Ambush by the Anduin
Mouths of Entwash and the Anduin
You stand on a small path near the edge of the swamps of the Mouths of the Entwash. To the northeast you can see the Rauros Falls, where the waters of the Emyn Muil join the Mouths of the Entwash to form the Great River, Anduin. Past the river to the east you can spy the Nindalf, also known as the Wetwang, and beyond them you can sense the foreboding fear of the Dead Marshes.
Fourty men of Gondor are marching through the swampy ground along the river. Ten of their number bear torches, held aloft to provide light for safety on the treacherous path.
Llachhal fingers his bow as he takes a quick glance behind him, to make sure the archers among the scouts and forayers are ready. He holds an arrow ready to nock, and looks ahead with a feeling of uneasiness.
Several hundred feet north of the small path, nearly invisible due to the heavy rains and tall grass of the rolling Rohirrim fields, a dark cluster of low-crouching, squat figures moves through the gloomy darkness towards the west. The sharp, clinking sounds of armor and weapons, and the occasional cursing and muttering of the sneaking Mordain is drowned out by the howling of the brisk winds and the rumbling of the chill downpour. A large Uruk-hai, Troglaaz, clad in a heavy suit of mail and a black surcoat moves among them, the flat top of his steel helmet visible over the heads of the smaller orcs around him.
To the south of the hazy path, a large mound seems to rise from the ground. A small mob of about three dozen Uruks crouch in the rain. In front of them all stands Glurg'erg, their Tek'rak, His dull metallic skullcap and facemask barely visible in the dull light. His Scimitar is held tightly in his hand as he waits for the right time to spring on the enemy.
Llachhal flashes a hand signal and the archers in the line behind him nock their arrows, as does he. He gives a quick glance to Elbarad, wondering if the commander is as uneasy as him, then his eyes go back to the terrain ahead and around him.
Arachias growls quietly to himslf, his form hidden well in the tall grass and swaying brush. Foam froths over his lips at the smell of human, his nostrils flaring as his senses pick up the approaching men. Slowly his head tilts to look off into the darkness, his eyes dimming to a pale glow. There he searches for what he smells and senses, but sees nothing, the figures still too far off. With a tightening of his grip on his blade he crouches his head lower, quieting his breathing as to continue to follow the trail of odors which floats about the land.
One Uruk stands by the side of his Teguk, and mutters to him as they sneak up, quietly he edges closer, waiting for the right moment.
Elbarad catches the uneasy glance sent his way by Llachhal. Holding up his hand in an order to halt the march the men pass the word down the line and come to a halt. Looking about to see what has worried the leader of the scouts he asks when he sees nothing, "What is it Llachhal? I see nothing but trust your judgement in this."
Troglaaz drops lower in his crouch, his mailed right hand straying absently towards the black hilt of the scimitar at his side. His dark red eyes narrow slightly behind the visor of his helm, as he peers through the gloom and rain towards the path along the south. His left hand darts up swiftly as he spots the bright, flickering torchlight some distance away, the two dozen orcs behind him coming to a stop at his signal. Silently, he motions towards the west and south before stalking in that direction, his troops following behind.
Llachhal shakes his head slightly. "Tis the kind of weather the enemy likes to attack in. But I like not we had no time to scout out the way. If you will, I will take the lead though not a far one. Mayhap I will catch some warning, though in this strorm, that might be unlikely. Still, if I go down, you will see and have a little warning, at the least." He turns his eyes to Elbarad as he finishes, awaiting the man decision.
Analdin comes to a halt, along with the rest of the Gondorian troops. Glancing carefully at the layout of terrain before him, he tilts his head a bit so as to be abke to hear what the Gondorian leards speak of.
Elbarad glances about warily, "I do not like the idea of you seperating yourself from the others. I will agree but only if you do not go by yourself and agree to not stray more then a bow shot away from the main patrol. We are small enoguh in numbers as it is."
Arachias does not move as the rain pours down upon his helmet, spilling its cold water upon his flesh and down his sides with icy fingers. Instead he remains vehment on his focus, refusing to detour his eyes or senses from what he believes to be true. The foam which spews about his mouth and upper lip, floats away with the water, falling upon the ground as it defiles what once was so beatiful. A dark chuckle escapes his lips and then again he peers off into the dark and shadowed night, looking for the images which dance so vividly in his mind.
The dark band of squat shapes north of the path move silently through the grasses, the rains' roar drowning out the clinking of armor and weapon, as well as the soft thudding of heavy boots upon the wet ground. Troglaaz raises his hand to halt once more, as they come near the path, still to the north and east of the humans. The troop of orcs behind him, most of them clad in light armor and black surcoats, drop to a crouch, waiting patiently for their commander's signal.
Glurg'erg lets a small smile creep oonto his face as he sees one of the Humans detach himself from the main body. As he creeps closer, his party behind him, he readies his spear to be able to toss it quickly, and have enough time to reach for his Scimitar.
Llachhal nods, "Aye, I've no wish to be caught off guard and out of sight. I will take one other with me, and will go out only far enough so that we may still see you." He flashes a quick grin. "Twill do you nor us any good, if we are taken, and you see it not." He waves a hand at another scout, Celeg, and the two move out head somewhat, Llachhal glancing back now and then to be sure that the column is still in sight. The rest of his attention, and Celeg's, is on the terrian about them, though the storm hampers their vision and hearing.
Elbarad waits until Llachhal and the other scouts are about 50 yards in front of them before giving the order to move on again. Soon the small patch of light caused by the torches can be seen making it's way along the path again.
Glurg'erg stops for a moment, and raises his hand, signaling his group to stop. He stands slowly, and caulks his arm back behind his head, his speartip aimed at Llachhal. He lets fly his spear, the foot-long metal tip glistening in the rain. At a small gust of wind, and the bad aim of the Tek'rak, the spear arcs towards Elbarad instead of it's intended target, Llachhal.
