock at the blatantcy of what he is witnessing. He mumbles some unheard words under his breath and then regaisn the presence to see who is pounding thier weapons and who seems to be familar with this ritual.
Ouborog's pale lips snarl, his large tusks revealed in the dim light of day as each ray of the sun filters through the blackness cast from the canopy above, igniting the glistening hue of drool at the end of each yellowed fang. Continuing forward he stops near Ragakmog, his dark orbs never fading from this piecing gaze on his Teguk. Mumbling beneath his breath he says to the other Tek'Rak near him, "... I ... ... ... ... you ... ... be Tek'Rak, indeed, ... ... ...--... sure ... ... me ... ... ... ... ... ... grog ... this ..., we ... ... talk." and then falling quiet again he watches the ceremony with unfaultering disgust.
The pounding picks up a momentum if not pace and the rythmic pounding spreads through the assemblage till a camps worth of weapons pound as a single heart,
Ragakmog smiles at the arrival of Ouborog, "Indeed, seer you had forseen this. I have more respect for you know. Have you seen the Vorazg abou;I would relish his witness of this tribal act." He says with a hint of a pouting lip of dissapointment.
Jobunqorz raises both of his arms, his dark eyes looking out from beneath the hood of the Warg's head. As his hands spread out, the drumming comes to a halt, eyes and ears paying attention to the warg covered Teguk. "We go," Pointing his right hand he sweeps it forward pointy at a group of a couple dozen orcs, then to Ouborog and Ragakmog, "You all will follow me into the Warg caves. If you falter you forfeit your lives, if you charge forward you forfeit your lives." Then looking to two nearby snaga he commands them to go off and bring the carcuss of a recently slain deer. The snaga quickly disappear through the crowd towards the cooking fires.
Ouborog's snear fades to a primal smile, his neck bending to a nod as his thick arms fold defiantly against his chest. "Aye." he says flately, perhaps feeling it would be best to reserve any further comments to another time or even more likely allowing for the clearing of his thoughts for a new plot hatching within the webs of his shadowed mind. Using his only word a response for the Teguk as well he takes several strides forward, following the stern warning, but obviously little content with it. However, having always been shrewd in insidious in his ways, his features continue to remain neutral--neither fiercely unhappy or brightly gay, indeed, only his eyes are ever windows into his true feelings.
Ragakmog fails at his attempts to restrain himself from rolling his eyes at the over dramatics of the encostumed Teguk's command, but nods as if ascenting all the same. Holding hsi sper up in a single hand he waves it forward as if giving the real authoratative confirmation of the Teguk's command. A camps worth of feet begin ot slowly shuffle forward. Eyes still on Jobunqorz.
Jobunqorz turns his to face the Warg cave and graps his battle axe. Swinging it forward he slowly disappears forward into the caves. The couple of dozen orcs following suit, some giving looks of doubt as their commrades are swallowed into the darkness of the Caves.
A cold metallic clang whistles in the air as a scimitar is drawn from its sheath, the wake of its sounnd calling many eyes and ears towards the tall and opposing figure of Ouborog. Yet, this warrior does not raise his scimitar high as if to forward the engagement of the host into the caves, instead he keeps it with his shield near to his body--a sign that he wishes to use them for defense and perhaps that he will take little part in the hunt unless forced.
Ragakmog staying ahead of main body shuffles his hump backed self into the cave.
As Ouborog enters the cave, he seems to ignite its walls for a moment in the aura of his ill, white glow. The illusion quickly disappearing as the darkness swallows the large -hai whole, along with his comrades and rivals--indifferent to either of their tastes.
