Trouble in the Forest


Levi-Dodin comes into the area from the Anduin Bank. He's muttering and cursing, apparently because he is wet. The words "cursed" "gravel-brained" "river" and "idiots" can plainly be heard. Levi glances around and finds a rather nice rock laying off to the side. Levi picks it up and throws it at the Anduin River with spite and shouts at it, "If ye had fingers, I'd cut them off!" Levi turns and takes off his now wet cloak. Levi lays it in a spot of filtered sunlight, his now bared armor glistling from both the metal, and the water beads now covering it.

From above, Ilyana leans over the branch to look at the noisy dwarf below. Some of the leaves rustle as she moves them aside to get a better look.

Village Crossroads

You stand at the crossroads of the Beorning township that is situated in this part of Middle-Earth. To the east lies the forest of Mirkwood and all the wonders that lurk withing, to the west lies the mighty Anduin River and beyond the soaring peaks of the Misty Mountains jut skyward. Sunlight streams down upon the crossroads, although the immense Oak Tree that is situated in the centre casts lengthy shadows across the area. During the daylight hours much activity can be seen as people bustle about their duties. The Great Bear Inn is situated on one corner of the crossroads and as always, it is open for business. Opposite the Inn are the stables where one may keep their steeds and know that they are in safe hands. As you gaze to both the north and the south, you can see that much more of the town lies beyond where you stand at this moment.

The sky is clear. The early morning summer air is very hot and dry around you.


Name             Gender Species   Who Combat        Type
---------------- ------ --------- --- ------------- ----------------------
Ilyana           Female Human     IC  unarmed       PLAYER (2m idle)
Levi-Dodin       Male   Khazad .. IC  unarmed       PLAYER (0s idle)
Massive Oak Tree ???                  non-combatant Object (Mr.Bear)
Large Bear Statu ???                  non-combatant Object (Beohmin)
---------------- ------ --------- --- ------------- ----------------------

Obvious exits:
Northeast leads to Stables.
Southeast leads to Great Bear Inn - Entrance Hall.
South leads to Southern Village.
North leads to Northern Village.
East leads to Anduin Road, East of Village.
West leads to Anduin East Bank.

** Real time is: Wed Sep 24 11:05:28 1997, GMT -8 **
Elendor time is: Early Morning (about 7 AM (breakfast time) ) on Monday, 30 July 3012. In the Summer sky, Tonight the moon will be waxing crescent.

Massive Oak Tree:

Giant! Beautiful! This great and mighty oak spreads its thick, gnarled limbs over much of the crossroads. In spring and summer, she casts a comforting shade beneath foliage so thick as to make it impossible to see into her limbs; in fall, the brillance of her color makes you think that every tint and shade was used to paint her upon your eye. Even in winter, she stands in a stark magnificience that is simply awesome to behold. Under the limbs, the day's glare is softened, and the force of summer's heat or winter's wind is moderated by the gnarled arms.



Levi-Dodin takes out his axe and looks it over grumbling, "I'm going to have to re-oil both my axe and chain..." Levi glances over at the anduin river and says with disgust, "Why did Mahal have to make rivers that great?" Levi shakes his head as he begins to put is axe away.

From above, Ilyana chuckles at the dwarf's plight. "Why would one ever begrudge such a mighty river its path? Are we not fortunate enough to have a shallow crossing here? Methinks you should be happy instead." The leaves rustle again as she drops down out of the tree. Ilyana drops to the ground from the tree.

[Ilyana has arrived.]

Levi-Dodin glances up and scowls as the young female drops out of of the tree. Levi grunts as he picks up his cloak, "Bah, tis no crossing. A bridge of stone, with carven figures on the sides is a crossing." Levi points to where he crossed, "That a place to drown and get swept out to the sea." Levi grunts and sits down and goes about unbraiding his beard.

Ilyana shrugs, but there's a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You might look at it as a chance to bathe, too." Ilyana leans against the massive tree trunk and tucks the unruly strands of hair behind her ears in a futile attempt to get her hair to behave. She looks rather more awake and aware than the last time she saw the dwarf. "Are you part of the group that's come to help rebuild the outpost?"

Levi-Dodin stops unbraiding his beard the glances up at Ilyana with a darker scowl, "And ye might look into learning some manners, lass." Levi stands as his beard is finally unbraided and wrings it out. It looks light a small rain shower under his long beard as the water is squeezed out.

E'li arrives from the north.

[E'li has arrived.]

Ilyana hmpfs. "Trust me, my mother already took care of that. Besides, I'm sure that the story that dwarfs never bathe is completely false." The lilt in her voice takes some of the sting out of her teasing.

E'li moseys on down from the northern village, and stops to watch a scene of a young bard arguing with a dwarf half her size. It presents an amusing picture.

Irdbeorn arrives from the north.

[Irdbeorn has arrived.]

Irdbeorn walks in from the North, his strides long and purposeful. His head swivels slightly as he scans the crossroads.

