The Captive Tark
South Ithilien Road
A canopy of dark trees hides you from the terrors of the night sky, yet do not serve to hide the ever increasing glow from the east and north. At the crest of each hill along the road, the angry black spires of the Mountains of Shadow jut into the weak, eerie corona of the sky.
Small Wagon
A Tattered Tent
Quartermaster's Wagon
Mordor War Camp
Obvious exits:
West, North, and South
Grishnakh approaches the prisoner slowly, appearing like an evil shadow out of the darkness of the benighted camp of the orcs of Mordor. His eyes, slanted and narrow and hungry, seem to appear first, catching the dim light of distant torches with a sudden pale gleam.
Celebhir seems to be half out of it, the large lump on the side of his head still oozing blood. He looks at the orcs that come nearest, but has a hard time focusing on them.
Grishnakh walks forward until he stands very close to the captive, mere inches away. If the wounded ranger is slumping, he finds himself face to face with the hideous black visage of the orc-captain. His bright pale eyes are filled with hard humor, and his scarred thin mouth is twisted in a smile with fangs slightly gleaming.
Celebhir blinks, focusing on the orc in front of him. He shudders, wishing he hadn't. Closing his ~.yes, he tries to shut out all around him.
Grishnakh laughs quietly. His voice is surprisingly soft, almost smooth, speaking in a very low tone. "No use for that, now, my youth. You're with the forces of the True Lord now, and dreams of blue skies won't earn your release."
Celebhir opens his eye and looks at the orc in front of him. Yes, still there and probably not something his mind came up with on it's His voice comes out a little slurred. "Save your words, they mean nothing to me."
Grishnakh says, "Oho, but they will, and soon enough. And if you dislike my words, you'll find those of the next Questioner even less pleasant."
Celebhir shrugs slightly. "In the end, all you can do is kill me. There is little you can scare me with."
Grishnakh raises an eyebrow in amusement. "Do you think so? You are mistaken, boy. But you'll learn that for yourself soon enough. Oh yes, you will learn that lesson quickly... And as for killing you? All things in time. Eventually They will likely kill you, yes. But between now and then are worlds of despair for you."
Celebhir's voice comes out as just above a whisper, and the grey eye looks clearly into the orc's for a moment. "It has been tried. It failed."
Grishnakh laughs softly again. "Indeed? Then tell me, what horrors have you faced before, to prepare you for what you think lies ahead?"
Celebhir smiles grimly. "If you wish to know, ask of him whose head sits on a pole on the edge of Osgilliath. He who bore the imprint of a white hand."
Grishnakh's smile disappears utterly, replaced by a snarling, glaring frown of anger. "The white hand? What do you know of the white hand?"
Celebhir laughs slightly. "I know he that tried to turn me last time, Daargar, I think his name was, failed and I killed him. Tis his head that sits as a warning at Osgilliath. He bore the shape of a white hand up to his neck. And it was cold."
Grishnakh's eyes narrow, and his frown subsides to a calmer sneer. "I see. You faced the charms of a clumsy orc slave, and you think that will toughen you against anything? Well. You may trust me in this: the Dark Tower has stronger means of questioning you than that."
Celebhir shrugs again, carefully. "That will remain to be seen then, won't it?"
Grishnakh's sneer broadens. "I think so, yes. But for now, you needn't worry of being 'turned,' for I don't care for your service. I want only a little of what you know."
Celebhir laughs slightly, then winces as it makes his head hurt. "Then you're beasts have captured the wrong person, for I know nothing."
Grishnakh says, "Oho, beasts are we? But no matter. We will sift through your lies, as we do the words of every lying Tark we capture, until we reach what we need."
Grishnakh says, "Oh, no more banter? No more boasts? Well, we shan't hurry. We'll get your lies first, until they are exhausted and you cannot bear to invent another. And then we'll bring out the truth."
Ver-beeg comes out of the Quartermaster's wagon, and the guards hold there weapons at the readly.
Ver-beeg has arrived.
Grishnakh smiles at Celebhir in return, and it seems as if it may be the first smile of pure pleasure that the orc has borne in a very long time.
Grishnakh stands very close before Celebhir, speaking with him softly.
Celebhir's smile is very close to a smirk.
Ver-beeg comes out of the quartermaster's wagon..and looks to the camp, then smiles faintly as he see that the 'guest is still there..but then the smile fades gas he sees who is talking to the prize..slowly he starts to limp over to where Vorazg is talking to Celebhir..
Grishnakh nods slowly at Celebhir. "Good, good," he mutters in a voice smooth and black as oil. "You'll make good sport, to boot. This shall be worth the time." He glances over as he hear's Ver-beeg's limping approach.
Ver-beeg stops short of the Vorazg and stands tall..then looks to the 'guest' and smiles darkly..before saysing "I turst the tark is to you likeing Vorazg" he then looks back to Grishnakh "It was taken at some cost but no deaths to our forces.."
Celebhir looks at Ver-beeg with a real sense of hatred, but says nothing to him either.
Grishnakh says, "Good," to Ver-beeg, nodding. "Very good, captain. A fine prize. I expect we'll learn plenty from him in time, and have some good sport with him first. And perhaps our Lord from Dushgob will be pleased with you, too."
Celebhir looks from one orc to the other, the hate obvious, until he closes his eyes and leans his head back carefully, trying to blank out his emotions. When he opens his eye again, he looks at both with a blank expression."
Ver-beeg nods quickly to Grishnakh..but holds back a look of fear then the Vorazg speeks of the Lord of the he as heard the storys as all of the other uruks in the camp..but only says "Thankyou Vorazg.." he then looks back to the human and smiles darkly before saying "I will now go back to my rounds then late I will do a nother patrol of the area in hope to add to the numbers at this pole...
Grishnakh nods to Ver-beeg. "Very well, captain. If you can find another with this one's spirit, we might have entertainment to outlast this mission."
Grishnakh looks back at Celebhir. "Rest as easy as you may, Tark, for now. I will enjoy getting more lies out of you quite soon. And after that, we'll pull from you the truth."
Ver-beeg nods then bows quickly "It will be done as you order Vorazg.." then stands tall again before turning to look at the human and say " should be easyer now..most of these human where green mask,cloaks, and hand coverings..when they fight..I will take the idem we have taken off this one and look for there camp.." he then smiles evily be fore he stats to limp off into the camp...
Grishnakh glances back at Ver-beeg. "Wait."
Celebhir glances after the one who captured him, trying to keep the fear off his face.
Ver-beeg stops and looks back to the Vorazg" Yes great one..?" he then turns fully to look at his commander...
Grishnakh says, "What item do you speak of?"
Ver-beeg hisses at himself for his poor mastery of the comman tonge then says "The Covering that the human wear then they fight us..I have also over heard that there scout found something in the montains..I was hoping to find out what that was as well...
Grishnakh nods slowly. "Very well. Bring your report to me as soon as you learn anything."
Grishnakh turns to Celebhir again. "Well well. Perhaps we won't need what you have in any event. But it shall be a pleasure wresting it from you, all the same." He smiles, and laughs softly as he steps away.
Ver-beeg nods again "It will be done Vorazg.." he then turns and limps back to his wagon to make himself readly for his next patrol..
Celebhir's eye follows the orc, and he finds himself cursing to himself. He leans back against the pole carefully and closes his eye to rest it.