Warg Caves
You stand in a huge natural cave that was probably carved out by the Gulduin river hundreds of years ago. The cave is now covered in soft fur and hay, and smooth and comfortable for the wargs that now occupy it. The extended warren of caverns is low and cramped, but warm and well-padded with ancient years of use by the warg-packs of the Mirkwood Mountains. Contents: Ragakmog Ouborog Jobunqorz Warg Pack Alpha Warg Darkbreath Obvious exits: Out
Dark shadows cover most of the caves, but glowing eyes shine out. Then as the eyes adjust to the dimness of the light, Doze ns of wargs can be seen laying about the caves, on the flo or and ledges. Wargs of every size and shade of black, grey, and white. As the orcs press further into the caves, all the wargs jump to their feet, a rumbling growl starting, then it spreads through the pack like wild fire till the walls of the cave resonant with the deep warning g rowls of the Wargs. From the far back of the caves, a deeper growl cuts under the rest of the pack's voices.
Darkbreath rests in the far reaches of the cave, the sudden entrance of the uruks little to its taste as it slowly raises its head towards their encroaching bodies. Snarling, each fang brandished with an unholy glare its eyes jump to life, flaming like two white fires within the shroud of the caves immortal night.
Jobunqorz walks forward into the caves leading the orcs. As growling begins to start and the num ber of wargs fill his eyes, he comes to a halt with a look of wonder and amusement. However some of the other orcs in the group don't react quite the same as the Teguk. The size and numbers of Wargs growling and showing their teeth at them cause a number of them to begin to have doubts about the ordeal. Shaking slightly and raising their weapons they look forward to the unarmored Teguk.
The masses follow the high officers till a plethra of uruks begining to swaet a swaet of fear move into the caves. Ragakmog stays to the fore and is surprised ot see the wargs above him on shevles. He holds his spear firm but nonthreateningly.
Ouborog stands hear Ragakmog, his scimitar still held near the breast of his body, his shield at his side hugging closely against his ribs. His dark eyes shift between the sudden movements of the wargs and that of the uruk lads, growling he says lowly towards Jobunqorz, "And if we die..." his voices inquires, its tinge phrased in a question and yet requiring no answer.
Ragakmog stands noisless near Ouborog so that the latter may having difficulties hearing his stance, none the less he looks about uneasily as if wondering what aside from the deer carcuss will sate these appetites this full moon. "Fish in a barrel." He mumbles under his breth audibley enough so that even one standing hear him.
A warg pushes his way forward, this warg larger than the rest, much larger. As it pushes through the pack, the surrounding wargs pad and scamper out of its way. When it breaks through the foremost wargs it comes to a halt and examines the orcs with fiercely burning eyes. Its large muscled legs twitch slightly rippling under its shiney grey coat, as its head moves about to examine the 3 larger uruk-hais. Coming to rest its gaze on Jobunqorz, it cocks its head at the sight of the tattoo and warg skin on the Orc, the growl rumbling from its massive chest lowers in volume and pitch.
Jobunqorz turns his head slightly towards Ouborog, then looking back towards the Alpha Warg he spreads his arms wide. Standing still looking into the warg's eyes, the tattoo of a silhouetted warg rising and falling on his naked chest as he breathes deeply. From the entrance of the caves two snaga hurry in carrying the carcass of a deer. Jobunqorz turns at the commotion and growls at the snaga, "Slow! Slow if you value your lifes." The warning from the Teguk comes to late, wargs start to move forward at the smell of fresh meat.
Darkbreath stands upon its own paws, galloping near its leader where it stops but a few feet behind it. Snarling again, its great fangs are shown in the darkness, two pinacles of light which like towers rise from the base of its jaw. The hackles on its back raise in anticpation, and bowing its head its ears fall backwards in fierce warning.
The pack all ready on its feet yips a test call t thier leader, Alpha Warg. There eyes able ot focus on both the enarest uruk threat and thier master. Ragakmog hunches his neck self conciously making it as small a target for the shredding as possible.
Since all are standing, all indeed do hear Ragakmog's words, including the Tek'Rak, Ouborog, next to him. Chuckling to himself at the other officer's comment he shifts his eyes towards the appearance of the dear, watching as the lifeforce--it's very blood--drips freely from its open wounds in constant fluidic motion. Sniffing the air he too notices the reaction of the wargs to this prey and drawing closer to the shadows prepares himself for any type of sudden attack.
