NEWS: Mordor Takes Osgiliath


Quite a day it was, July 30 1996. The uruks of Mordor were now working at double speed in some kind of fear of a visit. A visit of some powerful and dark force... some time later, chills of fear went throughout the camp as the aura of the Dark Rider KHAMUL had arrived... soon everyone was ordered to bow by the 3 hai present, NARTHAUG, MORDENAUG, and KARZOUL.

The nazgul asked of who was in charge, NARTHAUG responded by rising and explaining that the three hai present lead the group almost equally. KHAMUL questioned why they could not have but one leader. Therefore KARZOUL in complete fear rised to his knees and claimed responsibility for the armies. The Uruk-Hai was delaying from fear, and then ordered to get the armies ready as KHAMUL expected them to already be... and he did so along with NARTHAUG.

MORDENARG went to its wagon of weapons forged by its own smith abilities, distributing them quickly. The snagas were quick to get in line as they were equipped, and soon NARTHAUG announced that the armies were KHAMUL's to command. They moved west without hesitation.

The sight of KHAMUL strikes fear into the humans as they arrive, and the attack spreads chaos. MORDENAUG approaches SGT_DUNIRK with, "I would say good evening, but it seems unwarranted." as it is with no fear of the sergeant. The human only replied with an attack as NARTHAUG charged ELBARAD with a battle cry. The battle rages on, the Mordain orcs becoming more and more victorious as did time.

The snaga DREEGAL began to fight off some human guards, as GRAAL bravely attacked HURIN with fear in his gut. ORTUGG fought with ISILMETHAR in close combat. Soon KHAMUL had raised his hand while muttering something dark, and that's exactly what happned. The skys became dark. Fear assailed in everyone's hearts.

Soon KARZOUL had become tired with killing off guards and looked for a more challenging victim. He spotted ELBARAD who was in close combat with NARTHAUG, and approached him, attacking him too. The shaman mentioned that he needed no help when asked... and he didn't. KARZOUL went to pick on ISILMETHAR and help GRAAL at this.

MORDENAUG began to pick on the untrained young men that had been protecting the superior's flanks and left SGT_DUNIRK. NARTHAUG continues to fight off ELBARAD as GRAAL at his little size fights HURIN. ORTUGG begines to lose his edge against ISLMETHAR just as the uruk-hai KARZOUL comes in for the rescue. He easily begins to pound on the human as ORTUGG is given a chance to regain position and help attack also.

ISILMETHAR soon begins to lose the battle against KARZOUL, trying to fool himself by singing Gondorian songs to lift his spirits. HURIN announces something in a foreign human language.. most probably a retreat. NARTHAUG uses his shaman abilities while in combat with ELBARAD, sprinkling a dust in the air with a blinding flash as he strikes him down. ISILMETHAR calls for help as KARZOUL begins to kill him off and SGT_DUNIRK soon comes to his aid by slicing at the miner's armored back. He is distracted and begins combat with SGT_DUNIRK after almost killing ISILMETHAR. ELBARAD is blinded by NARTHAUG's flash attack for a few moments as he desperatly continues combat. SGT_DUNIRK begins to carry ISILMETHAR back to the fort, and is slowed down as his leg is gashed open by KARZOUL.

The entire Gondorian force begins retreat, and the Mordain are ordered to secure the area by KHAMUL the nazgul. Soon tents are set up, and the great siege machines ballista and catapults are brought in. Camp is nearly complete as a snaga notices smoke coming out of the Gondorian Fort's arrow slits. A fire was blazing in the fort!

Soon NARTHAUG, KARZOUL and WOG had all gone into the fort to investigate... and found that the fort had been purposly burned finding lit torches on the ground. They noticed rubble and foot prints in the live ash to the bunks... and followed discovering a hidden tunnel in the wall that had been caved in.

Soon they had left the colapsing fort, as it fell behind them. That was the last of the events involving the Gondorians for July 30 1996.
