Grishnakh Receives the Black Lance
Fauthmat sits with his back pressed against a low shelf of rock. Before the squat, mailed figure a roaring fire can be seen leaping high into the Morgul night in an orange and yellow burst of color. All about this fire can be seen the forms of many Uruks, some bearing heavy arms and armor as the metalic reflections of firelight attest to. There is much swilling of grog, and rasping of rough Orc voices.
Gorrock comes down an escarpment from an orc hold above.
Gorrock has arrived.
Glurg'erg glances up as he sees Fauthmat, and quickly starts to walk away from Guthmug, knowing he can speak with him at a later time. He soon is far away from the Rakarg, in the middle of a large crowd of Uruks, speaking with a few, taking of fhis helmet and tucking it under his arm as he speaks.
Gorrock truges along head down.
Low drums pound and rumble in the camp, sending echoes up the valley, into the midnight air and the dead light of the looming city.
Guthmug follows Glurg'erg's gaze but remains standing in the deep shadows behind the large tent for a moment. He raises his clawed hand to scratch at the bottom of his chin as he watches Glurg'erg walk away.
Thog, after a time, reachs back into his tent and pull out what is left of his last meal...that being a arm of some poor snaga..and begins to eat it..then looks back to the camp..and trys to hear what is going on..but the sound of the camp are meny..and drowned out any thing that might have made scence. Thog then shakes his head and yells out in his booming voice "Quiet!!! me is try to think!!" then gose back to what is left of the arm...
Fauthmat looks up from the blackened axehead he had previously been sharpening, the sound of drums pounding in the sky. A slow breath flares the Orc's nostrills before he rises up, sitting atop the low ridge and inspecting the blade of his axe almost casually.
Grishnakh emerges from the north, walking in a slow swaying gait and flanked by heavily-armed uruk guards and slaves bearing tall flags. One broad black standard bears the death's-head moon of Minas Morgul, and the other bears the glaring red Eye of Mordor.
Gorrock slowly steps back making way for the important person.
Glurg'erg's eyes widen as he hears the drums, and his head spins as he tries to find the reason. He let's out a soft grunt as he Sees Grishnakh, and quickly slides his Scimitar into his case, waiting for the Vorazg to arrive.
Glurg'erg loosely slides the scimitar in his leather belt.
Fauthmat stands with a quiet jingle of metal, sliding his long hafted axe into the loop upon his belt. With glittering black eyes Fauthmat looks over the heads and backs of those around him towards Grishnakh.
Guthmug slowly emerges from between the dark tents, his slouching figure moving into the light of a large fire. He glances curiously towards the arriving Uruks, his eyes widening as he recognizes the standards. Slowly, he edges forward, shoving through the crowd of Uruks gathering to watch the Vorazg's arrival.
The booming drums continue to resound as the standards of the Vorazg approach the camps. Slow, steady beats shudder echoing above the army. The city of wraiths is luminous behind the standards, its dim chilling light framing them darkly.
Thog frowns as the sound of drums fill the air..and as he finnishes the arm he tosses the bones into the camp..not caring where they land.. and covers his is clear that this olog had too much ale last night...
Glurg'erg makes his way to the front of the waiting crowd, leaving a small line of muttering and angry Uruks as he shhoves a path. A slight gleam is in his eye as he waits for the Vorazg, his helm tucked under his arm.
Gorrock hobbles to a place out of the way where he can sit and not be in someone's way.
Grishnakh and his guards and standard-bearers stop, finally, near the assembling orcs of the camps, and with the last step of the Vorazg the booming drums are silenced.
Gorrock feels smaller as he watches and hears the drums.
Fauthmat's black clawed fingers drum over the side of his axehead as he looks on. A slight ticking noise barely preceptable over the commotion.
Grishnakh pauses for a long moment as his procession halts, and casts his pale gaze slowly across the nearest orcs of the encamped army. One by one he regards those nearest.
Gorrock watches the Vorazg, feeling safe for the moment, well away from the reach of his arms.
Thog frowns as covering his ears dose not seem to help..and looks back to the camp..and shakes his head as he sees the uruk forming up with what seems to be no reson..then looks around for one of them drak ones..and seeming none..he is even more confused
Guthmug's left hand rests over the pommel of the scimitar at his side, his right hand absently scratches the side of his face as he watches.
Glurg'erg watches the Vorazg with wide eyes, a small smile on his twisted face. One arm holds his helm, and the other hangs at his side.
Gorrock fingers a shiny object in his hand while waiting to see what the Vorazg will do.
Grishnakh regards the nearest orcs for a moment, then lets his voice rise a bit, enough to be heard in the first few ranks before him. Without preamble he asks, "Where is the Lance?"
