The Eye and the scimitar!" His narrowed eyes glare angrily through the heavy helmet's facemask as he seeks a personal opponent among the attacking force of Dwarves.
Drithin stands at the rear of the dwarven troops as they begin rushing into the fray, with many a shout of "For Mahal!". She carries her bags and stays among her escort
Tarnok hisses as the Gazats come forward and beings his weapon to the readly, then yells "Bow uruks, fire at will!!, Spear uruk, get readly to push back there charge!!" he then looks down the line of uruks and watchs for weak point in his force.
Thorin smashes aside the huge hammer, deflecting it downward to smash into the hard earth. With a great he springs forward pressing the attack as his immense foe's flank lies open before him and he swings in a great arc to its left hip.
The small vanguard of hammer and shield bearing Dwarves led by Dwalin veers into the army before the gates, seemingly heedless of their peril, not stopping to attack, but instead rushing for the gates themselves, several of them falling on the way in, leaving barely a dozen Dwarves that finally break through the gates...
Dwalin steps up to the gates. The guards shout something, and he walks through the open gates.
Dwalin has left.
Thorin attacks Snar'losh with his Battle Axe and mildly wounds him!
From Battlements, Arwin snorts, "Akh! They be throwin' everythin' they 'ad at us fer the last 3 weeks." He shakes his head and spits out over the battlements.
Dori charges forward with the Erebor guardians in tow, readying to engage the Uruk-Hai commanding the mass of orcish warriors. He lifts his axe and yells to Troglaaz, "come on ye worm! let us see how you and your pathetic following does against a full dwarven army!"
Black mordain arrows rise into the sky in thick swarms, volley upon volley raining down upon the dwarvish host, slamming into shield, helm and mail. Spear-wielding Uruks near the frontmost ranks hurl their missile weapons into their foes' lines, hurriedly scrambling aside as their axe and scimitar wielding allies surge past into the fray.
Frorin arrives from an upward path.
Frorin has arrived.
Jorin arrives from the east.
Jorin has arrived.
From Battlements, Arwin pokes his head through the battlements and shakes his fist as he cries out madly, "Death from Mahal ta all of ye!"
Frorin steps up to the gates. The guards shout something, and he walks through the open gates.
Frorin has left.
Mazar arrives from the east.
Mazar has arrived.
Snar'losh growls at the small dwarf as Thorin sends his War Hammer flying into the dirt beside him. He tries to pull it from the dirt, but is too slow and the Dwarven Axe slams into the Troll hide, barely breaking the thick scales, no blood yet coming forth from the wound. The hammer returns above the troll's head and begins to fly down towards the head of the dwarf, attempting to crush him beneath the weight.
As the group of warders start engaging with uruks all around them, Bolindar continues to head for their leader. A small smile can be seen beneath his helmet as he spots the uruk-hai captain waiting for a victim. "Baruk Khazad !" he raises his axe and swings at the uruks neck, putting all his strength in one blow.
Snar'losh attacks Thorin with his War Hammer, but Thorin parries the attack with his Battle Axe!
Thorin snarls as his first blow connects, but only mildly cutting into the tough scales of his troll opponent. He pulls back trying to gain some room.
Bolindar attacks Brutnokh with his Battle Axe, but he misses by a handspan.
From Battlements, Gali laughs, "That's th' Spirit! Lad!"
Mazar flies about, cawing and making a most disagreeable noise. His glossy black feathers shine like oil
Tarnok hisses as he sees some gazats brake though the frount line and yells "More on the Right side!!" he then moves to the right of the line and watchs for a gazat he can destroy qucly to add strength to the Eyes forces.
Troglaaz leads his host of Uruk-hai directly towards the dwarven ranks, the black-clad Uruks of Dol Guldur swarming around and past their leader as they eagerly rush their enemies. "Blasted gazat!" He calls out, his voice an angry hiss. His shield raised defensively ahead, the Teguk of Dol Guldur pushes his way through his own soldiers and engages Dori, his curved blade flashing downwards towards the dwarf's helmeted head.
Thorin agains sees the huge hammer swing in and again he deflects it aside with his ancient axe. He grits his teeth ignoring the ringing sensation from the parry instead swinging downward to the less protected foot of the great beast.
Thorin attacks Snar'losh with his Battle Axe and lightly wounds him!
Mazar flies about, cawing and making a most disagreeable noise. His glossy black feathers shine like oil: his golden eyes hold a strange intelligence. Suddenly, however, seeing something quite unlikeable below him and on the ground, he swoops down to alight on the shoulder of one of the Ereborian dwarves, watching with complete silence.
Troglaaz attacks Dori with his Scimitar, but he misses by a handspan.
From Battlements, Arwin scoffs and shakes his head. An air of gloom hangs over him.
Brutnokh signales for his troops to merge into the fight and himself begins to lumber forward, in his hand his blade shines black and unwholesome and from it comes the evil glare of the Eye as it brandishes his equipment. Turning in time to see the dwarf known as Bolindar rush in his call to Muhal the scowl of his face twitches as if trying to crack a smile. Bringing wit to the foremost portion of his plans he dodges the khazad's attack and raises his own scimitar, lashing out in a joust towards the dwarf's right shoulder in hopes to force the enemy to drop its weapon.
Brutnokh attacks Bolindar with his Scimitar, but Bolindar parries the attack with his Battle Axe!
Grar arrives from the east.
Grar has arrived.
The guardian warders of Erebor, led by Dori, charge into the ranks led by the Uruk-Hai. Metal clases against metal, the sounds of battle ringing in the pre-dawn atmosphere. Dori easily dodges the attack of the orc, shifting his weight to the side. He draws his large two handed war axe back, and swings foward with the might of massive arms following the curved blade.
Dori attacks Troglaaz with his Battle Axe, but he misses by a mile.
Thorin quickly pulls free the axe as a frst spurt of black blood oozes forth from the troll's injured foot. He steps back again, holding his axe steady watching its next move.
Fighting his way toward the front lines from the gate Jorin watches as his Thane retreats into the gates. Determined to help in whatever way possible he crawls forward over a mass of bodies. Drawing his axe he stands, looking for a target.
