Drunk Ashjaki, Recruiting, and Pencils


Karthen stirs as she sits near one of the smallish fires not far from the dark temple, and hisses sharply in pain as she does, the sound trailing off into a series of mumbled words too low to be heard as she settles again, looking about her at the camp.

Daargar goes Into Character.

Daargar comes out of the war wagon and looks to his troops as they hand back the last of the weapon that where taken earlyer for the uruks in the camp...he then starts to walk about the camp ...moveing form fire to fire...

Karthen's eye falls on Daargar as he moves, and when he nears the fire where she sits, she motions to him, calling him closer, asking in a sightly subdued voice, "Report, Dratul, what news?"

Daargar stops and moves over to Karthen's fire and bows quickly and says "Tek'Rak...my troop are hand back the last of the weapon we took for the uruks in camp...and we are keeping watch that no fights happen between your tribe and master Uhkrug's tribe.. .

Naarumek says, "So the rumors I have heard are true," Naarumek says, making its way from the forest near the two Uruk-Hai. The darkling nods slightly to ithe Tek'rak and then to the Dratul. "I was a short distance away at the time, only moments ago did I hear of it.""

Karthen hisses softly at the mention of that name, her hand automatically going to her wound again as she nods slowly. "Good.. good.. You did well by doing that. You think well.." She looks the other over slowly, then motions for him to sit on another nea rby log. "Come sit.."She stops as Naarumek approaches, and looks to him, nodding. "Yes, they are, Naarumek.."

Naarumek says, "yes, I have had problems with that one also.." its voice trails off for a moment, then picks back up as he continues: "mayhaps someone should speak with him of it?"

Daargar nods quickly to Naarumek "Tek'rak..." then looks back to Karthen "Is there anything else you wish this night?..."then looks to Naarumek "Or you Tek'rak?" then then quickly looks about the camp to see if all is in order still...

Karthen laughs shortly, barely managing to fight off a grimace as she does. "Talk! The only talk that fool will understand will have to be done with arms. Curse my weak arms, they were not a match for him. This time..."She eyes flash red with their anger of old as she looks into the fire.

Karthen nods to Daargar, motioning for him to sit again, and for Naarumek to move away a little. "Yes.. I would speak with you. Alone. I will send for you soon, Naarumek, and we will talk of this.. problem.. Till then, make sure the snaga do not do anythi ng foolish, as they so often do."

Naarumek shakes its helmed head, grining obviously at the Tek'rak. "No, I will TALK to him," it growls, a sarcastic tone comming from its rasping voice. It turns to Daargar, peering quizically at him for a moment before speaking, "no, I don't have need of anything."

Daargar looks back to Karthen and nods, he then puts his battle axe away then sits and waits for the Trk'rak to speek...

Naarumek makes a short bow, comming up quickly, and turns, heading off for another part of the camp.

Daargar replaces the deadly looking axe in the in a sling and puts it across his back.

Karthen waits untill Naarumek has moved away a little before she lowers her voice to speak with Daargar, leaning fowards a little so that none can overhead much of what is said, though a few words may slip through. She pauses for a moment, then continues, still speakingin the same way.

You paged Daargar with 'I have been watching you, Dratul, and I like what I have seen.. I think you have the potential.. *pause* Join the Burzum-Prakh, and work with me.. Think of the things we could do, the power and glory we could win..'.

Daargar nods slowly "I am most honered Tek'rak...but if I join then will you let the Legion troops join with me?..." he then looks about the camp for a moment..brfore looking back to Karthen.

Naarumek has disconnected.

Karthen scowls slightly, looking into the fire again for several long minutes before looking to the Dratul again. "How many would that be? I have heard of these, 'Dark Legions', but not much.."

Daargar looks to the fire and says "There a 8 of us in all..and I have known all of them for the last five years...I trust them with my life..and I give my word on all of then..Tek'rak..and if one fails you..you can take my life.." he then bows his head..

Karthen looks to the other for a long, long while, red eyes seeming to look through the other to his very mind, reading what she sees there. "Their names? And tribe.."