Glurg'erg's spear throw hits Analdin, mildly wounding him!
The spear lies now upon the ground now at his feet.
Analdin jumps back as a spear glances off his mail. With a short, under his breath curse, he draws his sword and looks around for where it came from.
Bunji seeing the attack made, jumps to his feet and starts to sprint towards the enemy. Raising his battle axe, he lets loose his battle Cry!
Troglaaz's dark lips twist upwards in a greedy sneer as his eyes spot the two humans moving ahead, his hand rising once more to signal. As he rises to his feet, he half turns to speak several muttered words to one of the Uruks beside him, who nods and trots westwards towards the main body of humans, followed by all but three of the orcs and Troglaaz himself. With a great shout, the Uruk-hai springs to his feet, his scimitar sliding out of it's sheath with a ringing, metallic rasp as he trots towards Llachhal. The three orcs behind him follow, their weapons rising overhead as they rush the two forward scouts.
Glurg'erg curses as his Spear shot is so far off from his target, and whips out his Scimitar, the dark blad dripping rainwater. Shouting out a loud battle-cry, he charges at the Humans, the Dushgob uruks behind him.
An averaged sized Uruk comes bounding out of the trees. His scimitar whirling in the air, his eyes are blood red, one smaller than the other, and they glare at you, looking blood thirsty. He cries a war cry, letting his fellow Uruch know that he is ready to wage battle.
Llachhal turns back towards the column at the rattle of the spear, then scans in the general direction that it came from, to attempt a shot. The nearby cry though changes his mind and he slips the strung blow over his shoulder, reaching for sheild and sword.
The men of Gondor turn towards the attacking orcs, the archers moving to position themselves to try to get a shot in. The gusting wind drives the rain first one way, then another, making it hard for both archers and the men-at arms to see.
Elbarad starts in surprise as the spear passes just to the left of him. With a hurried look to see how bad of a wound Analdin has taken he draws his sword and bellows out, "Ambush!" all in one motion. The men behind him stick their torches into the the muddy earth and drow forth their weapons as well.
Arachias head quickly jerks in the direction which the spear flies, listening to the reflecting of metal as it bounces off the armor. Slowly his lips curl upward in a wicked grin and then as Bunji jumps forward in his own howl he too begins to jog towards the soldiers. With a great swiftness he raises his scimitar for the ready, his fleshy brows narrowing to send forth his infernal gaze towards the first target which approaches. Foam and slobber fling forward and mix with the falling rain as they spray his opponent in putrid fumes and their sticky substance. The gusts of wind and fresh movement of the air rush into his open, gapping, mouth which like a forboding cave points its glimmering tusks towards the human army. From the pits of his gut his ribbed throat vibrates in a feirce growl which shatters the nightly air and raises high into the sky, a warning for all to hear of his bloodlust.
Glurg'erg picks out the HUman who the spear almost smacked, and roars in hate as he waves his Scimitar wildly about. His feet pound the boggy, muddy ground, his eyes flashing dangerously.
Llachhal gives Celeg a push towards the main body, then pulls the shield off his back, and his sword, Din, from it's sheathe, his eyes trying to watch in all directions at once.
Bunji runs towards a lone human, Growling under his breathe he twirls his axe above hu
Elbarad sets his feet in the mud, sword cocked over his shoulder menecingly as the first orcs rush toward his command.
Llachhal reaches to his left hip and draws his ancient blade swiftly out of it's battered sheath.
Analdin, sword already drawn, gets his shield quickly, almost hastily, into position, and prepares for the attack. Eyes shine brightly from the dim light, glinting as hard as his readied steel blade.
Glurg'erg takes a mighty leap in the air about 3 feet in front of Elbarad, his sword raised over his head. He is still slightly in the air as he reaches Elbarad, and his feet kick out savagly, bringing his sword down hard at Elbarad.
Troglaaz's crooked, dark scimitar rises overhead as he runs forward, it's dark blade cutting through the heavy rain and strong gusts of wind. Dropping his body low into a crouch, he raises the round leather shield before him tilts his head forward slightly.. His dark lips part to issue a rasping, angry snarl as he nears Llachhal, his dark eyes immediately turning on his opponent as he seeks a possible opening. Using the momentum from his rush, the Uruk-hai brings the heavy blade of his weapon down and across, the blow aimed towards the human's weapon shoulder.
Glurg'erg attacks Elbarad with his Bare Hands, but he misses by a long shot.
Troglaaz attacks Llachhal with his Scimitar...
The attack against Llachhal moderately wounds him!
Bunji runs towards a lone human, Growling under his breathe he twirls his axe above. Nearing a human that tries to remove his arm, he ducks behind the human. Twisting around he swings his axe at the humans neck. Meeting little resistence, the head is cleanly removed. STopping only to stoop over and remove the ears, Bunji yells and moves on to the next human.
Elbarad is waiting for the charging orc. Not dismayed by the orc's bone chilling war crys as a less experienced fighter might be he coolly knocks the blow aside and returns one of his own. His blade forced downwards to waist height by the strength behind the scimitar he simply brings the huge slab of steel in his hands across the midsection of Glurg'erg, intent on spilling the orcs guts about it's feet.
Elbarad attacks Glurg'erg with his Greatsword, but he misses by a mile.
Llachhal sees the attacking orcs at the last minute, and turns, yelling to Celeg "Ware, they come at us here. He brings the shield up, but it's too late to block the blow with it and his sword reaches the orc's scimitar after it hits, leaving a deep sore acroos his right shoulder. The blades clash as they meet and he tries to knock the scimitar high and away, to follow with a stab under the arm of the orc facing him.
Llachhal attacks Troglaaz with his Longsword!...
...and he parries his attack with his Scimitar!
