Mirkwood and Cob Webs


Azashchakka nods to Daargar from where he sits on the end rail of the heavy wagon.

Ugbuz reaches the group or riders and calls them to attention. He points a clawed finger at Zurk, "When itz time for dese riders to use deir torches, youz gonna be dere to light dem, got it?"

Uthrac stops a few feet away from the back of the wagon, he grasps the handle of the polished spear and plants the wooden handle in the dirt in front of him, waiting patiently.

Zurk nods and gives a bow, "Yez Rakarg." The little Orc takes a few steps forward and reaches a black arm out to take the handful of unlite wood torches.

Daargar moves closer to Azashchakka and says "I will take it you are getting readly for battle..what enemy of the Eye do you wish to destroy for the Glory of the Eye this day?"

Ugbuz nods, "Good...and since youz not gunna be riding, Iz wants you to stay near the back so youz don't get trampled to death. Now git yer gear and join da others when youz done...and take a snaga with you so'z you don't drop dem torches."

Azashchakka nods grimly, "We seek battle... though not to destroy... we will capture one of the spiders of Mirkwood... there is much dark and evil magics to be made from these creatures." Zurk nods and bends down to pick up the wooden torches.

The Logaz motions for a small Snaga near by to give him aid. Each take a large armful of the torches and await further orders silently.

Zurk looks towards Tynzhal, "Hey you, Snaga!" screams the Ujak. "Come 'ere, I need you to carry torches too."

Daargar gives Azashchakka an odd look.then nods "I see...well it seems my skills will not be needed then...I will have to wait till I see the commanders of the tribes that are here.." he then looks full at Azashchakka, and gives a half bow "May the Eye be with you in you battle to come.." he then turn and starts back to the war wagon...

Tynzhal had just turned away from the commotion of the camp to gather his few items. At the shout, he looks up, then quickly grabs his things and trots over. "What you say? Torches?"

Picking up the many torches, Zurk shouts, "Yez, da torches. Come 'ere and helps me carry dem for da Warg riders."

Azashchakka nods again.

Tynzhal nods, reaching the torches. He gathers some, trying to balance them and his gear at the same time.

Azashchakka stands and wheeling about slams the doors to the heavy wagon shut.

Zurk takes the remaining torches and thrusts them under his right hairy arm, with his free hand he carries the rest of his belongings tightly. The Uruk snorts and keeps his eyes on Ugbuz, waiting for the sign to disembark.

Daargar moves back over to the war wagon and tells the troops that are there "We will not be needed on this one..get food and rest..it has been a long march..but be back in 16 hands time for training..." he then sits back down at his fire..as he wagon guards stand down..and brake for food...

Ugbuz growls at several uruks with bows, getting them to hurry up with the preparations. He picks up a passing snaga by the collar and shouts to him, "You'z go and get Shiel ready, I'z too busy." He gives the uruk a shove and shouts out to him, "And you'z better do a good job!"

Azashchakka walks quietly to the center of a camp. Nearing a fire he draws his sword and holds it above his head, "Warriors we move! Footmen heed my command... warg riders to Ugbuz." He looks about at the asembled uruks and barks out, "Form Ranks!"

Guthmug Quickly moves into position, behind several Uruks. The large, folded net on his back.

Ten Ashjaki warriors and assorted tribeless snaga form two collums before Azashchakka. Azashchakka slaps his sword into its scabbard and looks about at the Orcs.

Ugbuz nods and moves to mount his warg. He rides quickly to near where Azashchakka is and waits for the Ujaks to form up behind him.

Azashchakka begins to pace about the twin lines of Orcs, looking at them from all angles. Satisfied he nods takeing his place in thier lead and yells "March!"

Uthrac shuffles into line with the other tribeless snaga, snarling at the one in front of him and shoving it roughly in the back.

Tynzhal holds torches pinned under each arm, while his belongings are held in his hands.