Almost with the sound of crushing metal, the black masses of Mordor smash violently into the dwarven ranks, the sharp ringing of metal upon metal ringing to an ear-splitting level. The swarms of black arrows continue to rain down upon the foes of the Eye, further into their ranks as the Uruks engage in the fierce hand to hand fray.
The dwarven axe once again slams into the troll hide, this time well deep enough to draw some of the black blood. The troll's face twists slightly as the axe pulls itself out, and Snar'losh brings his War Hammer down upon the dwarf, trying to crush him beneath the weight and strength of the giant beast.
Jorin lowers his hands to waist level. Raising them again he unsheathes a wicked looking battle axe from his belt by the name of Ruhksfelak, the Orc Hewer.
Jorin produces a tightly rolled ring of steel from a sack on his back. Upon it's unrolling a shining suit of scale armor is revealed. Jorin proceeds to fling it over his back and tie it's ends. Together with his axe he looks rather fearsome.
Jorin removes a Studded Leather Helmet from his pack and places it on top of his head.
Snar'losh attacks Thorin with his War Hammer and mildly wounds him!
The dwarven warriors rush into the fight, swinging their weapons with a furor unseen by the young healer before. They begin moving forward, slashing at the enemy in front of them, trying to clear a path into their home
From Battlements, Looking below, Arwin notices that the enemy is stirring madly. Watching a little closer, he notices the dwarven guard approaching from the south "Khazad!" he calls out. He grabs his axe and without any explanation runs madly for the door.
Raising his axe quickly again, Bolindar dodges the uruk's blade aside, letting it pass clearly by him. An evil grin arising on his lips he says, "You'll pay for soiling our ancient halls !". Tightening his grip, he then sends another low swing at the orc, aiming directly at the creature's knees.
Bolindar attacks Brutnokh with his Battle Axe, but he misses by a handspan.
Thorin ignores the blow which only grazes his shoulder, his thick mail deadening most of the light attack. Reversing his grip with trained speed he hacks at the extended scaled arm of his opponent, cutting down in vicious swath of his blade.
Thorin attacks Snar'losh with his Battle Axe and mildly wounds him!
Troglaaz rasps a foul insult in his own tongue as the dwarf, Dori, avoids his scimitar's downstroke. His powerful legs push him sideways as he avoids the dwarf's powerful attack, his body twisting to bring his left shoulder and raised shield to face his opponent. His own narrowed eyes stare fiercely from behind the upraised buckler, the inked symbol of the lidless Red Eye glaring mockingly ahead from the leather buckler's surface as he aims a quick slash towards Dori's midsection.
Jorin grumbles as he decides to move to higher ground. Fending off Uruks from all sides he rushes now up the side of the terrain to reach a more strategic vantage.
Jorin heads up the winding trail, disappearing in the rocks.
Jorin has left.
Tarnok moves past Brutnokh on his wat to the right side of the line and hisses "Like this Teguk.. " he then swing over the head of his Teguk and trys to land a blow on one of the attacking Gazats and he moves past to help the Right flank.
Troglaaz attacks Dori with his Scimitar, but Dori parries the attack with his Battle Axe!
Tarnok attacks Bolindar with his Battle Axe, but Bolindar parries the attack with his Battle Axe!
Dori continues with his downward swing of his axe, using the momentum of his failed attack to knock away the blade of Troglaaz. He smiles through the faceguard of his shining mithril helm, the blood lust evident on his animal like visage. He draws his large axe back and swings foward, yelling, "now see how dwarven steel bites, worm!"
Dori furiously attacks Troglaaz with his Battle Axe and lightly wounds him!
The vicous attack from Thorin barely digs passed the thick hide of the troll once again, once again clean of blood. The many little hits upon the troll merely angers it more, as Snar'losh brings his War Hammer above his head, and sends it flying downward, the flat side of the hammer attempting to pin the dwarf between the ground and the brute strength of the giant beast.
Snar'losh attacks Thorin with his War Hammer and mildly wounds him!
Brutnokh's agile body affords him the luxery of his dodge and in a sprint the sliging axe's head narrowly misses his feet and legs. A snickers rumbles across his lips as his curdling voice sings into the air, its tongue speaking the common and its pitch curdling to the ear, "Foolish dorf, soil your halls? They already are soiled and foul pits to begin with. Perhaps if their walls were lined with your precious beards we would be happier, eh?" His facial muscles twitch as he mocks Bolindar and then raising his blade to swing forth another attack he dashes to the right, letting his crooked legs bend and his weapon slice through the air towards the dwarfs rounded belly.
Brutnokh attacks Bolindar with his Scimitar, but Bolindar parries the attack with his Battle Axe!
Gurth forces his way through the arrayed forces of disorder, his mighty blade cutting through those who stand before him.
Thorin sees the overhead attack coming and braces his axe in both hands above cushioning the shock of the blow by bending his knees. He grunts from the effort though as the hammer still manages to ring his serpent helm, while he shoves the troll's hammer to one side. "Khazad!" he calls out again and steps into the trolls range driving downward to its already injured foot.
Thorin attacks Snar'losh with his Battle Axe and lightly wounds him!
Bolindar brings up his axe just in time to block the second uruk's blow. Growling deeply he sweeps away Brutnokh's scimitar , his concentration now turned on the other orc. Glancing shortly at him, full of hatred, he swings high at Tarnok's neck.
Troglaaz spits angrily as he feels the blade of his weapon knocked away by the Dori's battle axe, his body quickly turning to face the dwarf fully once more. Dark eyes flashing in anger, he draws a quick step back, the heavy axeblade cutting through several links in his right forearm as he raises his scimitar once more. With a sharp hiss, he backs off another step, nearly slamming into a pair of struggling combatants as he aims a wide slash at Dori's right knee.
Bolindar attacks Tarnok with his Battle Axe and mildly wounds him!
Troglaaz attacks Dori with his Scimitar, but he misses by an arm's length.
The Rings of Steel on stell echo off the cliff face, mix with the crys of The dead and dieing from both sides.
Dori steps back easily, his old age betraying his battle prowess as he dodges the blow of the orc. The battle rages on around him, the guardian warders of Erebor fighting off the snagas that swarm like gnats. Dori pulls his axe from the orc and jabs forward hard with the spike on the tip of the haft.