Gorrock thinks, "what lance?"
Glurg'erg raises his hand quickly, shouting out so the Vorazg can hear, " I be havin' da lance... I go get it right now, Master Vorazg." Without another word, he turns from Grishnakh, and starts jogging towards his tent, his eyes filled with Awe at the thought of holding the lance once again.
Glurg'erg has left.
Guthmug turns his head towards Glurg'erg, his eyes narrowing as he studies the -hai.
Grishnakh turns to watch Glurg'erg, and waits silently for the other orc to show himself again.
Gorrock plops down on the ground waiting to see this 'lance'.
Glurg'erg has arrived.
Glurg'erg walks slowly from the tent, the huge lance held in both his hands. His eyes are wide, and he heads towards Grishnakh, carefully stepping over Uruks, and snapping at those who reach out to touch it.
Fauthmat's scarred face is touched by a slight smile as his dark eyes focus on Glurg'erg, which exposes the tips of his chipped yellow fangs.
Thog looks to the uruk that everone else is looking to and nods to himself..and only mutters softly "..must be Stonebringer.." then looks to the other uruks and smiles..and mutters again.." is good..they do this then.." he in turn stand to watch what what gose one in the uruk camp..but sways a little as he dose...
Skargash walks into the camp from the east with several armed uruks with him.
Guthmug watches Glurg'erg's return intently, his eyes widening as he studies the black lance. He swallows nervously and licks his lips hungrily, his hands grip the sides of his cloak tightly.
Skargash stops after a few steps and says something to them then walks off as the group disperses into the camp.
Glurg'erg comes to a stop before Grishnakh, looking at him and the lance in turns, waiting for his next orders.
Fauthmat's eyes dart to the side, looking over the newcomers intently.
Grishnakh, too, watches Glurg'erg's approach, but his gaze is locked on the Lance itself, ignoring the orc who bears it. The Lance is taller than the tallest troll, a shaft of solid blackness enscribed with runes and tipped with black steel.
An enormous weapon, this Lance is a black shaft of iron-hard wood fully five meters (16 feet) long, tipped with a long leaf-blade of black steel. Near the tip are two short crossbars, one just beneath the blade and the other a meter below,from which a banner or standard can be flown. Running the length of the Black Lance, from wooden shaft to black steel blade, are intricate runes. They seem elegant, nearly delicate in script, but those who can decipher them know their truth: harsh, guttural, cruel, words bespeaking the triumph and power of the Dark Lord. The runes are of the Black Speech, and this weapon is Goru, the Black Lance of Mordor, standard of the dread glory of its maker Sauron.
Grishnakh finally looks down at Glurg'erg. Then he glances around at the other orcs nearby. "Here is one from Lugburz. Where are the ranking officers of Pulgorbuurz and Dushgoi?"
Gorrock watches the lance in awe.
Glurg'erg slowlys lets the butt of the lance rest in the dirt, so he can better manage it without letting it fall. he holds on to it tightly, waiting for the other officers to come.
Skargash as he walks deeper into the camp hears the all too well known voice of the vorazg calling and he approaches, iron-shod boots thudding on the ground...
Fauthmat steps forward, the mere press of his body in the mass of Uruks is enough to part them after the Vorazg's words. Shuffling steps and a slight jingle of mail accompanies Fauthmat as he strides up towards Grishnakh.
Guthmug looks up at Grishnakh's words, swallowing nervously and glancing around once before stepping forward quickly. He shoves past the few Uruks ahead of him and approaches Grishnakh, stopping a step behind and to the right side of Fauthmat.
Fauthmat comes to a halt directly beside Glurg'erg, and drops to one knee facing Grishnakh. "Fauthmat," he rasps, "Tek'rak u Pulgorburzob." The Orc then stands in one fluid motion.
Thog looks to the large black stick that is being shown to all..and frowns as he to far away to hear what is going on...he then moves foreward to the ranks of uruks..and stands in the back rank..much to the dislike of the uruks there..but they don't move out of fear of the Vorazg..
Gorrock stands uneasy at the sight of all these higherups.
You paged Skargash with 'Do you know what the emblem for Minas Morgul is? It should be somewhere in your desc.'.
Grishnakh nods slowly to Fauthmat, then regards Skargash. His voice is low and smooth. "Are you so comfortable that you need not present yourself when reporting to the commander of the armies of the Eye?"
Guthmug drops to his right knee and looks up at Grishnakh, silently waiting for the Vorazg to finish with Skargash.
