Intrigues in Ithilien
The Crossroads Mordenaug lifts it's head slightly, as the scent of Shgrat strikes it's nostrils.. it turns to see him.. and it bows low.. with both arms swaying out.. It's voice crackles like a vein of lightnign as it speaks.. "My massster.. I have something I musst give you.." A faint rustling of dead autumn leaves heralds the incautious approach of Shagrat. The large orc steps from the woods onto the crossroads, regarding the camp there with a slow critical stare. Shagrat's gaze drifts to Mordenaug. With a grunt, he nods, and steps forward in a confident, loping stride. His pointed ears flare slightly, taking in the sounds of the morning and the orc camp. "Rakarg. What is it?" Narthaug has arrived. Karthen has arrived. As if preforming a magic trick.. Mordenaug wavers it's hand about it's hips.. and where an empty palm once was, a scroll is now gripped.. it extends the rolled paper to Shagrat.. bowing once again.. 'Delivered by Goldmund ... A man.. he claimss to follow the EYE." Mordenaug says, "He spoke to me that ti isss to be delivered to you.." Mordenaug gave you Scroll. Narthaug comes out of DarkHail. The wind picks up his pitch black cape and blows it around like the evil wings of a black bird of prey. He scans the area with his Burning Orange eyes delving into the souls of each one present. He lets out a soft hiss and steps down to the ground the Figure of Death Himself. Mordenaug says, "I wouldn't have dared erading it myssself.. :it's voice hollows: of course." Narthaug bows lowly to the Teguk, "It is a pleasure (Biting Sarcasm) to see you again great Shagrat." Shagrat grunts, regarding Mordenaug for a moment after taking the scroll, then glances at Narthaug. "Holy one," he growls, then looks down at the paper that is clutched in his mighty claw. Mordenaug stands before Shagrat.. one hand raised before it's chin, half-curled into a clawed fist.. the other, rubbing into it's elbow.. It simply looks into the Teguk wth it's blank and unrevealing stare.. as if it expected something, as if it watched for a reaction. Narthaug turns his thin mouth up into a crooked grin as Shagrat Growls out "Holy One." The grin contorts his noseless face and gives it a Demonic Visage. He runs his burnt, withered, and almost skeletal hand up and down a Pitch Black Onyx Staff. Shagrat begins to chuckle, but restricts himself to a hideous smile. He looks up at Mordenaug. "Rakarg. My letters aren't as good as the priests', I'll warrant, but I think this is addressed to the Ordainer." Mordenaug says, "Perhapsss it was.. but I was told to give it to you." Narthaug says, "Addressed to Me? Give it here!" Karthen is hiding in the darkest shadows cast by the carriage, her black cloak assistin her in the effort to stay unseen. Narthaug turns to Mordenaug for a second. Then back to Shagrat Shagrat chuckles and hands the scroll to Narthaug. Mordenaug breathes a deep breath.. and tilts it's head backwards.. as if it were cheerishing the scent of ash that staled the air.. in truth.. it detects Karthen's scent.. knowing it has tasted it before.. Narthaug turns to the Watcher, "I wish to speak with you, when you have the time ALONE. Narthaug nods to Shagrat as he takes the scroll Narthaug nods, "Then now is as good as ever." Narthaug turns to DarkHail and disapears in it's depths Narthaug has left. Shagrat turns to walk off, chuckling louder. "Very well. I have reports to hear and patrols to arrange." Mordenaug moves into Darkhail after Narthaug, giving to hindside of the Carriage a frightuflly sudden glance.. as if it saw through the wheels and wood.. and into Karthen directly.. Mordenaug has left. Shagrat signals a Dushgob orc waiting nearby. "Find Raggok," he grunts to the snaga, "And tell him I said report to me at once." He chuckles again and stalks off to the west. Westward you go...
