NEWS: Skirmish in Ithilien
A quiet night it was, the snaga working on cutting the lumber as usual.
While KRAZKULL watched the snags build and chop, SNAADZ and some of his
following snaga controlled a small group of labor. BURGUUL grows impatient
with KRAZKULL as he does not understand the old one's usfulness at all and
a power struggle argument begins. BURGUUL argues that if the old one can no
longer do his duty he is useless, while KRAZKULL tries to prove that the
camp needs his intelligence and expierience.
FARCRY stands by and relaxes on a tree stump, almost unnoticed. the two
logaz soon order this one to work, and everything is quieted. KRAZKULL grows
fedup with BURGUUL's views of him, and orders a scout to the camps led by
himself with some snagas and SNAADZ.
KRAZKULL is soon off with SNAADZ and 3 others of his chopping crew. They
creep slowly and quietly to a rock of rubble where the human KAIA rests.
They watch quietly as BURGUUL enters the area, only to be discovered by the
approaching DARBIAN as he shoots a painful arrow shot into BURGUUL's
Soon the human camp is in a fearful uproar that they are being invaded
and flee to their fortress, as KRAZKULL scowls BURGUUL and orders SNAADZ to
return to camp for reinforcments. THe Gondorian camp is soon full of archers
in the towers and footmen on the fields.
BURGUUL maliscously charges DARBIAN with his scimitar after the Gondorian
loses all of his arrows in the dark and readies his long sword and shield.
The two engage in heavy and swift combat as KRAZKULL charges DARBIAN in
protection of the very able smith as SNAADZ returns with an army of working
KRAZKULL misses DARBIAN and is sent 10 feet behind him wear he pants
tiredly and is attacked by a footmen. BURGUUL soon is out matched by DARBIAN
and runs off to the uruk camps, already having his arrow wound. It is vowed
by him, "You will be 'membered whitskin".
The army of working snaga brought by SNAADZ soon engage the footmen and
especially DARBIAN causing the archers to cease after the close combat of
their own kind. KRAZKULL gains the energy to again charge DARBIAN but is
hurled to the ground in a fancy drop kick by DARBIAN, who is attacked by a
hoard of 3 different lumberjack slaves.
KRAZKULL sees his chance to escape as DARBIAN is attacked, and others such
as RAVENWYR approach the scene. The old logaz is soon back to camp shortly
before the retreat of SNAADZ and roughly 30 uruk slaves. Later it was
estimated that 40 human footmen died and that 50 snaga workers died in
their futile attempt of an attack with wood axes and heavey stones.
The battle ends at that, and the ballista is now almost finished. Just to
keep you updated on the late night happenings.