Ilyana is leaning against the oak tree, talking with the dwarf. She looks up as more people pass through the crossroads.

Levi-Dodin says rather angrily, "What Gravel-brained fool would say that?" The coversation doesn't add to Levi's now sour temprement. Apparenly getting dunked in the anduin then being teased by a young human can make someone rather upset. Levi streightened his beard rather angrily.

Irdbeorn pauses momentarilly as he hears the petulant dwarf, and listens intently, being that he is just within earshot.

Ilyana sighs, disheartened by Levi's ire. "As I said, 'twas only a rumor." However, the amusement is gone from her voice, and the words come out in a monotone. "I shall leave you to care for your armor." She pushes off from the tree trunk and starts to walk slowly to the north.

Irdbeorn shrugs, realizing he has apparently only caught the tail end of a conversation, and he begins to move off towards the riverbank...

Levi-Dodin grunts as the human female begins to leave. Levi begins to rebraid his damp beard grumbling about the knots he'll have in it.

Ilyana walks over to E'li. "Have you heard anything about our missing kinfolk?" She glances toward Irdbeorn. "Or when they are planning to track down the trolls?"

E'li averts her gaze. "I have heard nothing, I'm afraid."

Levi-Dodin stands where he has been, still grumbling about his wet-ness. He is still within earshot of E'li and Ilyana

Irdbeorn stares quietly towards the mighty river as it churns past the carrock. He does not seem inclined to move closer to the river, but simply stand and stare... If you look carefully, you might notice his lips moving silently.

Ilyana scowls down at the ground. "I understand," she says softly. "I just wish..." She trails off and looks up toward the gloomy forest. "I fear 'twill not be soon ere we set out to search, either," the falconer continues. "The dangers of the wood are to great for us to brave in small numbers... and it takes time to organize a large group."

Irdbeorn turns slightly at the mention of the planned foray into the woods, and he nods approvingly at the falconer's answer. He thinks for a moment, as if about to say something...

[Irdbeorn has disconnected.]

Levi-Dodin Listens intently as he finishes braiding his beard. Levi sits again, this time rummaging threw his now slightly damp cloak.

Ilyana nods glumly. "That's what I thought I'd heard. If that's the case, I pray we have a party large enough to clear the woods of that menace for years to come. I don't want to hear about more of our kinfolk lost to those foul creatures," she says vehemently.

Talbeorn arrives from the southern village.

[Talbeorn has arrived.]

Great_Bear arrives from the great road east.

[Great_Bear has arrived.]

Levi-Dodin looks around noticing may people comeing and goeing.


Before you stands the largest bear you have ever seen or could imagine. As large as a bed and coated in thick, soft brown fur, the bear has gleaming sharp teeth and paws the size of dinner plates. Its eyes are dark brown and intelligent.

E'li flips out at the sight of a Great_Bear tearing down the road!

Talbeorn strides in from the south, casting his gaze across those gathered at the Crossroads. Scratching his scraggly beard, the large man steps into the shade of the massive oak. "Greetings," barks the large man.

Great_Bear comes up the road, trotting in a dull thud which makes the ground shake a bit. As he draws near to the group the huge bear starts to transform, so that as he reaches them, he is in human form again.

"Yes," the falconer agrees. "This menace must be eliminated once and for all... assuming we find the beast... or beasts, if they be many."

Levi-Dodin begins to head over to the great oak, his cloak in one hand, his axe in another. Levi bows to Talbeorn, "Greetings again. Perhaps ye might be able to tell me who put goose grease on the swinging rope the dwarves have put up to cross the Anduin." Levi's eyes grow wide as he sees a very large bear enter the area, but then change into a human.

Talbeorn looks towards the figure comming towards them, unconcerned by the fact that it is a giant bear. Nodding towards Grimbeorn, Talbeorn is about to say something before Levi-Dodin approaches. Turning to gaze upon the dwarf, Talbeorn responds to his query in a flat voice, "I don't know."

Ilyana stamps her foot in the dust of the crossroads, her hands bunched into fists at her sides, apparantly from something she just said to E'li.

She looks around as two of the Beijabar appear. "Grimbeorn!" She looks happy to see him, but at the same time upset and worn down from worry.

Grimbeorn's large face is creased with worry, his brow wrinkled and his eyes dim and sad. His hair, like the fur he had before, is matted with forest debris: leaves, mud, twigs. He makes a halfhearted attempt to remove them with a giant hand, then gives up. "What is the news, my son?" he says to Talbeorn. "I hope it is good, as I have heard naught but doom and evil." His eyes dart to the dwarf briefly.

Levi-Dodin grunts thinking to himself, "We'll have to take it down and put a new one up..." Levi turns from Talbeorn and heads over to the great tree. He sets his axe down and leans it up against the trunk of the tree.

Grimbeorn puts a large hand on Ilyana's shoulder. "Tis good to see you again, bard. Perhaps you will sing for me later and ease my cares," the big man says softly with a tired smile.