The wild hooting and screaming becomes audible over the howling of the whipping winds and driving rain, as the foul Mordain crash into the human patrol. The clash of steel on steel rings loudly, and troops from both sides begin to fall, hacked down and trampled by the rushing orcs even in the first few seconds of the terrible conflict.
The Tek'rak's eyes widen as he sees the huge, sharp, metal blade and yelps in fear as he leaps back away from the huge sword. He loses his footing slightly, and almost falls to the ground. He swings his head up quickly, eyes wide. Shaking his head in disbelief at the weapon e HUman has, Glurg'erg launches himself back at Elbarad, making a quick poke at his knees, trying to imobalize him.
Glurg'erg attacks Elbarad with his Scimitar and moderately wounds him!
Analdin stands ready as the enemy host rushes toward the Gondorian men. Holding his own in the hard battle, he manages to at least keep a rather defensable position in the onslaught.
Bunji stands in the midst of battle, his legs set solidly in the mud, his hands grasping his axe. Raising his head he shouts out a challange to the humans, "Come meet death!"
The scouts and forayers get off a ragged volley of shots, though they seem to make no diference to the attacking orcs. At a wave from one of the Forayers, they drop thier bows and reach for swords and shields also, just in time as more orc's hit the line.
Arachias spots Analdin in his charge, his wide gapping mouth closing in ropes of saliva. Slowly he swerves his course towards the human, a slanted smirk crossing his wicked lips. Then with a furrow of his brow he swings his scimitar towards the solider, the blade moving it in a horizontal arch, its sharp edge aimed for the waist.
Bunji seeing a human across the battle, Bunji slowly makes his way towards Analdin. Pausing only once to deal with a pesky human who quickly loses his head, and ears.
Troglaaz barely manages to come to a stop beside Llachhal, his heavy boots nearly slipping on the difficult footing. Grunting with exertion, he twists his body to the right and pushes down with his scimitar, barely knocking away the human scout's thrusting attack. Hissing angrily, he presses forward and towards his opponent's right side, the shield still held protectively ahead as he aims a quick slash at the front of his legs, directly above the knees.
Arachias attacks Analdin with his Scimitar, but Analdin parries the attack with his Longsword!
Troglaaz attacks Llachhal with his Scimitar...
Llachhal dodges the attack.
Elbarad brings his blade back quickly, trying to again parry the scimitar. But this time the blade's great length works against him. It moves too slowly and the orc's blade scores a line on his thigh, just above the knee. His teeth clenching in pain Elbarad takes a step to his right, to give himself a second to regain his composure. But the Captain of Minas Tirith has seen many battles and is not dismayed. His sword sweeps out again, this time at the orcs's left arm.
Elbarad attacks Glurg'erg with his Greatsword, but Glurg'erg parries the attack with his Scimitar!
Analdin barely catches sight of Archais before he attacks, and quickly spins out of the way of the scimitar. Returning the blow, he brings his longsword around at the attacking orc in a hard blow.
Medonihil has arrived.
Glurg'erg takes a quick step to the right, and slams his Scimitar over to his left side, holding it with both hands, his eyes locked on those of Elbarad's. He growls as the huger blade clashes against his, then takes a small step back, and lunges forward, in a slightly stooped position, trying to stick Elbarad on the point of his Scimitar.
Glurg'erg attacks Elbarad with his Scimitar and mildly wounds him!
Analdin attacks Arachias with his Longsword and moderately wounds him!
Bunji stops in his advance to Analdin as he sees a human much closer. Turning towards the new comer Medonihil, prepares to do battle
Orcs from both sides of the path have fallen upon the human patrol, their harsh curses and insults mingling with the clashing of weapon upon weapon and the screams of the wounded and fallen. The ground, wet and muddy already with the hard rainfall, becomes increasingly more difficult to walk upon, as bodies, both human and orcish begin to fall over the path.
Bunji stops short of Medonihi, his axe held in front of him, "You die now" Raising the axe above his head he carefully makes his way through the mud.
Medonihil looks upon the blazing axe coming straight at him! "I pity you, for you will die WELL before I ever will!" He makes a move to counter attack Bunji.
Arachias growls as the cold sting of of the tark's blade spins around to slice into his back. His neck tilts backwards as his eyes close in a squint for a moment, shaking off the pain. Then with a quick jerk of his neck he turns to scowl at his opponent, sending forth a dark snarl which flings forth slobber and foam towards the human. Then with a step forward he removes the blade from his back, letting the wound bleed its frothing blood, and turns again to swing with his scimitar, the blade's tip again aimed for the waist.
Elbarad twists away from the wicked point of the scimitar, it's point scrapes along his mail, piercing enough to draw blood again. Elbarad brings his sword over his head, where it hovers for an instant before with all his might he brings it crashing down towards Glurg'erg's left shoulder.
Llachhal drops his shield lower, at the same time stepping back and the scimitar misses, passing though the spot where he just stood. He spares a quick glance to Celeg, who has made it back to the main company somehow, leaving only Llachhal cut off close to 30 yards ahead of the body of Gondorian troops. He looks back at his opponent, and a sneer appears as he finally recognizes an old enemy recently fought against in Osgiliath. He takes the step forward and thrusts his blade at Trog's shoulder, his own shield brought up to defend.
Elbarad attacks Glurg'erg with his Greatsword and moderately wounds him!
Llachhal attacks Troglaaz with his Longsword!...
...and Troglaaz blocks his attack with his shield!
Arachias attacks Analdin with his Scimitar, but he misses by an arm's length.
Medonihil attacks Bunji with his Longsword and severely wounds him!
Bunji attacks Medonihil with his Battle Axe and severely wounds him!
Bunji is spun around by the blow dealt him by the human. Trying to save the position ehe strikes out with his axe that somehow hits.