Daargar nods quickly and says very softly "They are Gothrond, Thibius, Rogmoth, Tarm, Striff, Bloger, and young Thog...and none of are the main tribes...some are from the Stnemmth..and others are form the Nockto tribe..I myself never had a tribe save the Legion..." he then looks to the fire for a moment..

Karthen repeats softly, Gothrons, Thibius, Rogmoth, Tarm Striff, Bloger and Thog..." She sinks into silent thought for a moment, then looks to him again."You will not join if I do not take them? I may, if they prove as skilled as you, but I will need to s ee them, as I have you.."

Daargar nods slowly and thinks for a moment "I will talk it over with them...and give you my word on this matter..can you give a day Tek'Rak..or do you need my word on this now?

A small pack of drunken Ashjaki stumble down the mountainside, thier hands hang limply at thier sides, and thier eyes are not focused...

The drunken Ashjaki make a ring around a cookfire where a large barrel has been placed, 7 they number, and soon thier raucous laghter begins to cut through the relative silence of the camp...

A small comotion arises near the ashjaki tribesmen, it seems that several of them are holding a snaga of the dark tribe in place by his outstreched arms, as another larger ashjaki stands a few paces off with a hatchet in his hand, testing its edge and lau ghing wickedly.

Daargar looks up at hearing the sounds of the drunk uruks then waves to one of the Legion uruks then points to his eyes then quickly points to the fire where the drunk uruks are...the Legion uruk nods and waves to other uruks of the legion to help brake u p the seen...

The snaga strugles in vain against the larger uruks...

The uruk raises his hatchet over his head, but stops suddenly as if remembering something, and tests the edge one more time, laughing to himself.

A smaller uruk clad in a black suit of leather armor and rough cloth steps out of the dark hut on the edge of camps, at his belt two sharp daggers. Pendents on his right shoulder include that of the Zaghbuurz Flame, a Dagger, and a small Hut.

Very quickly five for the Legion troops come to the uruk that called them over..the Legion uruks readly the battle axes..the one of the Legion uruks calls out to the drunken uruks "Stop it now..or you will fell our steal...Go back to your camp Now!!!

Karthen looks ver towards the party of snaga, noting the axe, and stands to her feet, though not quite straight, and calls over in a course yell, "SNAGA!! Stop your foolishness, and go away.. I have business to do, and can not be troubled by you maggots. Go have your fun elsewhere if you must.." She watches as the Legions work, noting how they work together and move..

The uruk in black pulls out a rolled parchment and opens it, inspecting the top of the message. He suddenly looks up and snorts. "Is there a Tek'Rak Karthen in these camps?!", he bellows out.

Karthen hisses as she hears her name called, sinking to her log again as she nods, speaking loudly enough to be heard, but not in a yell. "Over here, snaga. I am Karthen."

The large uruk standing a bit off from the snaga holding the hatchet, looks at Karthen sourly, before stepping close to the snaga, grabbing him by the neck...

Daargar looks to the snaga and then back to his troops..as they begin to move on the drunken uruks..

The uruk in black arches his eyebrow, and marches towards Karthen, handing her the parchment as formerly as possible. "This came for you from Dushgob today, Tek'Rak."

The large orc pulls the snaga away from his fellows, turning him towards Karthen and kicking him in the back, sending him sprawling into the mud.

Karthen takes the parchment somewhat roughly from the uruk, and opens it, reading over it quickly in the light of the fire..

The snaga scrables to his feet and begins to run to the relative safeness of Karthens side...

(+MAIL from Krintak:)

This letter should arrive to Dol Guldur about now, if that's where you're camped...the messanger will recognize and deliver it to you.

Durub-Lata-Hai of the Burzum-Prakh: I have heard news of the Watcher's not returning, and so I assume you are now takeing full command. I have not received news of your location, or your intentions. I ask that you send this information back with my messanger. Also, have you any idea where m y scouts have gone?

Krintak:Current Dominate of Dushgob division according to the Watcher's plan, Tek'Rak u Burzum-Durub Burzum-Prakh.