Alpha Warg turns about and lashes out with its gaping jaws at the wargs that try to charge forward. Yipping at the lash of the Alpha's fangs, the pack falls back nervously eyeing the orcs. Satiesfied that the pack is respecting his authority the Alpha Warg steps forward a step and watches the orcs.
Jobunqorz stands unmoving as the pack surges forward then retreats under the gnashing of the Alpha Warg. As the uneasy truce returns Jobunqorz steps forward, "Brother Wargs, it has been long since we've hunted togther. Many moons have wanned, some might have thought we abandoned you. We have not we come to reestablish our alliance."Motioning to the deer carcass he contineus on, " Once again we will provide when the hunt is scarce, as you will help us as of old"
A smile cross the face of Ragakmog as he whispers, "I see now where his imps get their good looks." He stifels a chuckle but gives a glance to Ouborog to see if he can break the stone faced Uruk-hai.
Darkbreath remains with the other wargs, far from eager to defy the larger wolf's authority and yet still unsure whether the uruks mean harm or good, espeially now with the gesture of a free hunt-- memories of alliances from old trickling like the turning of a faucet into the window of its mind. Keeping its fangs brandished and its hackles raised, it snorts coldly, watching for any instructions its leader may give through its own movements.
Ouborog neutral features are unmoved yet the depths of his bottomless eyes twinkle in a short laughter from the other Tek'Rak's comments. Keeping still he waits to see if the Alpha warg will gleefully take its prize and the words of his Teguk, or murder the host here and now with its own swift army.
A couple dozen orcs stand near the entrance of the cave, three uruk-hais fartherest from the entrance. A deer carcass lays near the Tek'raks and Teguk. Before the Teguk stands a massive Warg, while all around the cave stand wargs licking thier chops as they watch the orcs.
Dragging between them, two large uruk gaurds haul in a shackled uruk, covered in blood and tatoos. One of the uruks arms is missing along with his opposite eye. He allows them to drag him as he silently prpares for what is about to happen
Ragakmog still smiling as if feeling victory over hte Tek'rak near him, watches tense for any sudden move by the alpha warg
Ouborog is still, quiet, his scimitar drawn against his breast, his shield near his rib cage. Turning his head he watches Morgon be dragged in and sighing softly he leans close to Ragakmog, words seething through his teeth that are uttered in the faintest of whispers. "... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... shaman...... should ... ... ... ...." Shrugging, as if a gesture to accompany his words, he then turns his gleaming eyes back to the Alpha Warg and the Teguk, still perhaps uncomfortable with the entire situation.
Jobunqorz rotates his head to look as he notices the shaman being dragged in. The wargs edge forward at the smell of more blood, the alpha warg included. Watching the Alpha warg lick its chops, Jobunqorz grins, "And to seal our pact I offer up this shaman to entertain you." Turning he motions for Morgon to be pushed forward towards the Alpha warg.
Ragakmog answers Ouborog with a shrug in kind, "damn nice of you ot warn him, Let the robers take care of thier own says I. And you know this time I actualy hope they do. Be nice ot see the one resposnible get avenged upon." He whipsers steadily such that even from his lips there is no sudden move.
Morgon awaits for the chains to be taken away, he awaits the wolves to start, and stars only at the Alpha, taking in it's every move, it's mind, listening to his own heart and feeling the wolves life, trying to command it. Fearless the Shaman approaches his impending doom.
A couple dozen orcs stand near the entrance of the cave, three uruk-hais fartherest from the entrance. A deer carcass lays near the Tek'raks and Teguk. Before the Teguk stands a massive Warg, in between them stands Morgon, while all around the cave stand wargs licking thier chops as they watch the orcs.
Ouborog smirks, a faint chuckle escaping between his teeth as his tongue laps against the roof of his mouth. Remaining still, he however, offers a curious look to Morgon and his condition, his dark orbs of obsidian capturing the smaller orc in the depths of his pupils before allowing this reflection to fade and be replaced by the bleeding dear and the large warg his Teguk speaks too. Addressing his captain, he says in a controlled tone that's tinge is left in a whisper so as not to upset the wolves, "And pray tell, Teguk, how do you feel the leader warg of this horde is to reply?"