Medonihil shouts at Bunji "You attack well, but not well enough, HAHA. You shall pay for that blow!" Medonihil prepares to attack again, with a mild wound on his arm.
Analdin manages to just dodge the orc's blade as it makes its way toward his waist, if only by the slightest hair. Keeping his composure, for now at least, he calmly swings his own blade in a fast arc to his enemy's shoulder.
Medonihil attacks Bunji with his Longsword, but he misses by a mile.
Analdin attacks Arachias with his Longsword and lightly wounds him!
Glurg'erg cries out in pain as the beast of a Sword severs one of the leather straps halfway that holds his mail up, drawing a flow of black blood. Glurg'erg brings his Scimitar from his right nahd, to his left, his right arm hanging by his side, still well enough for use, but the pain of the crushing blow still well flet. The Tek'rak leaps at Elbarad, and slashes hard across his chest, hoping to wear him down.
Glurg'erg attacks Elbarad with his Scimitar and mildly wounds him!
Troglaaz turns his body once more, bringing his right shoulder to face Llachhal as he thrusts the sword towards him. A harsh bark escapes his lips, which twist upwards in a mocking grin to revealing a row of yellowed, sharp fangs. Raising his shield slightly, he deflects the thrusting blade and pushes outwards, attempting to knock his opponent's sword arm away from him as he pushes forward. The crooked blade of his scimitar rises quickly behind him, before arching downward in a short arch towards the human scout's head.
Troglaaz attacks Llachhal with his Scimitar...
Llachhal dodges the attack.
Bunji dodges the blow, swirling his axe of death, Bunji lets loose and aims a deadly blow for the middle of the human.
Medonihil misses badly, leaving himself wide open for a huge blow!
Bunji attacks Medonihil with his Battle Axe, but he misses by a handspan.
Attacked from both sides, the green and brown cloaked scouts fight on desparately. The mud they stand in hampers movement and several fall, until they start guarding each other's backs. The rain seems to lesson it's force for the moment, though it continues to fall, but the gusty wind still drives it at them.
Bunji slips in the mud slighly, throwing his aim off just a tad.
Arachias lets out another howl as the human's blade comes down upon his shoulder. Slowly he drops down and falls back, again removing the blade from the wound and letting the black blood bubble up towards the surface. His brows furrow further in agitation as his eyes send forth their infernal glow, igniting his opponent's face in the redness of their color. Gradually his large feet stomp forward towards Analdin and then we he seems the most distrated he raises the blade and swings for the neck of the tark.
Medonihil jumps backwards out of the reach of Bunji. He starts to raise his weapon at Bunji. His sword gleams brightly and he swings at Bunji, aiming for the heart.
Arachias attacks Analdin with his Scimitar, but he misses by a handspan.
Medonihil attacks Bunji with his Longsword and mortally wounds him!
Elbarad leans backwards as the scimitar slashes across his chest. Sparks fly as the point skitters across the chain mail. As the orcs blow slips past him Elbarad allows the great weight of Angring to move in a rythem earned well by hours of practice. Not fighting the momentum the blade has picked up but using it in his favor he brings the blade sweeping under the left arm of the orc, against his mailed chest.
Elbarad attacks Glurg'erg with his Greatsword, but Glurg'erg parries the attack with his Scimitar!
Llachhal dodges towards the side, even as the enemy's shield tries to push him back. He slide away to the orc's left, the scimitar coming close to his head though it misses and Llach takes the chance to stab at the orc's left side, trying to slip the sword past the orc's shield.
Llachhal attacks Troglaaz with his Longsword!...
...and he misses!
The men of Gondor stand fast in the muddy ground. Their torches, planted in the ground casting eerie shadows as figures stuggle to the death all around. Although well trained the sheer numbers of the orcs are gradually forcing them into a tighter and tighter circle.
Analdin brings his sword up just quick enough to block the main force of the attack, though a low curse that comes frm him gives sign that it may have hit him a bit. Eyes shining in the bloody excitement of battle, he again brings his attack on the orc, sliding a bit in the wet mud.
Analdin attacks Arachias with his Longsword and moderately wounds him!
Bunji tries twisting out out of the way, but slips in the mud. Turning slightly the blade barely misses Bunjis heart. Howling in pain he throws himself backwards into the mud. Barely retaining his axe, bunji tries to crawl away, couchig up blood he collapses ten yards away.
Glurg'erg slams his Scimitar down at Elbarad's sword, succsefully blocking the shot. Growling loudly, he spins his shoulders hard to the left, aiding the speed and force of his swing at the Human's sword arm.
Glurg'erg attacks Elbarad with his Scimitar and badly wounds him!
Medonihil vanquishes Bunji and goes to support others in battle.
Bunji lays face first in the mud, his chest barely rising.
Troglaaz growls under his breath as his scimitar continues past it's intended target, missing the human completely. His head turns to the left, dark eyes shifting rapidly as he follows the human scout's movements, though his legs carry him forward a short step before turning to face the enemy again. Twisting away from his opponent's attack, he rises nearly straight upon his crooked legs to avoid the thrusting longsword, but quickly drops back to crouch low, the blade of his scimitar slashing downwards and across towards Llachhal's left side.
Troglaaz attacks Llachhal with his Scimitar...
The attack against Llachhal moderately wounds him!
A less then manly, "Ouch!' is forced from Elbarad's lips as a viscious blow strikes his right arm. Only the fact that he uses both hands allows him to maintain his grip on the weapon. His hand numb, and blood seeping down his arm make the hilt slippery. He backs up a pace, hopeing the feeling will return, and waves his sword in front of him defensively in a wide sweep. Hoping to keep the orc off of him long enough.
Elbarad attacks Glurg'erg with his Greatsword, but he misses by a handspan.