E'li's eyes watch the bear's transformation with a greedy curiosity. Some inner thought brings a smile to his lips, hidden by his beard.

Talbeorn allows his gaze to trail after the dwarf before he turns to regard Grimbeorn. As you look upon his features, you can automatically tell that there is no good news to be had, and as Talbeorn speaks, his voice confirms it. "Goblins and Trolls run rampant in Mirkwood," he says in a grim voice, "I plan on heading to the forest and taking a look around." He places an unusual emphasis on the words 'look around' and you cannot help but guess that he plans more than his words would suggest.

Levi-Dodin carefully removes his armor, revieling a white smithy shirt underneath. Levi sits down and leans against the tree, and pulls a small vial of a thick liquid from a pocket. Levi lays the chain mail over his pants and goes to work oiling the links. Levi forgets his cares and whistles a broken tune, doing the work he loves.

Ilyana looks up at the giant man and nods, even though her eyes are bright with tears. She manages to get out a few words before her throat closes up with grief not yet dulled by time. "For you, I'll sing, but I make no promises to sing well for a while."

Levi-Dodin glances up at the humans then says, "If any this aways, send a runner to the Khazad. We shall bring a force of grim axes to yer need." Levi looks down and continues to work on his mail.

"It's about time action was taken," mutters the falconer. He turns to the Bejabar. "When do we leave?" he asks, eagerly. His hands clench into fists, and his eyes burn brighter.

Grimbeorn nods to the dwarf. "It may come to that. They are taking a fierce toll on our folk." He turns to his son. "I have just come from the forest. I found Hodur's wagon." His voice is somber. "It was stopped by a mass of fallen trees. It was empty."

Talbeorn cocks an eyebrow at Levi-Dodin's words, regarding him with a cool gaze. For a moment it appears he is going to say something, but apparantly he changes his mind. Turning to the falconer, Talbeorn nods slightly and intones, "I plan to leave right away. Any of those who would join me are welcome, but I set a fast pace." He glances to Grimbeorn, "Father, will you be joining me?"

The mention of Hodur's empty wagon brings a deeper pain to Ilyana's features, but she doesn't say anything, merely looks over at the forest again.

Grimbeorn nods at his son. "Aye, I will go. I have not slept in three days, but I cannot rest until I know what has happened. No bodies have been found--although the forest is strangely silent and death hovers near." He rubs his forhead with a hand.

Levi-Dodin finishes with his armor and stands and puts it on. Levi reaches for his axe and slips it into his belt. Another younger dwarf heads back to the river. Levi shouts, "Tell Derkin to come here as soon as possible." The warder bows then moves quickly for the dwarven caravan. Levi steps over to the humans and bows, "Perhaps a Khazad with an axe that has tasted orc blood before might be of service?"

Talbeorn takes a few steps, closing the distance between himself and Grimbeorn quickly. He turns his head, looking back over his shoulder at the dwarf. "You're welcome to come along," he says before adding, "but don't expect us to wait around should your short legs not be able to keep up." Turning to Ilyana he queries, "Will you be joining us Bard?"

Gavin leaves the mighty Anduin behind, turning their steps to the crossroads.

[Gavin has arrived.]

Levi-Dodin nods, catching Talbeorn's slightly barbed words. Levi says, "Surely, I will keep up." Levi wields his axe and checks the blade, it shines in the light.

[Wielded: Revenger]

Grimbeorn cracks his knuckles and looks around. "I hope everyone has at least something for protection. I will guard you as well as I can, but even I can only do so much."

Gavin walks in from the west, softly humming to himself as he walks. He gazes about, watching the late morning unfold

Ilyana straightens up and stares first at the forest, then up at Grimbeorn. "If you'll have me, I want the chance to avenge my friends, in whatever way I may." She tightens her grip on her staff.

Two more dwarves come trotting from the River. One carries a war hammer and a shield, the other a bow and an axe.

Grimbeorn nods at Ilyana, meeting her eye. "I will not stop anyone of stout heart who would come along. Oft, a good heart is better than skill in battle."

Talbeorn is about to set off when he notices Gavin approaching, he yells out to the miner, "Miner! We are going to scout around Mirkwood. Join us if you please."

Having little to add, the falconer gazes eagerly towards the wood.

It seems Ilyana looks upon the expedition as a chance to redeem her actions of the night of the troll attack on Hodur's wagon. "I won't fail you," she promises.

Gavin smiles, hearing Talbeorn's yell, and replies, "Certainly!" He gazes about at those prepairing to scout and smiles at Ilyana, nodding in greeting

Levi-Dodin pulls the blade sheath over his blades, but still keeps it out of his belt. One warder pulls his hammer from his belt, the other brings his bow to ready, with an arrow in his other hand.

Talbeorn nods abruptly at Gavins words and sets off to the East, not bothering to look back. Talbeorn turns onto the road east.

[Talbeorn has left.]

"Hello again, miner," the falconer says, cathching the miner's eye

Ilyana smiles as her brother joins them.