Fauthmat looks away from Grishnakh for a moment, his slitted eyes lingering upon the dark lance. There doesnt seem to be any expression upon his face, however his gaze does linger overly long. His eyes then travel to the Orc holding it, and he snorts a soft laugh before looking back towards Grishnakh.
Glurg'erg ignores Fauthmat, not even glancing at him as he waits for the Vorazg to issure further orders.
Skargash reaching the vorazg hears his words then says, "I am Skargash Rakarg to the eye's armies and Durub-tala-Hai of the Zaghbuurz-Hai." I have been searching ahead ensuring no problems between the camp and Dushgob....I apologize for not being here....
Thog looks to the uruks brfore him and bends over to tap on on the head(gorrock) and says as softly as he can"What is going one? tell Thou...Yes?"..then smiles down at the the others seem to make room for the Olog and Gorrock...
Grishnakh grunts once at Skargash, then looks at Glurg'erg. "Lieutenant, how is that you are carrying the Black Lance? Share with us the tale."
Gorrock look of fear crosses his face as he turns around.
Fauthmat nods, turning to face Glurg'erg with a crooked smile upon his face, a mockery of cordiality.
Thog looks down at Gorrock..and seems to wait then says "You tell..yes?" as he says this ..thogs foul breath washes over Gorrock..then he smiles..and the smile looks as tho he is about to have the poor snaga for his next meal...
Skargash seeing the vorazg's gaze no longer is on him turns his attention to Glurg'erg, his face an expressionless mask...
Gorrock choking on the fowl breath...
Gorrock makes himself the smalest target posible.
Glurg'erg look up towards Grishnakh, and opens his mouth to speak. " Yes Master vorazg, I tell tale. We be mounting attack on dem Tarks... Found dare camp, ye see... We drive dem far back, and den leader tark run into dark Cave..." Glurg'erg let's a growl emit from his throat. " We be fallowing him in dare... Me an some udder Uruks.. We fought da Leader tark, and while he waz down, I be grabin' da Lance, after strikin' down two Tarks who try to steal it." He sucks in a large breath, looking up towards the Vorazg.
Grishnakh nods. "You say other orcs were there. Who were they? Who led them?"
Thog looks back to the uruks in the first rank then looks back down at Gorrock down to Gorrock and says a bit louder "Is that stick to be given to me? is most powerful that not right small one?" then looks hard at the uruk before him...
Guthmug turns his head to stare blankly at Glurg'erg, his hands form fists at his side as he listens.
Fauthmat nods while Glurg'erg speaks, as if impressed.
Gorrock points to Glurg'erg, "Listen to him.", while looking around for a place to run too. "Maybe ask the man everyone is kneeling to."
Glurg'erg says quickly, " I be leading dem, Mighty one... Da udder Uruks be dare.. Umm." He turns around quickly, spotting some of the Uruks who were dare. " Guthmug... Rakarg of Ashjaki.. And Uglub, Dog u Ashjaki... Hrm.. Duroch, He be Logaz...Dat be ones who fought wit me and Rakarg Tark."
Gorrock finds himself trapped with this 'thing' in the crowd.
Gorrock shifts on his feet, uneasy, knowing he could be the next meal.
Thog looks back up at the first rank..and shakes his head then hisses back down at Gorrock "Them too far way..and talk softly..that why me as you.." then ands in his booming longer softly "Now you tell me what they say!!"...then uruks around seem to shutter abit ..and move about a half step from the Gorrock and the Olog...
Grishnakh's gaze follows Glurg'erg's gestures. Seeing one of the mentioned orcs before him, he addresses Guthmug. "Lieutenant Guthmug of Dol Guldur. Is this account correct?"
Glurg'erg turns his head towards Guthmug, and narrows his eyes slightly, before watching him and waiting for his words.
Grishnakh seems undisturbed by the troll's carrying-on. In fact, he listens to Guthmug intently, as if not even hearing Thog's shout.
Guthmug turns to look up at Grishnakh, his eyes widening at the sight of the Vorazg. He clears his throat before loudly replying, "The Rakarg's report is... correct, Vorazg." He casts Glurg'erg a glance out of the corner of his eyes and waits silently for Grishnakh's reaction.
A slight smile, a bare curling of the corners of his mouth, comes to Glurg's face, before he turns back to the Vorazg.
Gorrock notices only one way he can get away from the 'thing' though it's legs...
Thog smiles at Gorrock's answer then says..almost happly.."Is good then..if not for Thog..that no have silly stick.." then sits down next to Gorrock and pats him on the head.."is keep telling me what they say.." hr then looks to the first rank of uruks...
