NEWS: The Death of the Ghashdruin


Finally after many rumors and unsurity's the Burzam-Prakh tribe rose from the ashes of the Ghashdruin tribe like the Pheonix. Yet one Ghashdruin remained. Like a ghost that never stops haunting. Maybe even planning some kind of revenge on the destroyers of his tribe. Thus the story has been until then night of september 25th. The Priest of Lugburz and the Tek'Rak Krinter met that cold night by the burning fire. There the evil scheme was hatched from the foul minds of the two Uruk-Hai. The Tek'Rak and Priest decided it was time to end the threat to the Burzum-Prakh tribe, and thus carried out some long forgotten command. Krinter and the one known as Cloak gathered up 5 of the best Uruks: Grazmol, Yark, Malfador, Vrismag, and Hashnak; and issued weapons to them all. The Tek'Rak then led the party, under the watchful eye of the Priest, out into Barad-Dur to find the renegade Uruk-Hai known as Garth.

After searching for quite sometime they found a Shack and then broke in. There he sat, the last threat to Burzum-Prakh. All Seven of the Mordain were hard pressed against this remarkably skilled warrior. Seeming every strike was deftly parried. Yet no one is perfect, and they eventually began to wear Garth down. The Priest, after a long time, ordered the wounded to retreat and followed them attending to their Grievous wounds. The Tek'Rak continued to fight Garth as the others retreated.

Hours later back at Ered-Lithui the Tek'Rak came into the holes bearing a body with him. The body of the threat, now truly just a ghost. . .or is he?