Levi-Dodin glances at the wood, then removes the sheath. He follows Talbeorn as the do the other two dwarves.

You turn onto the great road east.

You head through the plains to the southeast.

You go east along the scattered dirt road.

You go off in a general southeast direction.

You go southeast, slowly approaching the great forest of Mirkwood.

Western Edge of Mirkwood, Old Forest Road

You stand at the edge of the great forest, once Greenwood the Great, now Mirkwood the dark and fear-filled. Around you, greenery thrives into a thick mat, and the forests canopy is full and casts a deep shade. To the East and west, an ancient dirt road cuts into the thick mat. Westward it enters into the deep shade of the forest, into which you can see a scant 200 feet. To the north and south, the forest bends and weaves, its interface with the plains about the anduin distinct and sinuous. The sky is clear.

Obvious exits:

NorthWest, West, South, North, and East

Levi-Dodin comes puffing in, along with two warders. Although a bit behind the group of humans, they are able to keep up. Obviously they are in excellent shape.

The huge man stands on the edge of the forest, peering inside. He takes a deep breath. "Stick together now," he bellows out. "We don't want anyone wandering off and getting taken by the spiders. Or worse."

Levi-Dodin nods and pulls the mask of his helm down over his face.

[Wearing: Dwarven Steel Helm]

Ilyana shakes her head. She doesn't intend to wander a foot off the path set by the Beijabar.

The warders pull the hoods of their cloaks over their head, to hide slightly from prying eyes.

E'li grins bitterly, but again, the smile is obscured by his beard. His eyes continue to burn.

Grimbeorn looks to the dwarf and clicks his tongue. "[UNINTELLIGIBLE SPEECH]" he says.

Gavin frowns, his eyes taking on a cold look. He grips his staff tightly, ready to swing out at any foe.

Talbeorn steps up beside Grimbeorn and gazes into the dark recesses of Mirkwood. He looks back at those gathered behind, before speaking abruptly. "We have much to do. Let us get to work."

Talbeorn trudges down the road, deeper into the forest.

[Talbeorn has left.]

Grimbeorn crouches down with a snarl. Fur coats his body and he changes into a huge bear. The giant bear sniff the trail, then plunges into the dark woods.

Levi-Dodin does a double take at seing the bear again. Levi keeps his wits and continues with the humans.

You head East, onto the Old Forest Road.

You go eastwards along the Old Road.

Old Forest Road

Obvious exits:

Wooden Gate, NorthWest, SouthEast, NorthEast, East, and West

Talbeorn stands before the gates of the Woodman village, he looks to the rest of you and mutters, "No time to pay the woodmen a visit. Lets keep moving eastward."

You go eastwards along the Old Forest Road. Eventually you come across fallen trees blocking the path.

You go eastwards along the road..

Old Forest Road

The old, rutted road continues its sinuous path through the wood. North of the road, a grove of Furry Oaks makes the area seem even darker and dampens the very sound of your footfalls. The trees are heavy with unripe plum-sized acorns and are full of strange looking squirrels. The damp and soft road continues to the east and west. The late morning summer air is warm. The thin stretch of sky overhead is sunny and clear.


Wooden Wagon

Trees across the road

Obvious exits:

East and West

Great_Bear grunts, "[UNINTELLIGIBLE SPEECH]"

Levi-Dodin comes along behind everyone else, but still keeping up. The dwarves are doing quite well too...

Trees across the road: A number of mighty oaks have fallen across the road..blocking it for passage by wagons and rideing beasts. It will take a few days to move them out of the way..but you can shake this feeling that you are being watched...

Ilyana pales somewhat as she sees Hodur's wagon sitting there. She glances around in the trees as if she could find something lurking there.

Great_Bear looks about warily, sniffing the air with his wet black nose. He growls, "[UNINTELLIGIBLE SPEECH]" He pads around the area, looking for tracks.

Talbeorn draws to a halt at the blockage, noting the wagon also. He turns to Great_Bear and converses with him in the language of the bears, "[UNINTELLIGIBLE SPEECH]"

Levi-Dodin says to the warder with the bow, "Check the edge," Levi motions to one edge of the road. Levi turns to the other warder, "That side," And motions to the other side of the road. Levi begins up the middle of the road, moving carefully.

Talbeorn walks over to the blockage, and mutters something to himself before turning to the rest of the party. "We need to continue eastward. See if you can find a way through or around. I'd rather do it the easy way than have to move them."

Levi-Dodin orders the warders, and they all find a path threw the trees, althought a bit quicker that the humans. Apparently being shorter has some advantages.

Gavin climbs through the trees as best as possible. His cloak catches every so often on a twig or branch, and he is forced to stop and free himself. However, he eventually makes his way through, although not nearly as quickly as the dwarves.

E'li climbs atop the fallen trees, and looks around, but can see nothing i the trees. Shrugging, he descends to the other side.

Ilyana walks carefully to the wagon so as not to disturb any tracks. She stares at it for a while thinking back to the events of two nights ago. Finally she turns and makes her way through the trees, following Gavin's path for the most part.