Grishnakh nods slowly. "I see." He turns again to Glurg'erg. "Well. You have done well, then, lieutenant Glurg'erg. You have recovered this talisman, this weapon crafted by the ancient might of the Dark Lord himself in his days of greatest glory!" He glances up to the Lance again before continuing. "For this leadership, I grant you the rank of captain in Barad-dur: Tek'rak Lugburzob! You will hold the Lance, for now, until it is to be presented to the Lord of Morgul. And, who knows," he adds, his mouth twisting into a cold, strangely bitter smile. "perhaps they will reward you further. Aye, perhaps further than you will like."
Glurg'erg eyes widen at the pronouncemtn of his new rank, and then narrow at the last words. He seems to ignore them though, and bows low. "I will not let dis fall into Tark hands again, Master Vorazg." His grip on the lance tightens, and he watches Grishnakh.
Gorrock shifts as if getting ready to spring, away from thog or avoid a soon to come blow.
Grishnakh nods. "Good. Now, I have another order."
Grishnakh looks at Guthmug again. "Captain Glurg'erg, you will keep close to you Lieutenant Guthmug here, and the others who helped recover the Lance. This Uglub, and DuRoch. They will join you as the Guards of the Lance, until it is presented again to its Masters."
Thog sits quietly watching the first rank of uruks..and seems not to care about the uruk he was talking from time to time he moves his head and mutters down at Gorrock "What he say?"
Gorrock takes the oppertunity to spring through the olog's legs to posible freedom.
Skargash sits silently, obviously quite willing to allow the vorazg's attention to be focused on the others.
Guthmug glances at Glurg'erg, his gaze lingering for a moment on the great lance in the -hai's hands. He takes a deep breath and turns to look at the Vorazg once more, silently waiting for him to continue speaking.
Glurg'erg nods his head slowly, and waits for any more coments from Grishnakh, a very pleased look on his face.
Gorrock get's scared at the thought of being stuck with a olog and jumps to the crown surrounding him and the olog and trie to claw his way away from the olog.
Grishnakh turns last to Skargash. "Now. Lieutenant Skargash of Minas Morgul. Your orcs were the most numerous in the quest, as it took place in Ithilien, the place your own troops patrol. Why was it that only orcs of Dol Guldur and Barad-dur managed to capture the Lance?"
Thog dose not see Gorrock jump away..but then looks down to his right as he hears some uruk fighting and Gorrock runs into the mass of uruks. Thog dose not give chace but watchs as a number of uruk hit Gorrock fo stepping on them and for trying to claw them...
Grishnakh's attention is finally distracted for a second as the sounds of fighting rise in the ranks. His eyes narrow angrily, but as yet he says nothing at the disturbance.
Glurg'erg glances over quickly to Skargash, then lon looks back to the Vorazg, various thoughts swiming through his mind.
Skargash looks at the Vorazg, "Surely must have been the former durub-tala of the tribe Gurzak that didn't do it, perhaps it even happened after he had been killed and before I arrived...
Thog chuckles as Gorrock is soon stopped by the uruks he was running into and is forced to sit..and is orderd to stay quiet by one of the Logaz he ran into...Thog then looks back to the first rank as the fun around him as stopped...
Grishnakh frowns coldly. "Before you arrived? I see. So, this failure of the orcs of Minas Morgul is none of YOUR responsibility, is it? And where were you, when all other orcs of Minas Morgul above and below you were called out for the hunt?"
Skargash scowls, "I was left in charge of the defense of the zaghbuurz-Hai holdings in the dark pass, Gurzak never returned with his dogs from pulgorburzob to receive new dogs, when I arrived with more dogs here after his death I found some 200 dogs remaining of the 600 he left with.
A thin bit of light filters down through the mass of smoke and haze issuing from Mt. Doom. The sun has risen, but the day remains dark.
Grishnakh remains silent and scowling for a moment. "Very well, lieutenant Skargash. But make no mistake: from now on, the performance of your orcs is your responsibility. I will hear no further excuses. And if you fail to keep your underlings abreast of your orders, as did your predecessor, I will hear of it. And I will not be so kind."
Thog frowns a bit as his belly crys out for food..then looks to all the uruks about him that could make a fine meal..and is about to grab one and begin to eat..when something in the back of his brain yells at him to wait...he then frowns a bit and looks back to the first rank..thinking on how nice it would be to be hunting right now...
Skargash nods, "As you say vorazg it will be done." then falls silent.
Grishnakh nods once more, then looks across the camp. "You will take the orcs to their billets in the Orc Pits, to await the orders from Dushgoi."
Grishnakh turns, with that, and walks back toward the East. The standard-bearers and guards turn with him, and the booming drums resume for a long while until the procession is out of sight.