Arachias lets out a loud howl as the blade digs into his flesh, sending forth a squirt of black blood into the rainy air. His feet then slip upon the muddy floor, sending him back, away, from his opponent. With a twitch of his brows and a glaze of his fiery eyes he returns to his former posture, approaching the human again and letting his jaw drop, as if to thrusts his tusks in warning. While his neck pushes forward, sending jabs with his tusks, he raises his scimitar and swings towards Analdin, its sharp edge aimed in a horizontal arch.
Arachias attacks Analdin with his Scimitar, but he misses by a handspan.
Medonihil takes down more orcs. He is losing his footing in the ground as it gets torn up and muddier every second. "Take that orc!" He shouts as an orc lunges from behind trying to backstab Medonihil. Medonihil gets the orc right in the stomach and twists his sword out, causing the orc to die instantly.
Glurg'erg leaps to the side of the hurried and defensive swipe, his head ducking, bobbing, and weaving. Bringing his right arm up, the feeling back halfway, the Tek'rak leaps towards the Human, slashing visiously at the place where his neck and shoulder meet...
Glurg'erg attacks Elbarad with his Scimitar, but he misses by a handspan.
Crooked blades and sharp spear tips flash in the gloomy darkness, tearing viciously into shields, armor, weapons and flesh, both human and orc alike. The dark Uruks of Mordor, intent upon their enemy and taken by battlelust, scream foul orcish threats and insults while hurling themselves into the packed circle of Gondorian soldiers.
Llachhal tries the sidestep again, but the muddy footing betrays him and though he tries to twist, the scimitar hits anyway, though the effect is less than his attacker may have liked. The blade cuts a shallow slash through the leather and flesh below it. His eyes blazing with hate, he finally manages to turn to face the orc completely. Raising the sword high as he turns, he tries to slice across the neck, where the armor ends.
Llachhal attacks Troglaaz with his Longsword!...
...and he misses!
Analdin missteps in defense, sending him sliding in the mud.. Managing to somehow still deflect the blow laid upon him, he scrambles back to regain his footing after only a few seconds. Muttering something under his breath, he glares hard at the attacking orc, as though perhaps a look alone could kill it. Since that obviously doesn't work, he returns to his blade, and attacks quickly with a blow to the side.
Analdin attacks Arachias with his Longsword and moderately wounds him!
Medonihil shouts at his commander hoping that he will hear him "Analdin, Sir, do you need assistance in battle?"
Bunji weakly pulls his wrecked body away from the battle to a find a safe place to rest.
Elbarad ducks under the sweeping blow and his hand still not fully functioning points his blade almost straight out, hoping the orc will run onto the blade in his rush to slay him.
Elbarad attacks Glurg'erg with his Greatsword, but Glurg'erg parries the attack with his Scimitar!
Medonihil moves to the side of the field undetected and tends to some of his minor wounds.
A harsh laughter echoes from behind Troglaaz's heavy facemask, his dark eyes flashing with intense hate and the thirst for the human's flesh. The laughter is cut short suddenly, as Llachhal's blade slices down towards the exposed space between his helmet and mail coat.. The Large Uruk-hai scrambles back and to his right, dropping to one knee and barely avoiding the dangerous longsword's blade. Growling angrily, he leans forward and raises his shield protectively overhead, swinging his scimitar in a wide, backhanded arch towards the ranger's midsection.
Troglaaz attacks Llachhal with his Scimitar...
Llachhal dodges the attack.
Arachias form shrivels on one side as the blade digs deep into its target, sending forth another turrent of black, frothing, blood. Quickly his arms embrace the wound and then just as quickly all seems to suddenly fall silent. The rain pours down from above and as Analdin stands before him his brows raise to let his glowing eyes focus with their emotionless stare upon his form. Quietly he remains like that for what seems like hour, the two opponents looking between each other, then as a new strength seemingly from the dark pits of Mordor itself courses through his blood, causing him to spring up and let out a loud howl which shatter the nightly air in such fiercness that the very rain appears to shrivel. His mouth falls open, his ribbed throat bellowing louldly. Suddenly you realize, he's laughing, his dark chuckle seems hollow and eerie as it flows into your ears. A cold wind blows against the rain, and falls upon your side and then with a quick move his form shrinks again and with a sharp swing of his blade he flings forward to hit his opponent.
Glurg'erg leaps to the right quickly, his agile feet finding their way in the mud-churned path. His dark eyes glare hatred at Elbarad, as he grips his Scimitar firmly with both hands, blood and water running down his body, to join more of the black and red blood running in channels through the mud. Growling once again, he thrusts his arms out towards the Human, the point of his Scimitar pointed at the stars. As he reaches full extension, he whipps the blade around at ELbarad's neck, trying to slice deep enough to cut an artery.
Arachias attacks Analdin with his Scimitar and mildly wounds him!
Glurg'erg attacks Elbarad with his Scimitar and badly wounds him!
Medonihil covers up some of his wounds and rejoins the battle. He spots an orc about to kill a fellow guardsman. He runs at full force straight at the orc and in a flash the orc's head plops to the ground and blood spirts out all over. The body just falls to the ground with blood gushing out. He helps the guard up and continues battle.
Analdin draws a sharp breath as the blade surprises him. His attention had been on the tension of the moment, and the sudden movement startles him. The din of the battlefield and his concentration on his opponent prevent him from hearing Medonihil's call. Eyes devoid of the humor the orc seems to find, he pulls his sword around for another attack.
Analdin attacks Arachias with his Longsword and badly wounds him!
Surrpised by the quick move of the orc, Llachhal only manages a halfstep back, then leans forward a little while his midsection moves back just a few inches. The move is just enough but the scimitar's blade whistles past only an inch away. He straightens quickly though, bringing his sword around awkwardly to thrust at the orc's right shoulder, even as his body moves to bring him more face-to-face with the orc again.
Llachhal attacks Troglaaz with his Longsword!...
...and he hits! Ouch!