<The army marches its way through Mirkwood, though there wasn't really much RP worth keeping inbetween the preparation and ambush itself>

Azashchakka holds his hand out in a silent signal for the Orcs behind him to halt.

Towering above the others, Ugbuz rides up slowly to Azashchakka as the orcs around him stop in their tracks.

Guthmug halts, his eyes carefully scanning the trees, and the darkness beyond.

Zurk slows his pace to a stop, glancing over his shoulder to see what lays behind the small party of Uruks. He turns his attention back to the Dratul of the Ashjaki and stands still.

Tynzhal draws to a halt, bumping into the uruk in front of him. He grunts, then stops to look around.

Uthrac stops in his tracks along with the other orcs, his face covered in a light sheen of sweat from the confined ranks.

The line of Orcs behind Azashchakka stops dead in thier tracks.

Azashchakka looks around in silent apraisal and turns to Ugbuz, looking up at him, "This is where we mount the ambush he says quietly," He then points to Guthmug and signals him to come nearer.

Guthmug walks carefully towards Azashchakka, carefully avoiding branches and dead leaves on the path.

Zurk drops the torches on to the forest floor and begins to light the sticks. The seargent hisses to Tynzhal, "Yoo come 'ere again. Gimme those torches. I need to light them."

Towering above the others, Ugbuz barks out to the uruks lighting the torches behind him in a low and raspy voice, "Don't light all dem, foolz!"

Azashchakka looks to Guthmug, "Drop the net..."

Guthmug drops the to the ground.

Tynzhal turns from looking at the forest and takes the few steps to take him to Zurk. At Ugbuz's shout, he hesitates, holding out the torches.

Zurk looks up, "Eh? Oh..yez. I wasn't master." The short Uruk takes a stone and a piece of flint from a small bag at his side and drops them beside some of the torches. He places a few leaves next to the stone, strikes the flint, and makes a few sparks fly, igniting the dead leaves.

Zurk then begins to light torches, handing them to Tynzhal to pass around to the Riders.

Uthrac shifts his position abit, tilting his head up to stare off into the dense trees.

Tynzhal drops his unlit torches to take up those lit by Zurk. He moves quickly among the riders, handing out the torches, then returning for more.

Azashchakka points to several uruks who unfold the net over the path here. Several more climb into the trees flanking the pathway. The net is passed up to them and soon it is lifted higher into the trees and out of sight.

Azashchakka grins with evil pleasure as the remaining uruks melt into the forrest on the sideof the path. He points to Guthmug, "Youre bait. Stand there." Azashchakka nods to a section of road just past the extent of the net.

Zurk growls under his stinking breath, "Pass dez around to the Ujaks on Wargs." The Logaz scoops up the unlite torches and shoves them under his arm once more.

Guthmug moves over to stand in the middle of the road, making sure he is beyond the reach of the net. He scans the treest nervously, fingering the hilt of his dagger.

Azashchakka walks down the path scaning the preparations. The smile that covers his face streches from ear to ear.

Zurk slings his bag over his left shoulder and holds the last blazing torch with his left clawed hand.

Tynzhal gives the last torch to a large uruk seated on a pitch black warg. He turns and ducks into the forest to conceal himself with the other uruks.

Uthrac moves back along the edge of the road, the spear held ready level with his chest. He looks out onto the road at the uruk choosen to stand as bait and shakes his head.

Zurk quickly scrambles after Tynzhal, following him into the darker parts of the forest.

Towering above the others, Ugbuz looks behind him and motions for the Ujaks to form up behind him.

Zurk leaps out from the evil shadows and heads back towards the Rakarg, Ugbuz. He jogs past him and gets in line behind the dozen Warg Riders.

Azashchakka looks at Ugbuz and whispers, "When you are ready." He then turns and dissapears into the trees lining the path.

Tynzhal ducks to the side as Zurk trots by, then jumps out to follow him.