Alpha Warg eyes Morgon and cocks his head. Stepping forward the Massive warg moves towards Morgon and sniffs at the chains before stepping backwards and turning his stare back at Jobunqorz.
Darkbreath stands fast and still near the larger Alpha Warg, its eyes two fell flames of white which shine brightly in the darkness of the vast cave. Merged with both brother and sisters, it takes no steps forward with its paws, but stays surprisingly quiet--even the growls that had ushered from its curled lips falling silenced, its hackles still, however, raised in striking warning.
Ragakmog smiles again triumphantly in reaction to Ouborog's smirk. He siezes up the lanky Morgan noting the extra long chains finely forged for thier fell purpose. The stench of fear from both sides of the cave begins to waft up and flood the nostril's of orc and warg alike. An uruk from behind slips on some guano and falls suddenly ot the floor. after registering the casue the mass of orcs whip thier heads back toee the Warg's reaction.
Morgon stands to his full height allowable through the chains, standing just above even the Teguk Jobunqorz by a scant inches, he stares at the two wolves with a fury only felt by few, a fury caused by faith, all he can think of is the complete control of those who want him dead, the wolves. In a desperate attempt to gain initiative, the shaman lunges, attempting to wrap his chain around the alpha wolves throat and using his leverage from his height to choke the dog
The pack test yips to thier Alpha knowing better from past nippings tan to act with out his leave. In readiness they crouch and paw to get good startign traction for a surge of a cahrge if it is called for.
Lugrekh watches the growing melee as it begins to thunder into full, terrifying reality, and slides into a corner of the room, seeking in the darkness what he cannot find in the light, the ability to watch the combat without being a part of it. His fear grips him so that he ignores the undergrowth and bugs that begin to climb over him in the dirt, though he does take the time on occasion to grab on in his hair and crush it, to remind himself of his own capacity for killing.
Jobunqorz glances to Ouborog, "This is just an appetizer." Raising an eyebrow he lets the corner of his mouth curve upwards, "To sate a little of his appetite before I give it something more challangeing to deal with." Looking to the Shaman he calls out to the guards, "Remove his chains and give him a weapon" The guards quickly go about unlocking and removing the chains, while one of them thrusts a spear out to Morgon, "Try not to die to fast"
Ragakmog watches the chains striped away from Morgan and nods impressivly as with out thier weight the Shaman stands unbelivibly taller than his chained self was. He lets out a sigh of relief that the warg tension was not high enough to be set off completely by the fool of an uruk that slipped in the bat guano.
Lugrekh is hiding in the shadows of a small corner in the caves, trying desperatly not to be noticed by the larger orcs, yet still able to see the approaching melee between the Shaman and the wolf. Bugs fall over him, and he takes time occasionally to kill them.
Morgon stretches himself out and tests the spear carefully, obviously inexperienced. He looks straight at the Alpha, taunting him to try his luck, challening him, and no others. Now he awaits the wolfs first move, and hopefully it's last.
Alpha Warg looks on with disintrest as the Shaman is freed from his chains and given a spear. Eyeing the shaman the orc, the Alpha warg steps forward growling slightly at the risen spear. As it starts to circle the the shaman, the Alpha warg suddenly spins on its haunches and launches its self at the Teguk Jobunqorz.
Lugrekh looks up, his eyes growing wide as the wolf attacks the Teguk instead of the Shaman. He briefly considers doing something, causing a distraction to protect his leader, Jobunqorz, then decides the better of it, remaining hidden...and alive
Shoving his way through the group of Uruks, Burzum arrives at the front of the small mob, his heavy axe gripped easily in his thick, caulosed hands. A grin splits the Logaz's face as he arrives in time to see the fighting begin, as the massive warg leaps for the Teguk. Burzum's hand clenches tightly on his Battle Axe as he watches, ready, in case anyone should come for him. Even as he tries to watch the single alpha warg, his eye strays towards the 3 officers out front, as if pondering something..