Dori attacks Troglaaz with his Battle Axe and badly wounds him!
Thorin's ancient axe once again slams into the thick scales of the troll, opening a smaller wound from before. Black blood begins to trickle down the leg of the huge troll, and he brings his War Hammer up, and down quicker than ever, trying to pin the dwarf between the hammer and ground once again.
Snar'losh attacks Thorin with his War Hammer and mildly wounds him!
The warders surrounding the young healer at the rear begin rushing forward, bringing their wounded comrades to her for what aid she can give while they press on into the battle further. Drithin looks forward at all the carnage and tries to help a few of the wounded near her
Tarnok looks down at Bolindar as his blade bonces harmlessly of the scales of his upper leg, he then chuckles and yells down at the Gazat "Foll!! do you thing you can destroy a Olog-hai of Mordor with such weak attacks? Now feel the rage of the Eye!!" with that he brings his axe up and trys to slam it down on the Gazat's head.
Tarnok attacks Bolindar with his Battle Axe and mildly wounds him!
Thorin yanks out his axe once more satisfied with the cruel cut and gives himself some room. He sees the great hammer blow come in, but instead of blocking it with his axe, he dodges slightly allowing it to knick his side and at the time drive him inward with a rush of swinging steel. Extending his reach, he thrusts forward with the razor point of his axe haft to spear its foul knee.
Thorin attacks Snar'losh with his Battle Axe and lightly wounds him!
Troglaaz curses under his breath as the swift-moving dwarf once more draws back, avoiding his scimitar's cutting arch. Heavy boots digging into the dirt beneath him, the Uruk-hai suddenly darts forward, eyes widening as Dori aims the point of the axe into his torso. Inhaling sharply, he twists his body to avoid the attack, too late. The sharp weapon slams into his right side, smashing the links of his chain armour and digging deeply into his black flesh. "Blast." He rasps softly, spinning away from Dori and swinging his scimitar in a quick, mid-level slash to keep the enemy away.
Troglaaz attacks Dori with his Scimitar and mildly wounds him!
Khalekk steps up to the gates. The guards shout something, and he walks through the open gates.
Khalekk has left.
Gurth heads up the winding trail, disappearing in the rocks.
Gurth has left.
A slight crack his heard as the spear of the Battle Axe slams into the giant troll's knee. The beast stumbles a setp backwards, before bringing his leg forward again, his eyes blazing a bright red as the Giant War Hammer swings down and flies upon the dwarf below once again.
Dori doesn't even so much as wince as the scimitar glances off his reinforced suit of chain, the meld of steel and the scales of Smaug deflecting the blow easily. He continues forward in his battle motions, gradually pushing Troglaaz back. He lurches forward, swinging his axe towards the legs of the tall Uruk-hai, the curved blade whistling through the warm summer air.
Snar'losh attacks Thorin with his War Hammer and mildly wounds him!
Dori attacks Troglaaz with his Battle Axe, but he misses by a handspan.
Brutnokh snorts as he is abandoned for an attack on his olog-hai commander and then carefully comes up behind the dwarf. Raising his scimitar he taps gently on the khazad's shoulder before jutting forward his shield and aiming an attack towards the eager dwarfs side. A snarl rips across his lips in the process of the attack as his fierce eyes pierce Bolindar's chain like hot daggers from the forges.
Brutnokh attacks Bolindar with his Scimitar and lightly wounds him!
Out of a tangle of dwarves and orcs and clashing weapons slowly comes the large figure of Grar, the Khazad making his way closer to the front lines of the raging fight. The beardling's red face shines with sweat as gritted teeth are bared by the dwarf. His hammer comes down on the upheld shield of an uruk, knocking the beast to the ground with a grunt. His head swings around, hastily surveying the clamorous battle. *Thwap!* A black-feathered arrow finds its way into the old thane's shield, yanking the Longbeard's attention to the direction from which the projectile came.
Mazar bounces along on Grar's shoulder, cawing and making a loud fuss as the dwarf finally moves into action!
The troll's axe hits hard on Bolindar's helmet with a loud *clank*. He tumbles back a bit, shaking his head. As a small stream of blood finds its way down through his beard he gives a yell, "For Mahal !" and dives, passing by the troll's feet, trying to get to the uruk again. Yet too late he notices the uruk getting behind his back, and only the cold blade makes him first aware as it cuts deep through his armor. Growling he turns, and swings madly at the attacking orc's neck.
Bolindar attacks Brutnokh with his Battle Axe, but Brutnokh parries the attack with his Scimitar!
Mazar rises into the sky, cawing, "Fight! Fight!" over and over again, and is quickly gone in the manner of most Ereborian ravens.
Managing to step aside and absorb what little of the blow thrumps down to his mailed side, Thorin spares a quick glance about the bloodied frenzy that is the earth before his beloved gates. Narrowing his eyes he focuses on his opponent, his black braided beard still tucked well into his belt and with natural grace he closes, shifting his hands down his grip as he does. The Prince then calls forth as he charges in swinging at the trolls right leg, "Dain!"
Thorin attacks Snar'losh with his Battle Axe and lightly wounds him!
Troglaaz draws back slowly, his slitted eyes watching Dori's every move and nothing else even as violent struggle rages furiously around them. His leather buckler rises protectively over his chest as he gives way, the scimitar's curved blade held easily at his side. A soft gasp escapes him as he scrambles back, narrowly avoiding the heavy axeblade. Large drops of sweat trickle down the side of his face and forehead now, his teeth gritted from the pain of the deep wound at his side. With a low grunt, he lunges to the right suddenly, his weapon flailing around in a violent arch towards Dori's left side.
Troglaaz attacks Dori with his Scimitar and mildly wounds him!
Brutnokh snorts a cloud of steam as Bolindar swings within his turn, offering him plently of to raise his scimitar in defense of the assault. As strong metal clashes upon its soul mates a spark flings into the air and lands on a distant brush igniting it a small flame. Glancing with fiery red eyes as its kindled embers a wicked chuckle errupts from the depths of his throat and slowly his foul tongue again speaks the common, "You home will be burnt down if not conquered and no Muhal will save you...for soon you will die or bow before the might of the Eye!" Then braking the lock between each weapon he heaves up his scimitar and thrusts forth his shield, letting the fell blade swoosh through the air towards the waist of the khazad.