Towering above the others, Ugbuz turns around to look over his troops behind him. Nodding with satisfaction, he draws forth his scimitar and holds it up in the air, though not yet giving the signal to march.

Zurk side-glances at the slave, Tynzhal and whispers to him, "<Uruk> 'ere take this. When spiders come, we start to light fires around to scare demz. Okay?"

Zurk hands the Snaga a torch and lights it with his own without a sound.

Towering above the others, Ugbuz lets the black blade of his scimitar cut the air and the order to move is given. Padding ahead silently at the lead is the Rakarg atop his warg.

Tynzhal takes the torch in his left hand, and nods silently, his eyes scanning around.

<Desc of Webbed Glen>Webbed Glen A musty smell of rotten meat, of death, and rank fecal matter permiates the cool air here which is almost thicker in nature then the sprouting ground underneath your feet. A feeling of dread creaps slowly into your bones as you can hear the sounds of rustling amonst the trees; occasionaly a bright set of eyes flash out in the darkness above, or around you, though disappears before you can focus on them. No sign can be seen of the weather above the pressing tree cover. The sprouting gives a little beneathe your feet, though why can't be deserned.

A sound of clicking can be overheard, amidst the trees... Chitterings and skitterings erupt from the trees above.

Towering above the others, Ugbuz holds his weapon ready and in front of him as do the other uruks as they slowly approach the webbed glen.

Towering above the others, Ugbuz rips his scimitar from his belt and holds it ready.

Zurk turns and breaks away from the Warg riders. He scrambles about stealthily, darting in and out, trying not to make a noise.

Most of the warg riders break off and circle the glade cautiously, keeping a safe distance.

Geolograeg skitters along a branch, hissing and sputtering, "Siiiiiisters. What habe we here?"

Several warg riders break off from the main contingent and halt their rides. Steadying themselves, they pull bows from their backs and nock an arrow each, awaiting the order from their commander to fire into the tangle of webs.

Tynzhal breaks from the Wargs simultaneously with Zurk. His quick but careful steps lead him to the other side.

Gehenna says, "Fooooooods, that is it..But ooh, with hairy chickens too!" Gehenna spews a thich thread, stench oozing from her lair...

Towering above the others, Ugbuz watches the other uruks move about. He stays back at a safe distance with several other riders around him. The stench of death is strong here..and the light form the torches makes this arae even more gloomly and unholy....

Geolograeg hisses and says, "Yeeeeees, but they are nasty filty ones, not those sweet wood dwellers."

Towering above the others, Ugbuz looks up at the trees above for a moment cautiously and motions to the archers. Instantly, a flight of arrows is loosed from their bows, all directed at the webs. At the same moment, he barks out orders to several uruks that carry torches, "Light da fires now!"

Gehenna arphs, spewing new threads to escape...

From the trees above the area, more faint clickling is heared..as well as sounds of faint movement...

Geolograeg screeches, "What isssss this? Not the hot tongues!!!!"

Zurk crouches down beside a huge tree. He glances nervously at all the spider webs on the ground and in the trees. He holds up his torch and waves it about.

Gehenna says, "Siiiiiiiister....they wants us as dindin!!!!!!!!"

Tynzhal grins slighty as the order is given which frees him from inaction. He swings the burning torch low into the underbrush and listens for the crackle.

Spiders quiver and skitter away from the warmth, babbling and sputtering.

Zurk springs out from his hiding place and heads further out into the open, keeping his eyes locked on to the trees emitting the chittering sounds. He bends down and lights the decaying leaves and branches, instantly they catch alight and a small fire begins to brew.

Tynzhal steps quickly backwards as the brush catches the flame from the torch. Any thoughts of lighting another fire are lost along with the torch in the quick blaze.

From the trees above, there is faint movement away from the small fire that was started on the ground...the clicking has grown much loader now...

Zurk jumps to the side and scampers to the left, lighting a fire of the same sort about ten or so feet away. The archers nock their bows once more, aiming them at the source of the chittering and then letting another flight loose.