Elbarad's attempt to piece through the armored orc's chest misses, leaving him exposed. Ducking away from another murderous blow he can only get his mailed shoulder in the way of the scimitar. It saves his life but almost costs him his arm. Only the skill of the armorors of Minas Tirith save him. The chain buckles but holds, still though a serious gash is left upon his shoulder. Elbarad's face becomes a mask of both pain and hatred. Out of his thoat comes a wordless roar. Steeling his will he strikes back with all his strength. Unleashing a flurry of blows at the head and shoulder of the orc he stikes once, twice and a third time in a matter of seconds.
Medonihil turns around to attack another orc when a HUGE orc picks him up and slams him into the ground. This orc is huge and green with buldging muscles. He is not even using a weapon, he is just using his fists. The orc tries to stomp on Medonihil but Medonihil rolls to the side in pain. He gets up a swings at the mighty orc, barely nicking it. Poor Medonihil is now surrounded by 2 other orcs. What will he do now?
Elbarad attacks Glurg'erg with his Greatsword and moderately wounds him!
Troglaaz curses loudly as his crooked blade misses the quick human, his strong legs heaving him upward to his feet once more. Desperately, he twists aside, bringing the shield down and to his right to knock away his opponent's attack. Behind the heavy metal helmet's facemask, his dark eyes widen momentarily, as the darting longsword's blade cuts into the mail of his right shoulder, leaving behind a dark stain of black blood. An angry snarl rolls from his twisted lips as he rushes forward suddenly, attempting to push Llachhal back with his shield and swinging the heavy scimitar's blade across towards her left side.
Troglaaz attacks Llachhal with his Scimitar...
Llachhal dodges the attack.
Arachias feels the blade hit with its sinister touch and again winces from the wound. Slowly his hand comes about to grab this new cut, his brows lowering as his beady red eyes focus with all their hatred and intent upon Analdin. Then slowly laughter escapes from his mouth again, this time high pitched and rumbling. His words slurr and sound like gibberish, marking the possibility of new found insanity. Slowly he places one foot before the other and again approachees his opponent, his lids now raising to display the swirling temptation of madness deep within his iris'. Beside him his blade too raises its bloody edge, its edge being swung in its horizontal pass towards Analdin neck.
Glurg'erg yelps out as the first strike comes towards his head. He brings his Scimitar smoothly up to deflect the blow. THe second strike at his shoulder is also greeted by the black steel of Mordor, Glurg's scimitar like a large knife compared to Elbarad's Greatsword. The third blow breaks Glurg's defense, and score a large red line across his shoulder, the other leather strap almost breaking with the strain. Blockingthe pain from his mind, the Uruk-hai bends at the knee, and lunges forward, his sword sweeping at Elbarad's feet.
Arachias attacks Analdin with his Scimitar, but he misses by an arm's length.
Glurg'erg attacks Elbarad with his Scimitar and moderately wounds him!
Analdin ducks quickly, bringing up his own blade to defend. Regaining his position, he shakes his head sadly at the apparently insane orc, as though in sympathy. But the battle raging about him brings him back, and his eyes harden again. Swinging his longsword in a hard arc, he brings it around for an attck at the shoulder of his opponent's scimitar arm.
Llachhal steps back once, then pivots on one foot, his shield clashing across the orc's, and the orc's scimitar missing him by a bare inch again. Trying not to slip, he lifts his shield high and drops to one knee, trying to stab upward at the orc's chest from under the orc's own shield.
Llachhal attacks Troglaaz with his Longsword!...
...and he misses!
Analdin furiously attacks Arachias with his Longsword and moderately wounds him!
Elbarad seems totally unconcerned with defense. Almost mindless with his rage he ignores the painful slash along his calf. His mind may ignore the pain but the blood flows freely whether he notes it or not. Spittle flys from his lips as his lungs work bellows like, forceing air in and out in an effort to swing his heavy blade. Still hammering away at the orc in front of him, grunting with the effort he brings he edge of his sword down, aimed at the orc's helmed head.
Elbarad attacks Glurg'erg with his Greatsword, but he misses by a handspan.
Arachias head turns as if to watch the blade and then slowly he grins widely when the sword finally makes its mark upon his flesh. His nerves, dulled from madness, do not react but continue to grip his weapon. Then with the swirling redness of his eyes a moment of wisdom dawns within the emptyness of his skull. He gazes about his flesh and the frothing blood which spills from his abundant wounds. His gaze travels time and time again over his wounds and then slowly he begins to withdraw from Analdin, eventually stepping sideways completely and running towards the north east. There he leaves his opponent in the dark and drenching rain, to see his form disappear in the faint light and slits of water which fall ever faster from the clouded sky.
Still crouched, Glurg'erg drives up under Elbarad, his sword help length-wise across his body. The sword does not touch him, the giant thing to large to reach the smaller form as he ducks under and towards, trying to score a deep wound in Elbarad's middle.
Glurg'erg furiously attacks Elbarad with his Scimitar and moderately wounds him!
Troglaaz's teeth clench tightly, his dark face twisting horribly from the pain of the cut in his weapon arm as he swings the scimitar. His crooked yet powerful legs carry him forward, his heavy, metal-shod boots digging deeply into the slippery mud beneath him. Seeing the human's longsword thrusting upwards from under his shield, he manages to turn his body to the right enough to allow the sharp blade to scrape harmlessly past his broad, mailed chest. With a loud grunt, he lowers his posture to a crouch, shoving back at Llachhal with his shield as he swings his scimitar towards the man's neck.
Troglaaz attacks Llachhal with his Scimitar...
The attack against Llachhal moderately wounds him!