Brutnokh attacks Bolindar with his Scimitar and lightly wounds him!
Tarnok chuckles as he sees his Teguk seems to have things in hand, he yells "Now Kill the wimp of a Gazat, Teguk" he then takes a moment to scan the lines of the uruks for weak points yelling orders for more uruks to come up to the main line and add in to atemped to push back the dwarfs attack.
Snar'losh winces and tries to switch most of his weight on to his left leg as the anceint dwarven axe slames into the right leg of the giant beast. He steps forward towards the dwarf with his left leg, and brings the giant war hammer down upon the dwarf below him once again, although this time the large spike of the war hammer flies towards the dwarven head below.
Snar'losh attacks Thorin with his War Hammer and mildly wounds him!
The poorly made orcish blade once again ricochets off Dori's heavily mailed form. He grits his teeth and lets out a low gutteral growl. Taking a step back to rebalance himself, he drawns his axe back in one smooth motion and lunges forward, attempt to cleave apart the agent of the Dark Lord.
Dori attacks Troglaaz with his Battle Axe and badly wounds him!
Drithin works furiously at the rear, patching up many Khazad just to return once more to the fray, and trying to staunch the flow of blood in those more seriously wounded until such time as they can recieve proper healing. The warders around her continue to battle forward, stricking down all those enemies who would dare try to prey upon their wounded kindred
From Winding Trail, Mouth_of_Sauron +shouts, "Fight for the Eye! For Sauron!"
Taeran arrives from an upward path.
Taeran has arrived.
Bolindar gives a short shout in pain as the uruk's blade connects again, cutting into the dwarves waist. Blood begins to stream through the chain, dropping down to the ground. "Nothing's gonna stand between us and our halls." he hisses at Brutnokh and raises his axe high over his head, sending it down in a swift swing at the uruks's head.
Bolindar attacks Brutnokh with his Battle Axe, but he misses by a mile.
Thorin feels the ring of the metal spike crack down of the side of his helmet. But this is no ordinary helm, nor is the wearer himself. For eyes that flash red with hatred seer up at his huge opponent from beneath the wicked fangs that jut out before the helms serpent visage. Trading blows now and looking to press his opponent, Thorin steps in quickly and swings in a wide arc at the other leg.
Thorin attacks Snar'losh with his Battle Axe and lightly wounds him!
Troglaaz's violent curse is muffled by the helm's facemask as his scimitar is deflected by dwarven mail, his narrowed eyes flashing from their depths in rage. As Dori's axe is drawn back, he darts a long step back and to the left, his leather buckler rising in a feeble attempt to deflect the heavy blade. The buckler is split nearly apart, Dori's weapon slamming into his left arm and cutting a deep gash through the mail and into his flesh. With a painful gasp, the Teguk falls back a step, nearly loosing his balance over the rough footing and aiming a wide slash to keep his opponent away as he regains his feet.
Troglaaz attacks Dori with his Scimitar and mildly wounds him!
They're allowed all the alts they want, but we cant eh?"
Snar'losh brings his war hammer back as it hits upon the helm of the dwarf before him, and his right leg steps backwards as the axe digs just passed the troll's thick scales. As his right leg steps forward again, the huge war hammer flies around in a wide arc, swung like a baseball bat, the troll tries to send the small dwarf flying into the air.
Snar'losh attacks Thorin with his War Hammer, but Thorin parries the attack with his Battle Axe!
Brutnokh takes advantages of the anger showed by Bolindar and dodges his assault by letting his crooked legs lower him into a crouch, then springing up once the axe has passed he slides his shield closer to his body and jabs forward with his scimitar, hoping it jagged edge with pierce the side of the dwarf. The fiery lit within his eyes dimishes as if bored and in perhaps caution or slothness the captain takes a step back after his swing.
Brutnokh attacks Bolindar with his Scimitar, but Bolindar parries the attack with his Battle Axe!
Nothing will be evidence of the orc's attacks short of a few bruises, Dori's armor showing the true quality of dwarven armor. He lets a grin snake its way across his face, and draws his axe over his head with both hands, swinging down upon the Uruk-Hai's chest.
Dori attacks Troglaaz with his Battle Axe and moderately wounds him!
Thorin uses the momentum of his axe to deflect the hammer aside and quickly noting his foe's foolish error in exposing its previous injured leg, hacks at it again trading shots between the huge limbs.
Thorin attacks Snar'losh with his Battle Axe and moderately wounds him!
The anguished shout of Bolindar reaches Grar's ears, bringing the dwarf's eyes on the fellow Khazad, only to see the horrid troll, its huge and wretched figure dominating the scene. With a fierce cry the rotund beardling raises his shield before him and charges to the other dwarf's aid. "Erebor!" comes the shout off his lips.
Taeran stumbles down the slope with gashes sending blood down his dark cloak. Taeran stumbles to the side as he glances behind him and sees he has shaken his foe for now. The man stumbles foreward and falls to the ground with a low groan. His arms fall to his sides and he could not be seen any diffrent from the other corpses that strew the field
Snar'losh staggers backwards slightly, as the axe digs deeply into his left leg. He lowers his War Hammer acrossed his body and is too slow to attack again before the dwarven axe flies for him again.
Thorin snarls as he presses in with his retreating foe, the trails of black blood now trickling from an assortment of cuts along its legs. Extending out with his axe point he tries to jab once more at the bloodied knee.
Thorin attacks Snar'losh with his Battle Axe and lightly wounds him!
His shield arm hanging limply and uselessly at his side now, Troglaaz continues to fall back through his own ranks, drawing Dori back further into the Mordain host. His powerful legs move wildly beneath his broad body as he scrambles away to avoid the dwarf's attack, too slowly in his heavy coat of armour. The blade cuts a thing gash across his left shoulder, splitting several steel links and drawing a thin trickle of blood from the shallow cut. The Uruk-hai's scimitar is suddenly thrust forward, towards the belly of the advancing dwarf, his feet digging into the trampled soil beneath for balance.
Troglaaz attacks Dori with his Scimitar, but he misses by an arm's length.