Geolograeg skitters around on her branch, avoiding the warm areas, but somewhat hemmed in.

Towering above the others, Ugbuz barks out at the uruks lighting the fires, "You'z better make sure you'z light a good fire or we'z all be dead!"

Tynzhal ducks back away from the rapidly spreading blaze, rubbing the back of his left hand, which was caught in the flames.

Gerglin separates from the group of spiders in the trees, to slide down a long, thin thread, she hisses, as she drops to the ground on her eaight legs.

Zurk spins around with lightning speed, heading back to the where the other Orcs are located. As he does so the two small fires begin to grow in size rapidly, red and yellow flames dance about madly in the darkness.

Geolograeg sputters, "Siiiisters!"

Gehenna throws a thread upon one of the invaders, rolling him up beautifully...and throwing him to the flames to her right.

Towering above the others, Ugbuz motions to several riders before him and they break loose, slashing at webs with their scimitars. They appear to be looking for something...

Geolograeg sticks a web to the branch and begins to lower herself on the only cealr path between two flaming spots.

Gehenna moves higher, her wide body bouncing, chittering curses upon the stinky flame-throwers

Gerglin hisses loudly and skitters towards, but not too close to the flame-bearing uruk. Her multitude of eyes watch, the glint of the flame reflected a hundred times in them, as her body remains still.

Tynzhal holds his burned hand awkwardly in his other as he jumps a branch, then sprints back to the safety of the other orcs. Skidding to a halt, he turns to watch the flames. His disappointment at only lighting one disappears as he sees how quickly it flares through the brush.

The arrow fly into the tree tops..and are lost from sigth..save for the the faint *tock* of arrow on wood...and a few unholy, shrell shreeks...the clickly has become very load now...al most too load for uruks....

Zurk lights another torch with his own and shoves it into the forest soil. He drops the remaining torches and creeps forward a few strides. He screams shrilly and slings the half-burned torch through the dark air towards one of the trees inhabited by spiders.

Gehenna moves away from the fire, towards the uruks.....

Geolograeg 's legs are all a flutter below her and she descends. The uruks that were searching for something stop their slashing as they spy a lone spider. They approach it warily, screaming and shouting as if to drive it towards the southwest.

Zurk backpedals quickly and snatches up the lite torch sunken into the ground. He waves it back and forth and scoops up the last few torches.

Gehenna stands above the initial group, and swirls her threads...Capturing Tynzhal amidts them!

Several of the archers dismount and stick their arrows into the flames, setting them alight before firing them. The torch thrown by one of the Orcs lands right in a large tree. Flames flicker and soon both tree and web are caught a flame.

Gehenna starts to hoist the dinner up, amidst the confusion.

Geolograeg sputters and hisses, venom forming on her fangs as she senses being circled in. She hits the ground and turns about, hissing, "Siiiiiisters . . ."

Tynzhal shrieks as something snags his body. He struggles furiously in the bonds.

Gehenna screeeeches in hapiness....

The uruks close in on the lone spider, their shields held in front of them. Some of them have their backs turned to it, waving torches and blades in the air to fend off any attacks from above and around.

Gehenna has Tynzhal a good 5 feet off the ground....and brings him closer to her fangs.

The left fire blazes out of control and continues heading westward on the forest floor. It's wrath is unforgiving as it swallows everthing in its path.

There is a yell of pure fear from the far side of the glade..as a some large spiders land on some poor uruk and begin to drag it off into the trees...other spider beging to drop to the ground ans start to move apon the uruks with torches....

Tynzhal twists in the webbing, trying frantically to find a way out. In the confusion, one hand finds the haft of his battle axe, which he struggles to bring to the threads.

Towering above the others, Ugbuz shouts out an order and the uruks with bows turn their attention on keeping the spiders away from the areas with less fire and smoke consuming it.