Morgon takes advantage of the situation, even as it may be attacking his enemy, but as a fellow uruk, Morgon attempts to stab the wolf from behind and endit's life in one blow.
The pack bristles with anticpation a low growl begins to emmit from many of them as if in challenge to thier Alpha's calm demure attitude at these two legged intruders. At last they leap forward at the Alpha's attack as if now able ot return the shame played upon them for the breaking fo the years of trust that existed before Sarn Goriwing was lost.
Jobunqorz grins as he watches the Alpha Warg seize up the Shaman. But as the warg decides to change its prey and launches itself at the Teguk. Jobunqorz caught slightly off guard stumbles backwards and throws up his battle axe to knock aside the warg's jaws. As Jobunqorz regains his footing he lashes out with his battle axe towards the Warg's neck.
Morgon seeing all the other wolves fall in, Morgon lets his mind go and falls into what can only be described as berserk, he uses every weapon he can get, spear, bone, wolf, whatever and fights with a fury and rage that can only be caused by pure anger incarnet. He fights with out a care for if he kills. or if he dies, he only wants the blood of wolves, his current enemy.
SharLan , unable to help his leaders physically, can only raise his spirit-stick high and chant a prayer for their the lives of all those in caves.
A great grey female warg leaps down from a great shelf above leading with opened jaws of death and two powerfuly sharp clawed paws. Down she comes in a path aimed for Morgan, The shaman intent on the swirling combat around him.
Morgon unable to react to the coming she wolf, Morgon is barrelrolled by the dog, and they both go skidding across the room, while Morgon desperatley attempts to break the large dogs jaw open and prevent it from biting him.
Bounding over the front line of uruks getting a small spear graze in the fur from Morgan, Legrekh finds a furry of a balck warg in front of h i m interupting his bug collecting. Snarling it lunges forward teeth bared to snap at flesh.
Alpha Warg growls in frustration as his jaws clamp down on the shaft of the Battle axe and then is thrown away. Landing on its p aws it twists to its side to avoid the blade of the battle axe. Following the momentem from being tossed back and twistin the Alpha Warg charges through the crowd of orcs and wargs and flings itself at the throat of Burzum.
The grey she wolf rolling with Morgan bites down hard on the offered hand trying toosavage it off from his wrist as the two come ot rest against a wall niether having the advantage of being on top but each entangeld with the other.
A whitish warg darts through the orcs looking for an easier prey. Then spotting Sharlan, the warg charges towards the orc.
Lugr ekh backs up into the hole he has with a small yelp of fear as the black warg approaches. After a moment, he tries to slide out the side and run from the danger that threatens him, knowing that he, of all people, isn't fit enough to even think about fighting these wolves.
Morgon, in a move of pure agility throws his legs around the wolves body and uses his hand, which is stuck in the wolves mouth to move it opposite what his legs are in an attempt to paralyze the Warg.
A wild whoop raises from Burzum's throat as the battle is began, raising his Axe high in the air. his short legs carry pound the soft ground as he sprints towards Jobunqorz, holding his massive weapon as if it were nothing. He speeds towards the massive side of the Alpha warg, his axe raised high. Then, surprisngly, the big wolf turns towards him, jaws gaping wide. Without missing a beat, the Drill Seargents axe flicks out to deflects the direct force. His rippling forearm brings the axe back around, whistling towards the warg's face and maw.
The balck warg on Legrekh as if playing a cat and mouse game snaps at the attempts of Legrekh ot retreat. It sanrls thraotily at its caged prey and pays the ground prancing happily before lungin its snout inot the smallish hole hoping to find a limb to grip and drag out.
The grey she wolf seems unconcerned by the leg pin Morgan has her griped in. Thoguh now she is not master of where her body goes she has his hand firmly griped with in her razor teeth and she chews as if trying still to sever it.