On the way to the Crossroads... Raggok salutes the Teguk The snaga nods and begins to jog off into the woods, but stops short as Raggok comes into view. He begins to speak, but thinks better of it. Shagrat says, "Captain Raggok. I'm heading back to the Fortress. I'll hear your report on the way." Raggok nods and falls in step behind the Teguk Shagrat continues to stalk westward, paced by a handful of snaga scouts and the Tek'rak. You tromp off to the west... Osgiliath: Eastern Ruins - Outside the Tumbled Wall Raggok has arrived from the east... Raggok says, "nothing to report as of yet.. except a skirmish with a few gondos earlier" Shagrat glances at Raggok as they walk. "A skirmish? What losses?" Raggok smirks "only on the gondo side sir, a bunch of Snaga vs the Rangers.. and therangers didn't standa chance Raggok flecks a bit of dried blood he notices off his shield Raggok says, "somehow the Rangers got around our camp and made it to the ruined bridge where our forces encountered them..." Shagrat grins brutally. "They're too cursed sneaky. We'll have to scour that area, find the secret route they used. But good work, in the fight. Any captives?" Raggok's brow crinkles "umm i think one was taken down.. i nearly had 2 myself but one threw himself i my way and allowed thier leader to escape Raggok says, "i orders search partied but as of yet no word has reached me on findings or if anyone was captured" Raggok scrapes a bit more blood off of his shield, noticeing more than before Gurth has arrived from the east... Gurth has arrived. Shagrat nods, growling. "Find out what became of the search parties. I don't want them getting sloppy. Those sneaks can turn a route into an ambush if you don't watch them." Raggok nods "right away sir.. As fast as i can whip them snagas into telling me" Shagrat stalks along the road to the west, with Raggok and a few Dushgob scouts in tow. Shagrat says, "Right. Now, another matter. That skulk from Lugburz, the Watcher. You know him?" Gurth appears from beyond the crumpled and waylaid buildings that surround the area. From the East he approaches roughly following the road, yet off to the side. His steps are quiet, yet not silent; his movements express confidence. Raggok frowns and shakes his head no A scout off from the main group glances over, catching the sounds of Gurth's approach. He sees only a large orc at first, but after a moment he looks harder. Raggok says, "who is he... anyone i should know.. or perhaps injure? "Shagrat says, "Well, learn who it is, and watch him. He's a Rakarg, and runs that tribe of skulks that is bodyguarding Narthaug now." The snaga calls out, staring at Gurth uncertainly in the autumn morning haze, his eyes lousy with the light. "Hai! Officer approaching." Raggok looks a bit disapointed "only watch sir?, no unecissary maimings?" Gurth approaches the two Uruks slowly, moving past them slightly along the Northern edge of the road... Shagrat chuckles. "If I needed him maimed, I'd have done it. And I may yet, if things don't change. He had a letter he had me look at. It said it was to the Ordainer, but this Watcher was told to give it to me. You seen any letters like that recently?" He looks at Raggok severely for a moment, gauging his reaction, not reacting yet to the snaga's call. Raggok thinks hard for a moment, a small pink tounge slightly pokes out "No sir, nothiing on paper..." Shagrat grunts and nods, then looks over to where Gurth approaches. His eyes narrow, and he stares at the newcomer for a long moment.
Gurth picks his way among the rubble of Osgiliath, seemingly ignorant to the attentions of Shagrat. Shagrat looks at Raggok. "You know him?" He nods at Gurth, looking back at the newcomer. Raggok turns and faces the new Hai. "umm i think i remmber him from teh skirmish earlier.. but there were many there. Shagrat says, "Hmmh." He looks at Gurth again, calling out: "Ho there! You in the armor. Come here." Gurth stops for a moment, reaching down and picking up a small stone or pebble. He examines it in his savage hand for a moment, then discards it and continues on. Raggok starts to uncoil his whip Gurth stops his meandering gait, and turns towards the sound of the voice. He approaches slowly... Raggok begins to recoil the whip, but keeps it in his hand in case Gurth performs a perfunctory bow as he steps up. He refrains from speaking. Shagrat looks Gurth up and down as the other comes closer. "I don't know you--at least, not your name and rank. And I make it my business to know my officers. But the face looks familiar. Explain that, soldier." Gurth looks Eastward, towards the black lands of Sauron. "Perhaps we served together. I have spent much time in Lugburz." Raggok begins to look over the Hai Shagrat grunts. "Haven't we all. But your name and rank are what I'm after. What troops are you commanding?" Gurth continues to stare Eastward, as if entranced. "I command no troops." Raggok ahhs "A deserter we have here" Shagrat says, "None?" He glances at Raggok, then back at Gurth, a bit suspicious. "Is that it? You've fled the army, eh?" Raggok begins to again uncoil his whip Raggok looks over the Hai again Gurth turns towards Raggok, saying in a hushed whisper, "Unwise." He turns to face Shagrat once more, and says, "I serve the Eye, not the army." He pauses for a moment, and says, "I am Gurth." Raggok seems to look unimpressed.. but yet slightly unnerved that not taint offear from a whip is shown. Shagrat growls thoughtfully, his head rising on massive shoulders as he regards the orc. "Well, well. By the Pits, I think I believe you." He is silent again for a moment, watching Gurth. Shagrat glances at Raggok. "Put that whip away, captain. It wouldn't do any good anyway." He chuckles softly. "This one's dead." Gurth mirrors Shagrat's gaze, saying after a time, "Is there something you require?" Raggok looks a bit confused but does as Shaggy says Shagrat looks at Gurth again, his voice coarse. "I require many things. Of you, though, only some report would be in order. The Eye has me in charge of this campaign. What's your part in it?" Raggok murmers under his breath "he probilydoesn't have ta tell you" Gurth says plainly, "To serve." Raggok looks up calmly as if he didn't do nothing Shagrat grunts, seeming not to hear Raggok's muttering. But his voice is slightly more formal than usual, lacking the casual scorn he usually holds ready, as he speaks to Gurth. "To serve? That's what we're all doing. I mean specifics." Gurth rests his palm on the butt of his blade. "For now, I fight. Later, I will serve in another way." His hand drops back to his side, and he presses a fist to the center of his chest, and it too drops to his side. Shagrat listens and watches, and at length he nods. "And are you here openly, to join our maneuvers and strategies, then?" Gurth nods. "As I am needed." He stands patiently, conversing in his own cryptic idiom. Raggok attempts to smoosh a beetle, but when he raises his foot, it scampers away. Shagrat frowns slightly. "Very well. How shall my scouts find you, then, when plans are laid and the troops are moving?" Raggok snarls at the uruks milling about and threatens them with his coiled whip Gurth says, "Then I shall come." Shagrat nods again, at length. "Very well." He glances at Raggok. "I think that's all, captain." He looks at Gurth again. Raggok nods and heads back towards camp Shagrat steps back, then, and motions the scouts to move along westward again. With a salute, he stalks off along the road.