Bolindar dodges aside, grunting as he feels the breeze of the scimitar passing his side only by inches. Deep hatred flames in the dwarves eyes as he leaps forward again swinging low at Brutnokh's legs.
Bolindar attacks Brutnokh with his Battle Axe, but Brutnokh parries the attack with his shield!
Dori's eyes follow the thrust towards his midsection, and steps to the side, barely dodging the attack of the Uruk-Hai. He yells out, "and now are you so confident of yourself and your fellow worms? Thy shall rest at my feet when I remove your head!" He swings forward once again, attempting to break through the mailed form of the orc.
Dori attacks Troglaaz with his Battle Axe and severely wounds him!
The huge beast tries to dodge aside the sharp point from the dwarven axe, but it slams into the troll's kneecap again, opening the old hole even wider, blood trickling down faster and thicker. The giant war hammer flies downwards upon the head of the dwarf, the pick trying to split the metal helmet upon the short beast.
Snar'losh attacks Thorin with his War Hammer, but Thorin parries the attack with his Battle Axe!
As the battle rages many orcs already fall back. In the thick of the fight they howl and curse in bloodlust and rage, but others, battered and bleeding or just seized with fear and weakened by the cruel sun, scramble away from the battle and toward the eastward trail.
Drithin screams as she notices some uruks at the rear near her and the wounded she's trying to help. With a yell, she calls some of the warders to her and swings her loaned war hammer at the enemy to disuade them as the warriors make their way to her side, cutting those that don't flee quickly enough down where they stand
Brutnokh's defensive policy with his shield saves his life as it takes the full bruntal assault of the massive axe, bringing down a good sized trench into its frame as well. Thrusting up his shield she throws off the axe and then steps backward, taking bearing from the hard felt swing. Bringing his shield again closer to his body to possibly defend from such another attack he swings his scimitar in a diagnol arch, its black blade slicing through the air with a sharp whistle, its course aimed for the khazad's shoulder.
Brutnokh attacks Bolindar with his Scimitar, but he misses by a handspan.
Thorin senses that even this great foe is tiring as this time he strains little in knocking aside its poorly aimed blow. Reversing his grip he charges in using the moments reprieve to close range and hack into the inner thigh of its already bloodied right leg.
Thorin furiously attacks Snar'losh with his Battle Axe and lightly wounds him!
Tarnok hisses as he sees the mordor line starting to fail he then yells to the uruks "Back up and Set for a push, Well will drive these gazat back!!" he then sets himself and begins to plow into the fighting uruks and Gazat to make room for other to fallow him.
Bolindar leans quickly back, so the scimitar cuts through the air in front of him. A grin on his lips he yells, "Baruk Khazad ! Khazad ai menu !" and steps forward again. Twisting abit, he puts more strength in his blow, and swings madly at Brutnokh's waist.
Bolindar attacks Brutnokh with his Battle Axe, but Brutnokh parries the attack with his shield!
Troglaaz's slitted eyes flash fiercely once more as his scimtar's thrusting point is avoided by the swift dwarf, his body dropping to a low crouch as he continues to withdraw further and further into the orcish host. Dark orcish figures dart around and past the combatants, quickly closing the gap left by Dori and Troglaaz as they two fought deep into the Mordain ranks. With a sharp gasp, The Teguk dodges aside, the axe catching him solidly along the left side and sending him spinning back a pace. "For the Eye and the scimitar, lads!" He shouts gruffly one last time, even as he attempts to lose his opponent among the swarming masses of Pulgorburzob warriors around him.
Troglaaz dodges aside Dori, and manages to escape!
Troglaaz heads east.
Snar'losh winces as the Dwarven Axe digs into the trollish scales once again, black blood begining to ooze forth easier than before. The giant War Hammer flips slightly, and the flat hammer flies down towards the head of the dwarf before him, " Tarnok, help a fellow troll! This Gazak be harder than any stone I have ever met!"
Drithin raises her eyes to the front of the fray, trying to watch the front lines as the battle in the rear ceases with the uruks being beaten off , for the moment. Her eyes scan with concern over the bloody battlefield, noticing the raging battle continuing on.
Snar'losh attacks Thorin with his War Hammer, but Thorin parries the attack with his Battle Axe!
Brutnokh grunts, a faint chuckle coming from deep within his throat as again the tactics of his defense serves its purpose. His shield throws off the swing of the dwarf, yet within it now lies what almost looks like a cross, two trenches formed from the blows of the axe. Bringing his shield forward and then inward to again protect his sides he jumps to the right and swings his scimitar, its edge singing in the air as it slices downward towards the might Khazad's shoulder. His voice rises in the swing and within his eyes the fire is rekindled to a blaze, "No, not for Muhal worm! For the Eye, who you soon will serve!"
Brutnokh attacks Bolindar with his Scimitar, but Bolindar parries the attack with his Battle Axe!
Dori lets out a, "Baruk Khazad!" As the leader of one of the orc squads retreats into the black masses. Dori begins trudging up the path around the hills, fighting off small snagas as he goes, even stepping on the softened skull of a half dead goblin as he goes. He smiles grimly his warders and the warders of the Iron Hills begin to make progress on the Mordain horde, pushing their backs against the gates, forcing most to flee.
Dori heads up the winding trail, disappearing in the rocks.
Dori has left.
In the midst of his rush to Bolindar, Grar is obstructed by the mammoth figure of the snarling troll, Tarnok. Either blind with rage or afire with might, the Khazad fails to alter his course, raising hammer high above head. In an unitelligible cry, the heavy weapon is brought down in a blur, recklessly aimed at the olog's side to which the beardling rapidly approaches.
Thorin echos the yells of his kinsman Dori as he whacks aside yet another blow. It is not truimph though upon his lips, not yet. He presses in again swinging to the right this time battering at the bloodied leg of the great troll in a deadly arc of steel.
Thorin attacks Snar'losh with his Battle Axe and moderately wounds him!
Bolindar jumps aside, as Brutnokh's scimitar passes by his shoulder once again. A satisfied look on his face he proceeds and says in a mocking voice, "You're won't help ya here, in front of the ancient dwarven gates !". With that he brings his axe up, high over his head, and swings down at the uruk's head.
Bolindar attacks Brutnokh with his Battle Axe, but Brutnokh parries the attack with his shield!
