An Orc of Mordor Shows His Mettle
Old Forest Road
A great mass of fallen trees literally buries the road for quite some distance. The fallen trees lay every which way, making a maze sometimes 15 feet high. To the left and right, thick masses of rose trees hedge the road, making entrance into the dark wood proper impossible.
The early night is chilly, and the road is cold and wet below you in the autumn night. The road ahead looks tough.
Gritshack notices Yog. "I have message for you." he says, looking around the area.
Yog turns from his tasks to look over the new jailer with a grunt, "What is this message? And from whom does it come?"
Gritshack motions over to a recently added wagon. "The Quartermaster of the Mordor army would like to speak to you in his wagon."
Ver-beeg comes out of the Quartermaster's wagon, and the guards hold there weapons at the readly.
Yog looks toward the wagon with a glimmer of recognition and grins, "Then Veer-bug has arrived. I wonder where the rest of the Mordain troops are.." he snorts, "..probably still cowering back in their holes. Nevertheless, I will speak with the quartermaster. You will tell him that I am ready."
Ver-beeg comes out of the wagon and looks to his troops and gives the order to one of his uruks to take a bow and head into the woods to keep watch..he then looks to the Morian camp...
Gritshack nods towards Ver-beeg. "I have given your message to Yog, and he is here to speak to you."
As Ver-beeg steps out from his wagon, Yog's eyes follow his motions. The hobgoblin waits while his summons is delevered to the Mordain.
Ver-beeg glances at Gritshack as he comes near his wagon and nods "Very good ..small one..which tent is your master at.." He then scans the Morian camp. When sees Yog smiles faintly and says to Gritshack "..come small one.." and starts off to where Yog stands..
Gritshack follows behind, arms crossed.
Yog's claws tap a marching cadence on the rim of his shield as he awaits the quartermaster's approach. His eyes ficker with emotion, though whether it is suppresssed rage, or delight at seeing the tardy Mordain soldiers is difficult to discern.
Ver-beeg stops about 10 feet from Yog and give him a quick nod then says "Yog, master of this camp..Shaman of Moria..I, Ver-beeg..Quartermaster of the Mordor army..has come as I have said to lend you aid in your attack on the humans..will you have it?" He then pull his battleaxe off his back and thrusts the blades of his weapon into the snow before him and rests on the shaft of his weapon..
Gritshack continues to walk past where Ver-beeg stopped and stands behind Yog.
Cazkhul walks slowly from the Morian's caravan, looking to Yog, then the Mordain infront of him. His eyes flicker slightly with fire, and what seems rage. He keeps his distance from the Mordain and stands near the edge of the caravan, watching.
Yog looks down toward the head of Ver-beeg's axe planted in the snow, and slowly works his way upward, as if estimating the value of the orc and his offer. He squints one eye and peers directly into the Mordain's eyes, as if examining his soul. Finally, after what seems a very long pause, he speaks, "Has Dol Guldur sent you alone of all its commanders to my aid? I will accept your axe into my service, but I cannot hide my disapointment that it has come so late, and in such small force."
Ver-beeg smiles faintly and answers "The force from Mirkwood will be here soon..and with all the weapons and uruks they can brings" He then looks to the woods and chuckles faintly before looking back to Yog.." and if they do not come..their food stores will be very short for the next few months.." His smile becomes a bit wider and adds "This battle will be glory..for both our clans..and lazy Teguks will not stop what should be.."
Yog throws back his ugly head with laughter as Ver-beeg speaks, with a wink toward Cazkhul and Gritshack, he chuckles, "You see? There is in Dol Guldur at least one who will act on his own initiative." He turns back to the quartermaster, "You are a worthy uruk, Veer-bug, and your offer of aid is welcome here," he lets his glance fall on the loaded wagon and adds, " are your supplies."
Cazkhul looks at Yog and smiles slightly. He suddenly notices the wagon of supplies as Yog glances and his smile turns into a grin. The small twinkle of flame seems to have passed in the eyes of the Goblin Shaman....
Ver-beeg nods "I have much to set up with my troops..and we will talk more of plans for attack in time.." he looks to the sky.."..In 2 hands time.." he then walks back to his wagon and begins to yell some more orders...
Yog nods toward Cazkhul with a grin, "Go over Veer-bug's inventory with him, and add the mark of the temple to those items that we will most likely be interested in. If Mordor does not send more of its troops, at least we will make good use of their provisions."
Cazkhul nods slowly to Yog with a grin still playing on his face. He walks slowly to the wagon.