The warg spins around as its nail catches Sharlan's leg. As the warg turns back to face Sharlan it spreads its legs and lowers its head. With gaping jaws it gnashes its teeth then leaps towards the stomach of Sharlan
Morgon grasps his legs tightly onto the she wolf and allows the wolf to get ontop, but at the last moment uses the momentum they had formed in the turn to attempt to lunge the dog into the wall.
Ragakmog is still fighting a deffensive battle keeping hs wargs at bay with his longer spear trying to by time for the captain ot sound a sensible retreat.
Lugrekh looks at the wolf approaching him, and realizes that if he stays in the hole, its only going to be a matter of time before he's feeling a lot more pain than he particularly wants to. Which leaves only one option: something random and distracting. Saying a silent and mumbled prayer to the dark powers, he tries to roll his way out to kick at the wolf, then make a mad dash into the very middle of the combat, to try and grab hold of the Alpha warg for the hope of any benefit, be it distraction from Jobunqorz, or no effect at all.
SharLan pure adrenaline and instinct blind SharLan. With a mighty cry he rgrips his spirit-stick with both hands, thedim light shining off the quartz stone blade. With all the force he has he shoves the stick at the face of the leaping wolf, it's gnarling teethy the only thing in it's path.
The grey she wolf smashes hard into the wall and lettingh out a yelp of pain released the sadly mauled hand but having lost this mouth piece she scrambles off the wall loungin for the near throat of her victim, Morgan.
The black warg on Legrekh issurprsized by the rush and immediatly leaps to cover the exit of the cave leaving the way wdie open for his rush to the Alpha warg.
Morgon, in one last desperate move, graps the dogs troat as it runs at him, and attempts to flip the dog over him and to slam the dog onto it's back, hopfully breaking it.
Alpha Warg howls in frustration as it fails to draw blood again. Then as the battle axe of Burzum swings towards its head it trys to leap backward, but the blade digs sharply into its chest sending it stumbling backwards. As deep red blood swells forth from its chest, the white fur turns red and blends into the darker fur. Struggling to its feet the Alpha warg leaps over Lugrekh and in a fury charges at the nearst orc, Ragakmog. With gaping jaws the Warg lunges towards Ragakmog's upper thigh.
Lugrekh watches as the Alpha Warg simply walks over him, as if he wasn't even there. Turning toward it, he stops in the middle of the melee and points, saying, "Hey, you. Get back here." Then, having lost his mind some time ago, runs toward it and grabs at one of its legs, hoping to at least knock it down through his weight so that Ragakmog can slay it.
Ragakmog has just time and side line sense enouigh out of the corner of his eye to step back giving some ground ot those wargs on him and buying time to push the alpha's mouth off with his spear. continuing on with a thrust toawrds the alpha.
The warg by Sharlan growls as it throws its self towards the orc it twists its head. As the stick passes the wargs jaws it tears into the warg's eye, yelping in pain the warg tries to bite at the orc's wrist
Jobunqorz Turns about with his mighty battle axe, sweeping it about to keep the wargs off. The warg skin on his back and head is matted down in the black blood of orcs and the red of the falling Wargs. From behind the Teguk, comes cries and yelps of pain as the other orcs fight amonst the wargs, numbers falling to a bloody pile from both sides.
The balck warg with out Legrekh to play with stops the retreat of tyhose orcs trying ot flee. He leaps on a Lgoaz and savges his throat easily ripping sinews and vessels from thier home.
Lugrekh tries to ignore the blood and terror around him, and jumps up to clutch the leg of the Alpha Warg with all his strength, the gushing blood and flesh cut free of it by Ragakmog's strike falling over him, and he struggles to breath despite the hot liquid.
The spidly legs of Morgan are not up to the task as the she wolf is more solid and heavy than he had guessed. She lifts up some but not enough to get Morgan's throat from out of her reach as she snaps again for it.