Tarnok hisses and he is about to shatter the head of some poor gazat when he hears the Olog-hai, cry, he shouts back " It's Only a Gazat, your the greatest weapon in all Mordor, Dertroy the Gazat or move on to a new target!!" he then looks down and these is the *clang* of Steel off stone and notes Grar. he the shout in comman 'Fool now feel the might of Mordor and the Eye!!" with that he swing out and trys to bat the Gazat away.
As the dwarven axe slams into the thick hide of the huge beast, drawing forth more of the hideous black blood. As Tarnok speaks, the Olog-Hai seems enraged, as his eyes suddenly flash a rbighter red, and the huge war hammer flies faster than before as it flies towards the head of the small dwarf before him.
Snar'losh attacks Thorin with his War Hammer and mildly wounds him!
Grar attacks Tarnok with its War Hammer and mildly wounds him!
Drithin and her escort of warders move forward slowly as the dwarves make headway in the battle,fighting along the way, with the healer pausing often to administer what aid she can
Brutnokh crooked legs bend as a strong grunt comes from his parting lips, with all his strength he forces his shield quickly above his head and allows it to again take the brunt of the axes assault. Dodging aside from the weapon he shrugs it off and then stands back to his full height, his eyes narrow in rage as he looks at his metal shield, "Stop hitting my shield you dorf! These things are hard to replace, but no matter once you fall as slaves to the Eye your crafty little hands will build us new ones...." he pauses for but a second, "...with your beards brandishes aside the Eye on the front!" His facial muscles then twist in jest and thrusting foward his scimitar he lets its sharp tip edge for the dwarf's neck.
Brutnokh attacks Bolindar with his Scimitar, but he misses by a handspan.
Tarnok Hisses some thing to one of the other Ologs, then looks down as there is a *clang* of steel on stone. He then Yells at the gazat "Fool, now feel the Rage of Mordor!!" with that he swing out at Grar and trys to bat it way.
Tarnok attacks Grar with his Battle Axe and moderately wounds it!
Thorin blocks most of the incoming blow and as he ducks, its still manages to graze the side of his helm causing his eyes to blink as he clears them. "By Mahal you'll pay for that!" he issues in a menacing tone and levels his axe once more. "Barah Khazad!" he calls out again and feints an attack to the right, spinning about and using his moment to back deeply into its left leg again.
Thorin attacks Snar'losh with his Battle Axe and moderately wounds him!
Snar'losh stumbles back a step or two as the ancient battle axe slams into his left leg again, ripping acrossed an older wound, opening it wider and digging it deeper. Black blood is scattered upon the ground around the two oppenents, and the giant war hammer flies down towards the head of the dwarf, trying to break through the helmet with the sharp pick of the hammer.
Snar'losh attacks Thorin with his War Hammer and mildly wounds him!
Bolindar laughs as the scimitar misses its target completely, "Better use your eyes, instead of talking the eyes constantly." he mocks, "And simply lower your shield if ya don't want it to be harmed !" With that he raises his axe again, preparing a swing, yet quickly he stabs forward the spike of the weapon's hilt aiming at the uruk's chest.
Bolindar attacks Brutnokh with his Battle Axe and lightly wounds him!
Bungtok arrives through the gates.
Bungtok has arrived.
The blow of Tarnok's battle axe catches Grar full on the side. A loud grunt falls from his parted lips as the dwarf is knocked off balance. Managing to maintain a partial stance, Grar brings his hammer around in a wide arc with one hand, aimed at the troll's leg, as thick as a tree trunk, that being the target on level with the Khazad's weapon.
Thorin all but ignores the light blow that misses his head (the prince deducing the troll's usual target area by now) and grazes into the wondrous thick hauberk that covers his shoulder. Seeing his foe on the defensive with its many wounds he slashes out again, vengeance in his eyes at swings at the bloodied knee nearest to him.
Grar attacks Tarnok with its War Hammer, but it misses by a mile.
Thorin furiously attacks Snar'losh with his Battle Axe and lightly wounds him!
Bungtok runs out from the entrance. Holding his battle axe, ready to fend off any blows, he looks about for an easy escape. Finding a path, he quickly tries for it.
Brutnokh raises his shield as if expecting another swing, but instead the butt of the axe is sent forward and impales the side of his chest with its spiked end. Drawing out a good size amount of flesh and snapping several rings from his chain a black blood bubbles forth and slides slowly down his side. His eyes narrowing, the captain looks down at the fresh wound and snorts back in jest, perhaps to shrugs off the pain, "'Bout time dorf!" Then bringing his fiery focus back on the khazad he repositions his shield and swings his scimitar, letting its black edge slice through the air with a shrill pitch before guiding its course towards the dwarf's open neck.
Brutnokh attacks Bolindar with his Scimitar, but he misses by a handspan.
Bodys and blood now cover the ground, both of Dwarf and uruk. Crys of the dead and dieing fill the air as the clashing of dwarvish steel on Urukish metel.
Snar'losh stumbles slightly backwards once again as the battle axe slams into the troll's thick hide, drawing forth more blood. The giant troll swings it's war hammer again, but the strength seems to be mostly used as the war hammer slowly fliesa around.
Snar'losh attacks Thorin with his War Hammer, but he misses by an arm's length.
Tarnok chuckles as the Gazat that attacked him seem to trip on the body of one of the faller uruks. He then brings back his weapon and yells "Mordor rules here, and Now you will die small one!!" he then swings out with his weapon and trys to shatter Grar's skull with the edge of his axe.
Gurth arrives from an upward path.
Gurth has arrived.
Tarnok attacks Grar with his Battle Axe, but Grar parries the attack with its War Hammer!
Bolindar ducks quickly beneath the slicing scimitar. Getting up to full height again he laughs and yells at Brutnokh, "For Mahal ! For Thorin !" and brings his axe about in a wide arc, aiming at the orc's open side, trying to get through to his shoulder.
Jorin arrives from an upward path.
Jorin has arrived.
Bolindar attacks Brutnokh with his Battle Axe and moderately wounds him!
Bungtok looks around, as he limps off to the east. A trail of black blood being left behind on the ground
Bungtok heads east.
Bungtok has left.