Again the wily orc's blade finds it's mark. This time sliding under Elbarad's arm to a spot that is not covered by mail. His flesh is pierced, red blood staining te bright chain. Even the rage that has been driving him cannot ignore this myriad of wounds. A look of surprise finds it's way onto the Captain's face as the loss of blood begins to take it's toll. Still though he is driven on, wether by fear or a fierce pride it matters not. Eye's blazing he uses almost the last of his strength to bring his sword against the chest of Glurg'erg.
Analdin, panting a bit from the hard fight, pulls back slightly away from the major battle. His mail is hurt in a few places, but not quite deep enough to deem them injuries.
Elbarad attacks Glurg'erg with his Greatsword and moderately wounds him!
Llachhal slips somewhat backwards, as the orc's shield pushes against his. The blade imed for his neck scrapes across the leather armor on his shoulder, losing much of it's force, but still cuts a shallow slice where the armor meets his next. Roaring with rage, he pulls his blade backwards slightly, then plunges it at the orc's chest with all his might, knowing the neck wound will soon weaken him.
Llachhal attacks Troglaaz with his Longsword!...
...and he hits! Ouch!
Glurg'erg takes most of the blow on his Scimitar, which he manages to get partly in front of the Swing. THe rest he takes with his chest, and the back edge of his own Sword. His breath is driven for a moment from his lungs, the Back edge of his own weapon leaving a large indent on his armor. Stumbling back, Glurg'erg struggles to catch his breath, dancing from side to side, his Scimitar snaking back and forth, his hands, arms, and wrists making it dance, trying to confuse his opponent. Abruptly, he leaps forward, Making a quick lunge at Elbarad's side, then launches himself with one powerfull, stumpy leg to the side, his Black Scimitar whipping at the Captain's already injured leg.
Glurg'erg attacks Elbarad with his Scimitar and badly wounds him!
Troglaaz hisses loudly from behind his facemask, the unending rain sending fat drops of water dripping down his helmet and into his eyes as he strains to watch the human's rapid movements. Snarling softly under his breath, he turns his body aside and brings his shield down to knock aside Llachhal's sword thrust. The longsword's blade still finds it's target, cutting into the links and leaving a short, shallow gash along the right side of his upper chest. His crooked jaw clenches determinedly as he steps forward and to his left, following through with a wide swing of his scimitar aimed at the front of the ranger's lower torso.
Troglaaz attacks Llachhal with his Scimitar...
The attack against Llachhal lightly wounds him!
Elbarad, already slowed by the loss of so much blood has no match for the speed of the scimitar as it dances in front of him. The greatsword's heavy blade cannot react in time to deflect the attack away. His leg almost buckles as another bloody crease appears on his thigh. Still battleing valiently he slashes at the orc's neck, hoping to strike a lucky blow.
Elbarad attacks Glurg'erg with his Greatsword, but he misses by a mile.
Glurg'erg only has to move slightly to avoid the clumsy swing of the tired man, he brings his Scimitar back behind his head, and, like chooping at a tree, brings it swinging with all his power at Elbarad's leg, hoping to buckle it completely, so he can dispatch of the Human easily.
Glurg'erg attacks Elbarad with his Scimitar, but he misses by a mile.
Llachhal grimaces as the orc almost deflects his thrust at it. Trying to stand, the scimitar only scratches a shallow line across his midsection, though he does make it to his feet. Quickly he pushes the attack back at the orc, shield pushing forward against him and his sword coming up in an attempt to slice upwards from the orc's midsection.
Llachhal attacks Troglaaz with his Longsword!...
...and he hits! Ouch!
Elbarad stumbles forward, thus saving his leg from another cruel blow. The orc's blade finds only the muddy earth. Elbarad's mind is still wholely focused on the foe in front of him. He does not see that his men have been pushed steadily backwards although he has instinctivly followed them. Bringing his blade against the mailed orc's chest once again he trys desperatly to find a weak spot in the mail.
Elbarad attacks Glurg'erg with his Greatsword and badly wounds him!
Troglaaz flinches visibly in pain as he steps back, the human ranger's blade cutting another shallow gash through the links of his chainmail into his lower left torso. His dark, angular features contort with fury from the pain of his small wounds, and his lips part as he utters a curse in the foul speech of Morbeth. desperately, he forces himself forward, slowed by fatigue and pain as much as by the weight of his equipment. The round shield held protectively before him, he pushes his weight towards Llachhal, bringing his scimitar slashing down from overhead towards the man's right shoulder.
Glurg'erg swipes his Scimitar down across his body, trying hurriedly to deflect the blow. The man's sword glances off the Scimitar, and bites deep into the Uruk's leg. With a yelp of pain, Glurg'erg brings his sword back at his neck, then hurls all his force into the blow aimed at the HUman's wanning form, hopefully ttrying to seperate the White-faces head from his body.
Troglaaz attacks Llachhal with his Scimitar...
The attack against Llachhal lightly wounds him!
Glurg'erg attacks Elbarad with his Scimitar and moderately wounds him!
Analdin moves away from the battle, after having done a good bit of fighting, and makes his way to an almost safe spot.
Llachhal still grimaces beneath the mask, the rain dripping in his eyes. He manages to deflect most of the blow with his shield and the small shallow gash on his right shoulder adds little to the pain of the other wounds. He lifts his voice in a ringing cry, "For Gondor and the White Tree!" Letting go of his shield, he grabs the hilt of his sword with both hands, pushing the growing weakness away by force of will, and swings it visciously across the orc's torso in an attempt to diembowel him.
Llachhal attacks Troglaaz with his Longsword!...
...and he hits! Ouch!
Glurg'erg swipes his Scimitar down across his body, trying hurriedly to deflect the blow. The man's sword glances off the Scimitar, and bites deep into the Uruk's leg. With a yelp of pain, Glurg'erg brings his sword back at his neck, then hurls all his force into the blow aimed at the HUman's wanning form, hopefully ttrying to seperate the White-faces head from his body.