The uruk in black stands straight awaiting any orders from the Burzum-Prakh political authority.

Karthen looks up at the snaga running over, then to the messenger. "Shall I just tell you my reply, or does he want a written one?"

Suddenly a hatchet flies through the night air embedding itself in the snagas back, who falls to the ground dead. The large uruk now empty handed grins at Karthen over the dead body of the snaga.

The uruk in black clenches his teeth together in thought. "You better make out a written one. The Master rarely trusts reports of sound."

The Legion troops set apone the drunken uruks ..very quickly (and with skill) use the flats of there axes to knock the heads of the drunken uruks..in the hopes of makeing them pass out or flee...

Karthen stands quickly as one of her snaga falls , and turns her burning gaze to the large uruk before snarling and returning to the messenger. "WELL? Have you no reply? As you can see, I have other matters on hand.. Ah. Very well.. I will use that fools blood as my ink." She glares at the uruk in question again as she speaks, drawing her scimitar from her seath, all pain seemingly forgotten in her anger.

A hiss of swords being drawn fills the air as the drunken soldiers, possibly not as drunk as they had seemed earlier arm themselves and back up forming a fighting wedge...

Karthen sees the change, and swears quickly in the dark tongue of the uruk. Then she motions for her own guards to join those of the Legion, and stands her ground as they rush in..

The ashjaki take one sinuous step after another moving backwards towards the summit, moving like a single creature.

The black uruk slowly draws his dagger as he sees the Ashjaki snaga pull their weapons. He barks out something unintelligable, or perhaps only to some, as a large squad of scouts with daggers or bows ling up behind him, and another smaller squad of axe be aring guards in front.

The Legion troops begin to spred out and start to swing there axes in wide arcs...not going to be the first to attack but to counter..the Leader of the Legion uruks crys out.."Go back to your camp now and sleep it off!! or you will not see the next night. .Go now and live!!

Daargar looks back to Karthen and at seeing what is happening he quickly pulls off his Battle axe and stands at the readly...

Daargar pulls a very deadly looking axe of his back and holds it at the readly.

Swords and and axe and shield are beared as the uruks continue thier slow retreat, the large uruk that forms the head of the wedge grins and is definitely NOT drunk, his manor does not change as he hears the leaders words, but continues to pace slowly bac kwards the other uruks mirroring his actions untill they are a safe distance away, when they break ranks and begin to flee towards the summit.

Karthen laughs shortly as the snaga break ranks and flee, "I knew they would. Fools.." She sheaths her sword again, then slowly sits on the log again, looking to the messenger. "Now.. for a reply.." She turns the parchment over, meaning to write on the ba ck of the same paper, but of course has no pen. She hisses, then stands again, walking slowly towards the Temple, where she knows the Ordainer has such things..

The Legion uruks stand readly for the attack..but do not give chase when the uruks flee..tho they watch the uruks untill they make it half way up the hill then ..they stand down and go back to watch ine camp in case more out breaks happen...

Daargar watches as the Tek'rak moves off..then starts to walk off to the war wagon...as he gose he call to the Legion troops to gather by the war wagon..for they have much to talk about this night...

Very quickly the Legion troops gather and then one by one they enter the wagon and take turns talking to Daargar inside of it...

After long moments, the dark shape of Karthen pushes aside the flaps that cover the temple door and slowly returns to the fire, carrying the prchment in one gnarled hand.

TO: Krintak SUBJECT: Re: IC letter MESSAGE:

Drub-Lata-Hai of the Zaghburz: I have had the same news, and this from you confirms it. I am now assuming full command, as you said. We are currently at Dol Guldor, awaiting further orders before we return to Barad-Dur. Once we have returned there, and the Watcher is safe, we w ill start on our revenge for the Watcher's death. As for your scouts, I know nothing.

Karthen,Tek'Rak u Durub-Lata-Hai Burzum-Prakh

Karthen reads her reply over one more time to be sure she wrote it correctly, then folds the parchement so the new message is to the inside, and hands it to the messenger. "Here. Take it quickly, and mind it gets there or I personally will make skind parc hment from your hide to resend it on."
