NEWS: The Death of Muzgash?


The news came back the day after Muzgash and Gulgoth had escorted Karbauk to the Black Pits. Gulgoth had come back alone, leaving the others at the Tower. The next day Gruumsh came into the Holes, where the orcs were encamped, and announced to all that Muzgash, like Karbauk, had been taken as a traitor and had been put to death! The orcs, particularly those of Minas Morgul, were shocked at the news. Two tek'raks gone to death at the hands of the priests...

As the Morgul orcs wondered who was now to lead them, Ghamokh, Teguk of Dol Guldur, arrived and told them he would lead them until someone was assigned.

It was not long after this that Shagrat reappeared. Once the chieftain of the wolf-riders of Sarn Goriwing, he had been missing for months or years. No explanation was asked or offered for his assignments in between. He now wore the rank of Teguk of Lugburz, one of only two or three such Teguks of the Dark Tower, and has been assigned to command the Tower of Cirith Ungol, the infamous fortress just this side of the Mountains of Shadow from Minas Morgul. As the highest officer serving with the Morgul orcs, he took charge for himself... and without warning he ordered the orcs of Minas Morgul to be ready to march back to the war! This very night, the Zaghbuurz clan, still rocking from the loss of its chieftain, prepares to march west to Osgiliath and Ithilien and war with the Tarks!

As for the orcs of the other tribes and garrisons, no orders yet were issued: the troops of Dol Guldur and Sarn Goriwing fall under Ghamokh's command. When the Eye says march, they will surely march. But even now, the rumors and rumblings continue to circulate: What has caused two high officers to be captured and slain by the Ordainer? What of the rivalry that developed between Muzgash and Karbauk, and thus between the Zaghbuurz and Ashjaki? What about the accusations that Karbauk served some other orc, a dratul of Lugburz, deferring to him despite his own rank? Many strange controversies ply the troops of Mordor...