Finally the Gondorian Captain's strength gives out. His seemingly unending supply drained by the loss of blood that covers his surcoat and the gound beneath his feet. The last blow drives him backwards and into the arms of two of his men. As they support him two others step forward to face down the orc captain who has so nearly ended Elbarad's life.
Troglaaz's shield arm drops instinctively as he attempts to cover his side, the circular studded leather partly deflecting the ranger's attack and sending the longsword's blade, with lessened force, into the -hai's side. A low growl issues from his lips, his dark eyes narrowing from the sharp, stinging pain of the newly-cut gash across his low midsection. The crooked blade of his scimitar rises overhead once more, the driving rain washing the red blood from it's smooth, sharp metal. With a soft grunt, the Uruk-hai steps forward once more, bringing down his weapon towards Llachhal's arms as they grip the hilt of the longsword.
Troglaaz attacks Llachhal with his Scimitar...
The attack against Llachhal badly wounds him!
Llachhal gasps as the orc's scimitar, slashes across his arms before he can pull back his blade. Fortunately, the left is a deeper cut than the right, though the blood from both make the sword's hilt more slippery. Mingling with the other blood dropping to the ground, it only adds to slippery mud. Leaving his sheild where it lays, and letting go of the hilt with his right hand, he thrust forward at Trog's shoulder, quickly dropping it down to slash from shoulder to torso, hopefully.
Llachhal attacks Troglaaz with his Longsword!...
...and you block his attack with your shield!
The Orc Captain, bleeding from the few. but large wounds on his body, takes one look at the fresh men, and he lets out a small sigh. Speaking for the first time as some of the other Humans drag away Elbarad, Glurg'erg croaks out in a tired, and exhausted voice, " I be... Not wantin'... To waist my time on... Ye maggots. " Shaking his Head, Glurg'erg falls stumbling back towards the rear of a group of Dushgob Uruks who take his place against the two men. The Tek'rak's foot snags on a fallen spear, and he stumbles thankfully to the ground, grunting as his breath is again driven from his breath. His mouth is filled with mud as he casually eyes the spear he tripped over. Chuckling in a raspygurgle, and reaches out to grab the spear he threw at the first scout, holding it close to his body.
Supported by a man on either side of him Elbarad allows one of the men to pry his greatsword from his grasp and return it to it's sheath. He leans toward the ear of one of the men who nods and shouts out, The Captain has ordered a withdraw! Everyman look after his brother!" The men of Minas Tirith form a circle around the wounded, and those aiding them and leaving their dead behind start to force their way back to the camp.
Troglaaz grunts in satisfaction as his blade meets the ranger's flesh, his fingers instinctively tightening around the wet, slippery black hilt. Stepping towards the human's left, he raises the shield in time to knock aside the longsword's blade, and pushes forward with it in an attempt to block his weapon arm. A fevered glaze forms in his eyes as he glares into Llachhal's, his dark lips barely moving to utter a soft curse. Hissing loudly, he darts forward, the blade of his scimitar thrusting forward towards his opponent's upper midsection, his full weight behind it.
Troglaaz attacks Llachhal with his Scimitar...
The attack against Llachhal badly wounds him!
Stepping back, too slow due to loss of blood and the fatigue of battling in the rain, Llachhal is hit by the scimitar, though not more than inch or so enters. He cries out, then shoots a glance towards the main body of Gondorian's, now in a steady retreat. Between them is the orc he has been battling for what seems like hours, and he takes a chance, rushing at the orc, sword high and brings it down to slash at the orc's shoulder, hoping to have him fall to the side, and so escape.
Llachhal attacks Troglaaz with his Longsword!...
...and he hits! Ouch!
Most of the Uruks of Mordor, eager in their bloodlust, follow after the withdrawing humans, their blades flashing in the heavy rainfall and winds as they attack the rearmost ranks of Gondorian. Several dark figures crawl along the muddy, bloody ground, already scavenging among the bodies of dead and dying humans and orcs.
Troglaaz plants his booted feet firmly into the ground, his shield held directly before him and the scimitar pointing skywards in his grip. The human ranger's sudden rush seems to surprise him, as he attempts to take a short step back and bring the shield to block the sword strike directed at his shoulder. He flinches painfully as the longsword's blade bites deeply into his right shoulder, knocking his body sideways as he attempts to step back. The mud beneath him provides difficult footing, and he slips further down to his right knee, barely regaining his balance before falling backwards into the soft ground. Snarling loudly, he half-turns, following the ranger with his fevered, angered gaze.
Llachhal's chest heaves but his attack worked. He takes a second to look at the fallen orc, while the left hand reaches for his shield, then he is stumbling away towards the main body of those gondorian's left. His pace is slow, the mud clinging to his boots, but he slowly draws closer.
Llachhal picks up Studded Leather Shield.
Troglaaz rises to his feet slowly, his body straining visibly from the pain of his wounds and the fatigue from the fight. Raising the scimitar overhead, he calls out, " Hold, you maggots! Let them run, this time... there's plenty of flesh to feast on here..." His dark eyes follow the dark shapes of the retreating Gondorians as he trudges wearily forward to rejoin his own troops.
Reaching the gondorians, Llachhal rallies them to retreat faster, as some of the attacking orcs seem to fade away. The circle keeps moving west, gaining some speed, while those in the center carry the wounded, including Elbarad, as carefully as possible. Llachhal ignores the orc's cry behind him and leans on another as they move away, though his eyes are still filled with anger.
The pursuing orcs halt hesitantly at Troglaaz's call, though their insults and threats continue even as the humans disappear into the gloomy darkness and rain. Troglaaz pauses as he reaches the main group of gathering orcs, his eyes running quickly over the body-strewn path and lifting to gaze westwards into the deep blackness beyond. Wearily, the Captain of Dol Guldur falls to one knee, carelessly dropping his shield and scimitar to the mud beside him as he leans over painfully.