Alpha Warg falls back again and tries to leap over the thrusting spear of Ragakmog. As the Alpha Warg leaps into the air the spear head thrusts into his haunches causing another growling yelp of pain. As the warg lands on its feet it stumbles slightly from the loss of blood, but howls again and leaps back up at Ragakmog's throat.
Ragakmog is hit simultaneously by one of the wargs on front of him as well as the last ditch move by the Alpha that gets past his guard. The Alpha gets a bite on his ring mail and ared trickle sprouts fro mthere. Teh frontal warg grabs leg and is worryign it as a dog would his masters slipper. IN pain Ragamog thrsuts down and finishes the warg on his now mauled foot
A few of the uruks slip out apst the black warg as it is busy slaying the Logaz. Then looking up with dark dripping from its mouth its eyes focus on its toy, Lugrekh. Its paws in motion it charges growling as warning to its prey.
Lugrekh's eyes quickly shift toward the growling wolf as it regards him, and they open wide almost instantaneously. Giving up on the Alpha Warg, which Ragakmog seems to have well in hand for the moment, he turns and runs at top speed across the cave, looking for the safety and protection of the Tuguk and his weapons, hoping at least that it will make the wolf think twice before charging.
The spear beoing to long to effectivly use from a prone entangled position misses the she warg as her jaws come in for the kill
Jobunqorz stumbles backwards as a warg and its counter orc knock into him. Growling he deals a hefty thump to the warg's head with the butt of his battle axe. As the warg falls comotose, Jobunqorz turns to feel the sharp bite of teeth on his rump. Yelling in pain he turns to deal with the warg.
SharLan is blinded by pure adreniline and fury. He grips his spirit-stick tight in both hands, the dim light shining off the quartz stone blade. With a nmighty cry he thrusts his stick forward at the lunging warg, its gnarling teeth the only thing in the way.
In one last fatal move, Morgon waits til the dog is inches from his throat then shoves his spear throught the ribcage, hopefully to the heart
The warg by Sharlan growls as it throws its self towards the orc it twists its head. As the stick passes the wargs jaws it tears into the warg's eye, yelping in pain the warg tries to bite at the orc's wrist.
The spear of Morgan though pined in the entangle ment is successful in punctureing the wargs thick coat and skin. Glacning off a study rib though it comes back out tearing some felxh and fur with it. The distraction is not great enough to stop the She wargs momentum as she brings her jaws closed seeking his throat.
Alpha Warg tasting hot blood, even through the loss of a tooth on the armor of the orc, increases its furious attack at Ragakmog. Spinning about it leaps up towards Ragakmog's unexposed face.
Ragakmog presses the indescion and fatigue of the Alpha and plunges his spear two handed at it hoping to finish of the leader and buy time in the ensuing chaos.
Morgon continues this tactic till eithr he or the wolf falls dead, which will have to be soon if he lives, He sums up all his energy he could possible have and he channels it all ainto this one blow, a blow wiht haves to succede or death!!
SharLan blood spurting down arm, he only shoves his arm further down throat of warg before pulling free to watch it writhe in pain. With one last jab he rams his spiritstick through throat, skin giving way to rock, death spasms rocking it's body . Grimly SharLan waits till it is finished to remove his stick and offer one last look at the beast before turning torward the closing
The grey she warg entangled with Morgan has great constitution and has only begun the struggles as her snapping jaws flurry about hoping one of these snaps will end it. Teh spear again punctures and rips some flesh from her but she snaps on knowling she has the upper hand in this combat.
The black warg lies dead at Jobunqorez feet its eyes loll up and take thier final look at Lugrekh.
Alpha Warg knocked aside the warg has little energy to avoid the the thrusted spear. AS the spear is thrusted forward the warg darts back, taking the spear in the shoulder. Yelping in pain and loss of blood the warg staggers backwards to crouch in a sitting position. Raising its head into the air the Alpha Warg gives a long howl that pierces through the sounds of the battle. Then as the howl catches in the throat of the warg, the Alpha warg moves to the center of the cave and flops down on its back. Stretching its head out it exposes its neck and stomach to the sky.