Thorin ducks easily under the blow as the hammers swooshes overhead. Its left flank now exposed, Thorin rushes in trying to open a new wound along its side near the hip with his ancient blade of iron.
Thorin attacks Snar'losh with his Battle Axe and moderately wounds him!
Brutnokh howls at the would cuts into his shoulder, his chain holder the flesh in place as deluge of blood begins to flow forth. With a grunt he turns to look at the newer wound and then back at the dwarf, "Luck seems to have come back to your side, but your Muhal is only temporary as is your life." Then raising his scimitar back up and bringing his shield forward he swings, the arch of his blade cutting downard towards the axe bearing shoulder of the dwarf.
Brutnokh attacks Bolindar with his Scimitar and lightly wounds him!
Gurth comes around the last corner of the winding trail, and finds a large battle in progress here at the entrance as well. Heedless for the most part, he rushes in and makes his way into the thick of battle.
The giant beast falls to it's knees as the axe slams into the troll's legs once again, the thick trees giving way beneath the heavy weight of the giant beast. The troll tries to swing the giant hammer with just it's huge arms, the hammer flying in a wide arc towards the dwarf.
Snar'losh attacks Thorin with his War Hammer and mildly wounds him!
Jorin attempts to follow Gurth into the fray, but comes up short as a small pitiful uruk bars his way, After the insults up on the hill he hates to let the foul wretch go, but cannot follow.
Grar's hammer is held steadily against the oncoming blade, partially in attempt of a parry, partially for the purposes of regaining balance. Metal clashes against metal, sending out a stream of sparks. The dwarf then steps sideways, bringing himself to a sturdy stance directly before the troll, feet spread evenly at shoulder width. Hacking as if trying to break through a wall of brush and bramble, Grar brings his hammer in a steady swing with both hands at Tarnok's waist.
The smile disappears from Bolindar's face, as the uruk's blade connects again. A small wound opens on his right shoulder, giving the surrounding cloak a red color, yet Bolindar continues to steam forward. "You can't stand between us and our halls for long !" he shouts and lets his axe follow his words swinging at Brutnokh's neck.
Grar attacks Tarnok with its War Hammer and mildly wounds him!
Bolindar attacks Brutnokh with his Battle Axe and moderately wounds him!
Thorin tries to step back out of the arc of the wide hammer swing, and almost does it..almost. There is a slight *clang* as the huge weapon rings off the hauberk about the prince's waist and its weight alone pushes him back a step. But the troll is down on its knees and even as it clamors to stand again Thorin charges forward, his axe on the high this time to strike heavily upon its injured left leg.
Thorin furiously attacks Snar'losh with his Battle Axe and moderately wounds him!
Tarnok chuckles as Grar seems to over swing and he reaches up to hit his upper leg. He then beings his weapon back on a counter swing and trys to land a powerful blow on Grar side, he then yells to the uruks" Gather the troops and try to make a hole in there lines!!"
Tarnok attacks Grar with his Battle Axe, but he misses by a mile.
Gurth slows his progress through the thick of battle upon noticing the presence of the Teguk of Morgul, Brutnokh. Fighting his way closer, he calls out "Hai, Teguk! These beasties will fall to us!"
Brutnokh growls as the axe cuts into his stuby thick bone between his neck and shoulder and draws a deep gash of bubbling black blood. The chuckle that had be smiling only moments before completely fades and with it comes the sudden change of shadows which crawl and seep across his brow. Within his eyes swirls a new motivation, a sign of madness and malice which thrusts the hatred filled heart of this orc forward to its task. Raising his scimitar, steam flares from his nostrils and drool from its mouth and then letting the fell blade fly it cuts across the thin air into a diagnol which course is aimed for the khazad's own jugular. At hearing Gurth's words he tilts his head as if to nod it, but because of the flowing blood does not.
Brutnokh attacks Bolindar with his Scimitar, but Bolindar parries the attack with his Battle Axe!
Snar'losh brings his hammer all the way around as it weakly glances off from the dwarven armor. Instead of winding the swing up again, the giant places both hands upon the wooden handle and tries to bring it back around, a wide arc trying to nock the small dwarf on his right side.
Snar'losh attacks Thorin with his War Hammer, but Thorin parries the attack with his Battle Axe!
Jorin heads up the winding trail, disappearing in the rocks.
Jorin has left.
The great troll's hammer rushes in again, but this time slower than before and unlike the last time, Thorin is able to deflect it aside fully. With the enemy's arms now in reach he slashes in a downward arc hoping to cut clean through the stonelike skin as only his axe is famed for.
Thorin attacks Snar'losh with his Battle Axe and badly wounds him!
Gurth continues to dispatch a younger looking dwarf in a furious melee. Both his blade and that of his counterpart flash back and forth in an amalgam of flashes and a flurry of noise.
A fierce rumble sounds from Grar's throat as he jumps back reflexively, letting the troll's axe pass in front of him. Taking back the gap between himself and his enemy with a momentous step, the beardling brings his hammer diagonally upwards aimed across the lower portion of the olog-hai Tarnok's body.
Bolindar dodges the uruk's inaccurate blow easily, as Brutnokh's concentration makes way for madness and hatred. Waiting until the orc regains his balance again, Bolindar sends a terrible swing again directly at his neck, a broad smile rising on his lips.
Bolindar attacks Brutnokh with his Battle Axe and badly wounds him!
Grar attacks Tarnok with its War Hammer and mildly wounds him!
Snar'losh attacks Thorin with his War Hammer, but Thorin parries the attack with his Battle Axe!
A yell springs up from the lips of the Olog-Hai as the dwarven axe slams deep into its left arm, digging clear to the bone, forcing the left arm of the giant beast to drop limp at it's side. The giant troll now tries to swing the giant hammer with it's right arm, bringing it around in a wide, slow arc.
Lagdash arrives through the gates.
Lagdash has arrived.
Tarnok seems to let the Dwarf hammer hit him, letting his hide take the damage and chuckles "Is that the best you can do Gazat?" he then bring he axe back over his head and swongs down at Grar howlling "Now Die!!!" as he aims this powerful blow at the dwarfs head.
Tarnok attacks Grar with his Battle Axe and moderately wounds it!