Talbeorn pulls aside a few of the thick branches, snapping them like twigs. He gazes deep within the tangled undergrowth, and you can hear him give an audible sniff. His brow creases and has face turns grimer than normal, but he doesn't say anything. Rather, he turn to the dwarves and nods in approval at the gap they've managed to locate. Heading through it, Talbeorn is forced to duck, almost doubling over, as the gap is but 2/3rds his size.

To the east you go.

Old Forest Road, Grassy Knoll

The Old Forest Road ascends and descends a tall knoll at this point in its longitudinal traverse of the great forest. The summer forest is thick with growth around you, though the trees thin out around the bald knob of the hill. The midday air is warm around you, and below you the earth is damp and soft. The road is carved with wagon, boot, and hoof prints. Sunlight streams through the gap in the trees onto the top of the rocky knoll.

Obvious exits:

SouthWest, NorthWest, East, and West

Talbeorn stops, his gaze never resting on the one spot for more than a moment. He turns back, facing you all once more. In a deep bass he rumbles, "We'll need to explore a little bit off the path. I can smell that Orcs have been here recently." He glances to the north, his brow creasing, "I will head off northwards, E'li, you come with me. The rest of you go south, but do not stray to far, and return soon. We will meet back here."

E'li assents curtly. His eyes burn brighter.

Levi-Dodin nods the turns to his warders, "Warders, line up... Florin an I'll go first, Derkin, watch the back." The dwarves turn with weapons in hand and head off to the south.

Ilyana nods with a glance at Gavin. She prepares to follow the dwarves.

Gavin nods at Talbeorn's orders and turns to the south, scanning the road. He follows behind the group of dwarves.

You leave the road behind, delving south west into the forest.

Mirkwood Forest

The sound of flying insects is constant in this area. They can be seen buzzing in all directions in the stagnant warm summer air. They swarm from tree to tree, bite at the exposed flesh of travellers, or swarm in and out of their nests. The light that manages to make its way through the canopy is barely enough to put back the oppressive darkness of the forest. In the dim light you can see paths leading to the north east, south east, and west. The most travelled apon appears to be the north east. A few shafts of sunlight from the midday day sky break there way through the canopy, illuminating scattered patches of grass covered ground all around.



Obvious exits:

SouthWest, East, NorthEast, SouthEast, and West


A small black bird. It looks like a crow, but it is a bit larger. It hides up in the trees hiding from all who pass, though it peers down with it's black eyes.

Levi-Dodin glances around in the directions he can go. He scratches his hand as a bug bites him. The warders are silent, glancing wareily around.

Ilyana swats absently at the insects. "How far do we go?" she asks quietly, the atmosphere of the place causing her to be quieter than usual.

Gavin swats at the multitude of bugs landing on his exposed flesh. He, too, looks in the various directions, following the paths with his eyes until the view is blocked by trees or a bend in the path. He frowns, swatting a larg mosquito on his forearm and, "And which way should we go?"

Levi-Dodin turns to the humans and says with a coarse whisper, "remember the way back. Yer our life line." Levi glances to the se and decides to head that way...

Levi-Dodin motions to the south east. He and the warders begin to slowly head in that direction.

You go south east into the great forest.


The sounds of water falling permiate the warm summer air; the water falls along a cliff formation in the east. The cliff can be seen in the murky green-haze of the light under the canopy. Water traces down the moss-covered small cliff-face down to a small basin which drains into an unknown source. A path leads eastwards towards it, while two more lead to the north west, and south west.

Through the breaks in the trees above the cliff you can see the midday sky framed by the trees upper trees of Mirkwood. The ground at your feet is grass covered, except at the waterfall where it is continually wet.

Obvious exits:

SouthEast, West, NorthEast, East, SouthWest, and NorthWest

Levi-Dodin stops again, wondering which way to go.

Gavin glances back over his shoulder, commiting the paths and scenery to memory so as not to get lost. He then scans the ground, looking for tracks or other signs of gobblins.

Ilyana grips her staff lightly as she watches the dwarf scan the area.

Levi-Dodin says quietly to himself, "The big one said south..." The warders debate it quietly. The decision is made. One of the dwarves motion to the se yet again.

You make in what you figure is a roughly southeast direction.

Mirkwood Forest

This area of the forest is deep and dark as the pupils of a wild beast; the warm seems stagnat, as though trying to crush out breath for the outrageious crime of defiling these woods with your presence. Tattered webs from spiders hang in the corners of the trees located here; a few insects of Mirkwood trapped within. The light of early afternoon is completely obliterated by the trees overhead making it as dark as if it were night. A sort of green glow in the upper most portions of the trees is the only indication of a clear day in progress overhead; none of the light reaches the grass covered.

Obvious exits:

East, NorthWest, North, and South

Levi-Dodin notices the spiderwebs and pales slightly behind his mask. Levi turns to the humans as the other dwarves keep watch, "How far are we from the spider's lair?"