Geolograeg hisses and lashes out at one lone puny Uruk, poking him back into the fired.

Gehenna sees Geo through her 8 eyes, and lets her dinner hang hoisted up on a tree...The heavy body moving towards the uruk giving orders.

The small group of uruks moving in on the spider bring their torches to bear and slash at the spider, trying to drive it behind the main group and back to the southwest.

Zurk sees the fire nearest him getting dreadfully close. He gulps and turns, heading to the east a ways, keeping his eyes on the look out for any stray spiders that have gotten past the roaring fires.

Gehenna attacks a couple uruks on her menacing way

Tynzhal controls his screaming somewhat as the spider turns its attention elsewhere, trying to force his mind to think.

One of the bowmen hangs onto a flaming arrow a bit too long and the flames soon engulf the bow. Throwing it to the grounds, he sets both himself and hs warg alight, the dry underbrush beneath them catching flames quickly.

Gerglin moves towards Gehenna, slowly weaving her legs towards the other spider, through patches of flame that have caught away from the main fires. She slowly increases her speed, skittering a few times even over smaller fires with quickness and speed, to leap towards the orcs who drive the spider onwards.

Geolograeg feints and bobs away from the Uruk, fearful of their fire brands and of the flames that are behind her.

Gehenna moves, horrid legs clicking onto the groround, fangs dripping venon just used. A sudden gust of wind sends flames of one fire rushing outward, engulfing a couple of Uruks heading towards the spider home. Screams are heard as they are consumed...

Gehenna curls her legs, springing her up towards Ugbuz

Zurk tosses an armful of torches beside him and marches forward, wielding his burning piece of wood as a club. The Orc dashes towards the other Ujaks battling against the spiders.

Towering above the others, Ugbuz grunts in surprise and almost loses his balance. He swings his blade wildly, trying to drive off the spider that is upon him.

Geolograeg quivers and shivers, snapping and biting at the beasts around her.

Gehenna drives her fangs into Ugbuz....but only enough to dizzy him, not to kill, until the blade swings.

Zurk stops and quickly spots a small fragment of stone beneath his bare black feet. He picks it up and launches it through the flames at one of the terrifying spiders, Gehenna.

Gehenna does not stop her attack on Ugbuz, even though a pin prickle seems to happen on her back.

Towering above the others, Ugbuz reels from the bite and shouts out frantically and the uruk bowmen start to fall back slowly.

The group herding Geolograeg tries to quicken their pace and all around them, uruks are starting to come together in defence.

Tynzhal hangs silently in the web, having won over his fear at least enough to focus on twisting his axe blade onto the threads which suspend him. He contorts his body to the side, sawing awkwardly with the axe. The first thread slowly separates, then a second snaps. As he twists to bring the axe to bear on another part of the web, a hole tears open in the bottom and dumps him out. The height was greater than he anticipated, and he hits the ground with a thud, blacking out.

Towering above the others, Ugbuz screams out and claws at Gehenna with his free hand, the venom starting to numb his side.

Zurk heads on, panting and out of breath. He slows as he comes within twenty feet of the closest spider, Gehenna. He licks his lips nervously and decides on what to do and fast.

Geolograeg manages to catch on Uruk on the arm, snapping the wrist, which causes the torch being held to fall loosely, bouncing off her head, singing her wiry black hairs with a sickly odor.

Gerglin is slowly being surrounded by blade wielding Uruks. Seeing them coming, however, an arc of thread spits towards one of the nearby trees and scrambles towards it, also scrambling up the ropelike thread. Her pursuit, however, does not end, instead she picks off Uruks from the air, once firmly settled in the trees, using her strands of thread to bind and raise them upwards.

Zurk screams, the high-pitched sound filling the glen. He charges forward and dives, throwing his blazing torch at Gehenna, aiming for her many bright eyes.

Tynzhal moans, rolling to his side in the underbrush. He blinks a few times, then groans as consciousness, along with his pain, comes crashing back into him. Forcing himself to his feet is a struggle, his side bruised badly.

