NEWS: Gondorians Retreat!


When the snaga sat and had finished most of the common jobs such as lumberjacking or building... the olog-hai GRAZZT had become restless as he announced that the snaga were to get ready to march into battle.

The snaga replied with haste by equipping themselves with armor and blades. Among these included, HREK, GNARL, and KERDO. Soon they were marching into the camps, with the small army of about 50 snaga.

Sitting at the camp site were a small amount of human footmen. Among these were JOREMAR and KELNER. The armies approached as GRAZZT made the first attack, removing a footmen's head with his club. The rest of the army charged the humans in excitment, as much blood begin to spill, both black and red... but mostly red. :)

KERDO charged footmen atop his warg, slicing mostly necks and sometimes taking away of their ribs with his scimitar. HREK charged in the battle, killing off a few footmen before he was engaged by a huge man warrior. (at this time in RL Gnarl's power had gone out and he couldn't participate until near the end of the battle :()

GRAZZT looked about the camp for new targets as he bashes even more skulls, and HREK continues to fight a large human warrior. KERDO was approached by a human that stands on his feet, JOREMAR. He charged at the human with his warg twice, only to have the warg driven into JOREMAR's sword the second time.

HREK found an oportunity to get the large man's back with his spear, and complied by jumping on his back and driving his spear into the human... yet he still lived, leaving the snaga in panic. GRAZZT noticed the snaga HREK and began to approach, but soon was engaged by more men on the way. KERDO was left on his feet for scimitar to long sword combat with JOREMAR.

Soon, HREK managed to kill the large man, but to his luck, the man toppled his huge and dead corpse right over HREK, leaving him unable to move as the battle raged on. GRAZZT seemed to lose his attention to the poor snaga, and continued to fight off foolish footmen that would dare attack him. KERDO and JOREMAR continued in grueling combat.

Soon into the battle, KELNER began to shout some sort of human cheer for JOREMAR, and approached GRAZZT with his fists, calling him, "Foul orc!". GRAZZT responded by looking down at the human, and bringing his club down on his head.. crushing it into a bloody mess. HREK remained stuck under the large body. JOREMAR continued to keep tightly on the edge as to who is winning with KERDO.

KERDO began to get the edge as he hacked a few deep gouges both in the human's legs and back. JOREMAR began his retreat into the Garrison's Fortifications. The battle began to quiet down as the uruks appear to have the upper hand, and they do.

Soon all of the humans had retreated, and GRAZZT ordered the snaga back to the Mordain camps to the east. Soon HREK was noticed and GRAZZT removed the body with one hand, mentioning it to be good food. KERDO then asked the olog-hai to carry back his almost dead warg, which he did grumbling.

The uruks and mighty olog-hai returned to the camps victorious, celebrating with chants and jokes and such. Soon the snaga returned to slumber as the sun rose, (in RL too. ) and healed from their small wounds.