Gavin frowns, looking upwards. "Perhaps we should be getting back to the main path. We don't want to stray too far."

Ilyana glances back over her shoulder at every little noise. "Not far enough, I fear," she says in answer to Levi's question.

Levi-Dodin nods to Gavin, "I agree. Tis nothing here." The dwarves nead back to the North west.

Gavin shrugs at the dwarf's question. "I don't know." He looks around, his eyes never resting. "I do think we should return, though."

You go northwest through the woods.

You go north west in direction.

You go north east into the forest, approaching a road.

Old Forest Road, Grassy Knoll

Obvious exits:

SouthWest, NorthWest, East, and West

Ilyana strains to listen for sounds of the rest of their party. "How far do you suppose they went?" she muses.

Levi-Dodin comes back to the road with the dwarves behind him. He looks carefully both ways before stepping onto it.

Gavin stops and looks around, "The others should be returning soon. They wouldn't go too far, leaving us behind." He continuously scans the tree-line. He wipes beads of sweat from his brow, muttering about the "cursed heat."

[E'li has arrived.] E'li runs from the north, panting. "Quickly, follow me." Without waiting, he turns back and runs northwest.

The heat doesn't seem to bother the much. The warders take up defencive positions.

E'li disappears into the northern forest, going north west.

[E'li has left.]

Ilyana frowns as he runs up. She starts to ask a question, but instead decides to follow E'li.

Gavin looks to the others, slightly alarmed. He breaks into a run, following close behind E'li

Levi-Dodin nods and runs after E'li, dwarves behind weapons ready.

You go north west, entering into the domain of the northern Mirkwood forest.

Western side of Emyn-nu-Fuin

Obvious exits:

East, SouthWest, NorthEast, SouthEast, and West

"Hurry, hurry," E'li urges. "this way." he turns west.

E'li descides to follow the narrow road leading downhill.

[E'li has left.]

You descide to follow the narrow road leading downhill.


The view is blocked in most directions by towering dark trunks, holding heavy and crooked boughs hight above the ground. The gloomy ancient forest seems to draw more and more strenght from you as you travel deeper. Beneath you feets the forestbottom is dry and warm and around you the early afternoon summer air is warm.

The thick undergrowth between the mighty boles is sickly greenish and pale, the thick bushes by the roadside are graced with clusters of forbidden fruits.

Few slender beams of sunshine merrily shines through the canopy, indicating that the sky overhead is clear and blue.







Beijabar Shrine

Obvious exits:

West, East, NorthWest, and SouthWest

E'li runs in. "They.. are coming." He points to the others running after him.

Gavin runs, following close on E'li's heels.

Levi-Dodin comes trotting in, his large dwarven boots clomping loudly. The other dwarves appear as well, running in the same fashion.

Ilyana follows E'li, slipping down the hill. She stops abruptly at the bottom as Talbeorn speaks and stares at the circle and posts.

Gavin comes to a halting stop, nearly tripping over himself. He gazes around at the scene, then watches Talbeorn.

Levi-Dodin stops a little ways from the hill, the other dwarves stopping next to him. Levi and the dwarves watch Talbeorn.

Grimbeorn come last, bringing up the rear. His face is unreadable. "I know where we are," he says slowly.

E'li turns around slowly, then faces the ruins again. "[UNINTELLIGIBLE SPEECH]"

Talbeorn walks up to one of the wooden posts, examining it closely. He rubs his fingers lightly across it's surface. Still no emotion can be seen on his face. Crouching down, he examines the ground at the feet of the post. He shakes his head ever so slightly, before rising and turning to the others. Looking at Grimbeorn he nods slightly although he does not speak. Instead he addresses the rest of the party, "You can come closer. This is an ancient Beijabar shrine. But..." He pauses, his face twisting into a grimace, "But it would appear that the dark lords minions have discovered it.

Levi-Dodin and the warders walk forward slowly. Their eyes continuesly dart from the woods to the ruins.

[E'li has left.]

E'li steps into the circle of Wooden posts, the Beijabar Shrine.

Ilyana stares at the ancient site in wonder. "A shrine?" she breathes. "How old is it?" She takes a few steps closer to the circle.

Gavin frowns, approaching the shrine slowly and looking about.

You step into the circle of wooden posts... a strange feeling comes over you.

Beijabar Shrine

As you step into the circle of wooden posts, a feeling of timelessness abounds. Each post is made of a different type of wood, with the southern point on the circle being of dark mahogany, and then working its way around in a sort of wooden spectrum to the northernmost point, which is made of white aspen, and then back down the spectrum again. Looking closely, the posts have once intricate and detailed carvings, with the dark mahogany carrying a carving of the bear into the side, and the white aspen being a picture of a man. The poles in between seem to have once held carvings of a transition of man changing into bear and vice versa, but now, something... dark has taken over the shrine, and all the the two points are defaced, with some poles broken in half, carved over with pictures of a lidless eye, others pulled out and left on the ground, while still others bear the marks of charring and chopping. The two intact poles seem to have an aura around them, seemingly protecting them from anything,even age, as some of the poles have begun to rot.