Lugrekh looks up at the black warg before him, slain by Jobunqorez, and kneels down before it, beating at its hide so that he may, in some way, release his rage at the beast for choosing him as its personal plaything. In the process, he begins to gouge at its eyes and tears it ears off, anything to bring him grim satisfaction
As the howl of the Alpha Warg wracks through the caves the other wargs one by one begin to withdraw themselves from their battles. Some limping and missing body parts, while all covered with black and red blood move together and take up the position like the Alpha Warg.
Ragakmog Brings his spear up as if to finish the Alpha off but then holds in indecsion looking ot the hated Teguk for a cue.
Jobunqorz spins about having fended off a warg as the howl comes to his ears. Looking towards the center he spots the Alpha Warg submitting. With a broad grin crossing his face he calls out, "Hold! Hold your weapons it is over. Tis done." Bending to wipe the blood off his battle axe on a nearby orc he moves towards the center of the cave, "Tek'rak, hold off that Warg! There is one final thing to be done."
Sweat drips from Ragakmog's brow as he in wonder looks about the cave at the strangly behaving wargs, "I have done it!" He cries, "I Ragakmog Tek'rak of Dushgob have forced this pack into submission!" HE crys claiming the credit.
SharLan stands and watches the aftermath of the hard-fought battle. He knows it will happen again some day, but for now the satisfation runs through his veins. A weary look at the mayhem strung around him, dead bodies -Uruk and warg- strewn around. He frowns at the thought that today the underworld is reaping more souls for its own pleasure.
The floor runs red and fluids darker than red. The smell of fresh kills joins that of the swaet of both dog and dog. Heavy breathing all around adds othe scent of the cave.
Ragakmog moves to shoulder his way in first when he realizes the captains intent. HE leaps to place his head in the Alpha's mouth first.
Lugrekh looks between the two fighting over the Alpha worg, and ponders briefly, if he should pick a side and lay his head on, potentially, the wrong chopping block. Deciding that perhaps its better not to set his head on -any- block, however, he stands back and lets them deal with it themselves.
SharLan begins to draw sybols in the dirt with his finger. Unsure of what was happening with the remaining group, he keeps one curious eye on them as he finishes his runes
Alpha Warg rolls to tis feet as blood trickles down its coat and it looks at both the orcs with exposed heads. Panting heavily it sniffs first Ragakmog then Jobunqorz. Going back to Ragakmog it sticks out is long tongue and licks the orc's face. Turning to stare at Jobunqorz it nodges its nose at the orc then pushes past both the orcs.
Jobunqorz stands up with a grimace, then as he turns to face the rest of the orcs he manages a smile. "It is done. The wargs will accept us, but as for now as you have seen there is no Warg Riders yet." Watching the Alpha Warg move through the group he stops and raises an eyebrow, "But in time there will be, when a Warg takes an orcs head into his mouth with out killing him, then he is a honored Warg Rider."
Ragakmog stops now realizing what the action is and stands up warily watching Jobunqorz and his great axe.
Lugrekh looks up at the warg, then back at the Toguk, wondering which of the great masters will likely be the first Rider, which of them is so great that even the wargs cannot deny their greatness.
SharLan ,sice he has no memory of any past, cannot recall what exactly a Rider is, and since it sems not to involve him yet, he merely watches the great beasts move and regroup.
As the Alpha Warg passes through the crowd of orcs it stops at Lugrekh. Cocking its head it stares at the orc, then leaps up to place both front paws on the shoulders of Lugrek. Licking the orcs' face it drops back down and walks back off. The rest of the wargs following the Alpha deeper into the caves
Jobunqorz nods and takes notice of the orc sought out by the Alpha warg. Then signallying for the rest of the orcs to follow heads out of the caves.
Lugrekh simply looks up, stunned, as the large wolf slowly heads into the caves. He gulps a bit, an d turns toward the bigger orcs with a feeling of trepedation, wonde ring to himself how dead he's going to be to have received that small motion.
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