Assault on Laketown


Battle on the Old Forest Road
MIRKWOOD: Orcs of Moria and Mordor join in battle against humans and elves in Mirkwood.

NEWS: The Battle of the Bridge
LAKETOWN: Orcs of Mordor and Moria join in a rare alliance to demand tribute of the humans of Laketown.

Gulzurkum: The Return of Grishnakh
DOL GULDUR: The captain of the orcs of Mordor meets with his officers in Dol Guldur, to demand an accounting of their failure to subjugate Laketown.

Khurzurkum: Death and Promotion
DOL GULDUR: Grishnakh calls the army of Dol Guldur to discuss the Laketown campaign... but first must he faces an unexpected attack.