Gavin joins you inside the circle.

Ilyana joins you inside the circle.

Levi-Dodin grunts knowing the marks of orcs. Levi spits out the word, "Rakhas...." The other warders frown and look around in anticipation.

Ilyana kneels down to look at the southern pole and the intricate, ancient carvings on it.

Grimbeorn joins you inside the circle.


Gavin frowns, looking at the defaced poles. "By the bear.." he mutters darkly. He nods to E'li, "Indeed. Something truly evil."

Levi-Dodin glances at the unmarred poles and says to no one in particular, "Fine woodwork..." Levi glances at the other, less preserved poles and frowns.

Far above, loud cries are heard. There is a questioning tone in the sound.

Grimbeorn shudders as he enters the shrine and his eyes well up with tears. "Spider take them all," he whispers fiercely. He brushes away a tear. "This was the first place Beorn did take me to explain our Gift. And now...tis tainted." A rage overcomes him and he smashes a drawing of the Eye with a fist and a roar.

Talbeorn joins you inside the circle.

Talbeorn walks about the circles, examining each of the posts. His face grows angrier with each passing moment and you can almost feel the fury building up inside of him. In a tight voice he growls, "For this they will pay... they will pay most dearly."

The warders jump at Grimbeorn's sudden rage. Levi keeps calm, as one trained longer in the art of war. He glances up at the cry, and raises his helm and frowns.

[Removed: Metal Helmet]

Ilyana watches Grimbeorn from her place by the mahogany post, tears for the loss of the sacred place and Grimbeorn's rage lurking in her eyes. She shakes her head sadly and looks back at the unmarred carvings.

Talbeorn snarls, turning to his father, "Two of our kin were slain here also. It would appear that the goblins took away the corpses tho... or ate them." He looks about, his eyes growing very wild. Suddenly he lets out a mighty roar of anguish!

A strange light comes into Talbeorn's eye and a low growl that sounds unlike anything human emenates from deep within him. You can feel your stomach muscles tighten as before your very eyes, the figure that was once a burly man transforms into the terrifying visage of a ferocious bear! With a snarl, Massive_Bear looks around taking a moment to adjust to the momentuous change.

E'li looks up. Far above, a glimmer of sky can be seen...there, a small winged shape can be seen circling.

Gavin frowns, watching Grimbeorn and Talbeorn. He shakes his head sadly and turns around, looking at the posts. He jumps back as Tal changes shape. A fire grows in his eyes and he growls lowly, "By the bear, we will take revenge."

Grimbeorn storms about, growling deep in his throat. With his massive hands he knocks down as many ruined posts as he can lay his fingers on. "They have gone too far this time," he cries. At his son's words, he turns and spies the corpses of the two bears and another call of rage rings out. The huge man rushes to them, sinking down to his knees. "Skinned. Killed for their skins."

Massive_Bear snarls with rage, looking about the desecrated sight in his animal form. He turns to Grimbeorn again and speaks in the language of bears, "[UNINTELLIGIBLE SPEECH]" With that, he lopes off. Massive_Bear steps out of the circle.

Sensing that something is about to ensue, E'li follows the Bear. E'li steps out of the circle.

Levi-Dodin frowns again, thinking that he is out of place. He and the warders keep thier distance from Grim.

You leave the circle, the uneasy feeling disappates.



Beijabar Shrine

Obvious exits:

West, East, NorthWest, and SouthWest

A lonely bird flies down and lands on the falconer's shoulder. It screams something. It's eyes have that same unhealthy glow that do the human's.

Ilyana emerges from the circle of Wooden posts, the Beijabar Gavin emerges from the circle of Wooden posts, the Beijabar shrine. Grimbeorn emerges from the circle of Wooden posts, the Beijabar shrine.

Ilyana steps out with tears gathering in her eyes, even as she holds her staff ready for something she can't even see.

Gavin watches Grimbeorn leave the circle, hanging his head in sadness at the sight of the two dead bodies.

Levi-Dodin and two other dwarves stand off from the others, conversing quietly and respectfullt.

The group returns the way they came, taking the two fallen Beornings.

You follow the well worn path to the southwest.

You go eastwards along the Old Forest Road. Eventually you come across fallen trees blocking the path.

You go eastwards along the road..

To the east you go.

Old Forest Road, Grassy Knoll

The Old Forest Road ascends and descends a tall knoll at this point in its longitudinal traverse of the great forest. The summer forest is thick with growth around you, though the trees thin out around the bald knob of the hill. The mid afternoon air is warm around you, and below you the earth is damp and soft. The road is carved with wagon, boot, and hoof prints. Sunlight streams through the gap in the trees onto the top of the rocky knoll.