Brutnokh snorts as blood is drawn again on his neck, but this time his eyes close for a moment as if fighting the pain. Gradually their fiery orbs become revealed and with a grunt the orc takes a broad step back, "Perhaps you will have the hills again dorf, but mark this...we have stolen your ore and your does not matter if you take it back for we have got what we need and those who have it are half way to the shadowed land again, I bid you for now farewell if I may." But a rude and mocking bow of his head he then takes to flight, fleeing with the masses of orcs who retreat towards the east.
Brutnokh dodges aside Bolindar, and manages to escape!
Brutnokh heads east.
Brutnokh has left.
Thorin hammers aside the troll's blow with grim determination. Its badly wounded now and the prince shows no quarter as he slashes in with another great cry, "Barazahar!" and drives down again in a arc of forged steel towards its extended good arm.
Thorin attacks Snar'losh with his Battle Axe and moderately wounds him!
As the dwarven axe digs into the troll's right arm, the giant hammer falls to the ground with a *THUD* and the giant body of the troll falls forward and lands in the black blood around him, his head falling upon the hammer he had just recently dropped before him.
Bolindar tries to follow the uruk, yet the lines close fast behind him. So Bolindar stops his axe twisting in his hands and scans over the battlefield, looking for another opponent, swinging and stabbing at the fleeing uruks.
Lagdash has arrived.
Lagdash creeps to the shadows for a safe hiding place.
Grar whips his head aside from the blow, catching it on the shoulder of his shield arm. Nearly dropping his hammer, a cry pours forth from his gaping mouth as the arm of the injured shoulder goes limp at the dwarf's side. A fierce, but pain-contorted look on his beet-red visage, the large and elderly thane swings the hammer downward with a single hand as if he were pounding metal on the anvil.
Grar attacks Tarnok with its War Hammer and mildly wounds him!
Tarnok takes a moment to scan the area as his weapon it's soundly on the Gazat he is attacking, and frowns at seeing that the numbers have falled greatly from the uruk side. Tarnok yells "Destroy them or you will feel the bit of my axe!!" he then looks down at seeing Grar is still there by feelling the dwarf blow., In anger he yell "Begon Gazt I have no time for scum like you!1" he then swings low with his weapon and trys to bat the dwarf to the side.
Tarnok attacks Grar with his Battle Axe and lightly wounds it!
Thorin drives his axe downward into his great foe's neck as it lies there helpless, but breathing still. But for a moment more only as the with a vicious swoop of iron, the ancient axe cuts deeply through the skin, then sinew and finally the huge viens of its neck. A great burst of black blood meets his efforts and splatters about the ground before him. The Prince peers down for a moment, victorious but still surrounded by foes. His aide still at his side, signals to a battle that lies further up the hills where many of his ancient kinsmen went to fight. He hesistates only a moment more then turns and charges with a yell, his guards just behind.
Thorin heads up the winding trail, disappearing in the rocks.
Thorin has left.
Shagrat arrives from an upward path.
Shagrat has arrived.
Gurth dispatches another one of the Khazads, leaving only a smoldering pile of cooling flesh and drying blood to mark his passing. With that, he turns and continues his movements through the battlefield.
Kloi_Whitebeard arrives from an upward path.
Kloi_Whitebeard has arrived.
Kloi_Whitebeard starts to stumble after his foe, then stops himself abruptly. For the wide gates of his old home, the Halls of Emyn-Engrin, are once again within sight! As Kloi marches forward to take the gate, a small Snaga foolish enough to come between them is easily brushed aside--no match for the Dwarven commander after the huge Uruk he just fought. Not hesitating, Kloi reaches the gate and hollars for assistance.
Jyr has arrived.
Shagrat comes leaping downhill, his fleeing charge as fiersome as an attack...orc and dwarf in his way beaten and trampled, scimitar and shield slashing and shoving at any living thing in his way. He charges into the fray, and disappears from sight.
This time the blow glances off Grar's hip, and the red of blood begins to seep through the small, tightly forged mail rings. Gritted teeth bring no cry of pain now, but only a grunt of peterubment as the Khazad winces and brings back his hamer in preparation for his next strike, but, alas! A tide of fleeing uruk come between troll and Khazad and the dwarf's foe is lost.
Gurth notes the presence of one of the wagons, now abandoned. Avoiding conflict, he rushes towards it and reaches inside, pulling up a crude, dirty bag of something. Looking cautiously about, he lugs the bag over his shoulder and moves to the eastern ways, now more careful to avoid conflict.
Thal arrives from the east.
Thal has arrived.
Gurth rethinks his plan. He returns to the abandoned wagon once more.
Gurth sheathes his scimitar, freeing a second hand, which reaches in and picks up a second dirty bag. He turns, and this time rushes away to the East, one bag over his shoulder, the other before him.
Kloi_Whitebeard stands by the entrance to the Ancient Halls, waving his cousins through and guarding the gates. He scans the battlefield and marvels at the difference between witnessing the combat from up close and from this vantage. The participants, Orcs, Trolls, Men and Dwarves, all appear to be a vast sea of uneven movement, their blows ringing the hot summer air like distant forges.
Bungtok heads up the winding trail, disappearing in the rocks.
Bungtok has left.
Khalekk rushes out of the gates, carefully avoiding the various scirimishes that still go on, knowing the need the surviving troops will need for his skills after we regroup. Using the path already traveled, he follows Gurths lead, towards the east, stopping at the same cart and grabbing up a large bag, with surprising strenght for a shaman, he continues his dash to the east.
Gurth heads east.
Gurth has left.
Thal enters the fray, brandishing his battle axe and looking for blood.
Khalekk heads east.
Khalekk has left.
With a glance around, Grar makes his way towards the back of the lines, one arm limp at his side, the other heaving his great hammer to and fro, swiping aside the scattered groups of disoriented and wounded snaga.
Thal seeing the situation under control, makes for the gates.
Frorin follows the rest of the Khazad out of the iron hills. He glances around for some orc to kill...
A stout figure descends the trail, his golden-red chain mail shimmering from beneath the splatters of orc blood. A broad smile covers his usually dour countenence, and he calls out to the warders near the gate, "The Iron Hills are once again ours! The worms and their leaders have fled!"