Gehenna sinks her fangs furiously into Ugbuz, fire abounding around her, but starting to calm down elsewhere.

Several torches are brought to strands of web and brush and tree suddenly fire begins to take hold in the clearing. Arrows from the mounted Warg riders fly through the air in volley after volley.

Towering above the others, Ugbuz reaches behind him and tries to pry the spider off with one mighty tug. The venom starts to make it's way into his system and he is obviously dazed and light-headed.

Geolograeg continues to snap and bite, hissing and cursing everything from each Uruk's mother to the bugs that crawl on her bloated body. The smoking torch flys true through the musty air. It slams into the great spider's face, puncturing one of the eight arachnid eyes.

Zurk stands and screams again, running to the east, almost on all fours.

Tynzhal makes it erect, then drops back to his knees. Struggling, he gains his feet once more, but doesn't fully rise. He snatches up his axe from where it had fallen, one clear thing in the fuzzy confusion of images.

A skinny Uruk clinging to a massive Warg bounds into the center of the glade. A long handled torch is held at his side. He whips it around in a circle releaseing it on its upward arc and letting it fly into the webs above.

Zurk , almost, runs right into the eight-legged beast, Geolograeg. He yelps and shuffles backwards awkwardly. "Skai!"

Geolograeg is surprised by Zurk, but snaps at him quickly with blind rage.

Content with the effect, Gehehnna moves on towards the group taking Geo...

One Uruk beats with his shield upon the head of a spider who is attempting to drag his dazed warg away.

Towering above the others, Ugbuz reels and passes out, slumping over on his warg. Noticing the change in his rider's condition, he turns and starts to pull back.

Zurk steps to the side, barely missing the snapping jaws of the giant spider. He yells, spins around, and slowly makes his way southward, limping.

One elderly Uruk with a look of barbaric wisdom sits calmly atop a battle hardened Warg who remains completely still in the confusion. He launches arrow after arrow at the masses of glowing eyes that he spots.

Zurk loses his balance and falls, tumbling to the rocky earth with a painful thud. He turns around and looks back in horror at the spider only a dozen or so yards away.

Gehenna erps and moves fast to a tree, then throwsa thread up, and eats it, elevating herself above the crowd of uruks.

A line of five Uruks on Warg back ride about the clearing. They fire barbed arrows at Gehenna's fat abdomen.

Tynzhal holds his axe tightly, his concrete connection to a world which has gone unfocused after his fall. He half runs, half stumbles away from the spiders. Blindly rushing through the forest, he avoids the flames with the sensation of heat.

Shiel bearing Ugbuz starts moving back towards the southwest, signalling the others to do the same. Some of the injured uruks take the signal and follow while the others keep up their defense.

Geolograeg snaps at Zurk again and hisses loudly, legs trmebling even more.

Gehenna disappears into the foliage, one of two arrows to her skin

A volley of arrows is launched from the five riders once again... this speading towards Geolograeg. Several Uruks advance on on Her from the Northeast each holding a flameing brand in thier hands The wargs they are mounted on pad softly and purposefully towards the spider and the flames of the forrest are at thier back.

Zurk is almost snapped in two by the huge creature. But he moves fast to save his own life, but he is still not quick enough to dodge the spider entirely. The spider's bite slashes through the flesh of Zurk's left leg, injecting the vile venom.

Shiel bearing Ugbuz disappears to the southwest, his rider slumped over on top of him in an unconcious state.

Tynzhal gasps in relief as he crashes through the undergrowth into the midst of some other orcs. The terror of the spider's capture of him, as well as the confused images, still holds his mind as he slows down to move out with the others.

Zurk jumps ot his feet, ignoring the pulsating pain in his black-skinned leg. He turns and flees, hoping the spider does not follow.

By retreat and preasure from the North East Geolograeg is being pushed towards the southwest.