Name             Gender Species   Who Combat        Type
---------------- ------ --------- --- ------------- ----------------------
Levi-Dodin       Male   Khazad .. IC  ARMED         PLAYER (0s idle)
Gavin            Male   Human     IC  unarmed       PLAYER (3m idle)
Ilyana           Female Human     IC  unarmed       PLAYER (1m idle)
Grimbeorn        Male   Beijabar  IC  ARMED         PLAYER (4m idle)
E'li             Male   Human     IC  ARMED         PLAYER (55s idle)
Buurz            Male   Uruk ...  IC  unarmed       PLAYER (2m idle)
Rauwulf          Male   Human     IC  unarmed       PLAYER (8m idle)
Mimira           Female Human     IC  unarmed       PLAYER (2m idle)
Dred             Male   Olog-Hai  IC  ARMED         PLAYER (3m idle)
Massive_Bear     Male   Beijabar  IC  ARMED         PLAYER (3m idle)
---------------- ------ --------- --- ------------- ----------------------

Obvious exits:

SouthWest, NorthWest, East, and West

E'li charges in from the west. A falcon circles over his head, screaming shrilly.

Rauwulf rolls on to his back with his arms held out in pain. "Mimira!" he calls out.

Mimira tries to scream at the bear, "RUN", but it comes out sounding like "Rrrrun", and she begins to cough Mimira struggles to get to her knees, but can't quite make it, and her head bangs off of the ground.

Levi-Dodin notices the troll and orcs. Levi gives a shout and pulls down his helm. The other two warders bring thier weapons to bare, one stands back and knocks an arrow for his bow.

[Wearing: Dwarven Steel Helm]

Ilyana stares wide-eyed at the two guides that everyone said were dead. "Rauwulf? Mim?" she calls out at the same time she comprehends all the orcs around them.

Grimbeorn crashes through some bushes carrying two dead, skinned bears on his broad shoulders. He staggers under their weight, but seems determined not to let them fall. He growls at the sight of the orc troop. "Spider take them!" he cries out! "They have wrecked the shrine and hurt the bears!"

Buurz comming into the area behind Dred and seeing all of the gathered barks orders to his squad, those with bows hanf back, the other half comes forwad with axesand scimitars


Of normal size and weight, is this beast before you. Atop his head a metalic helm rests, its coverage is good with full cheek plates and nose guard, the pattern on the metal of the helm resembles that of a turtle's back. His face is wide and squat, the lower jaw protruding ungracefully, an under bite exposing long wicked fangs.

His head rests atop a squat neck, circled by a choker of bear claws, and squared by sholders clad in leather armour. Upon the chest piece of the armor is cruedly painted the face of a wolf in black and dark greys. This leather armor extends down, like a hubrauck to his knees. His legs are covered with heavy grey cloth and his feet are shod in stiff black boots.

Around his waist is a wide leather belt upon which hangs a heavy leather purse wrapped in chain mail like armour. Across his back is slung a long hafted Battle axe when not in use. The haft of the axe is quite long, being made of a shaft of iron encased in a sheath of hardwood. The pomel of the axe is a slightly spiked round ball. The blades of the axe are crafted of a wicked serated design, hard to keep up, but from the looks of it, the Uruk Warrior takes much care in his device. It is after all, the tool of his craft and all that he truely cares about.

Mimira is laying on the ground, her hands tied behind her back. She really looks close to death. Her face is swolen, and broken, only one eye remains useful at this time.

Gavin arrives, following the dwarves. At the sight of the orcs, he grips his staff and raises it, ready to swing at any who dare to advance.

Dred looks to the bear as it changes him..then glances back todown the road to the others as they come out of hideing and chuckles" he then takes a step towards the bear and says to the uruks in broken comman "Getz the humanz out of here!!"


Before you is a mountain of flesh, that can only be one thing, that being one of the most evil things that the Dark Lord has ever come up with..A Olog-Hai. This one is just over 15 feet tall..and is wearing a crest of the Eye on a metal plate(that is tied to his chest)..on his back is a very large shield and at his side a axe..that it uses to bring order to the lands of the Eye..

Massive_Bear turns to the east, his eyes widening at the sight that greets him. He immdiately breaks into a loping gait, bounding towards the towering form of Dred. An almight roar emmanates from his gaping maw, the sound echoing throughout the forest. Comming to a halt not more than a few meters from the beast, he roars another challenge, beating his fists upon his chest.

Mimira glances around wildly, adrenaline hitting her system in a big way. She issues forth a snarl, and once again tries to gain her footing, stumbling and falling several times before she's even managed to get to her knees.

Ilyana scowls fiercely and takes a firm grasp on her staff. She raises it to ready as she advances. She's determined that they won't be taking her kinfolk -anywhere-.

As Buurz's platoon spreads out he relays Dred's orders to snatch up the prisoners. He himself and another uruk run for Mim and Rau as the uruk platoon charges or let's their arrows fly.

E'li loosens the arrow at the troll, but it olog, but it bounces off it's thick hide. With a scream of rage and hatred, he charges the beast.

Mimira notices the Great Bear, and it's size... She seems frozen in time for several long moments. "It's HIM!", she shouts, her voice cracking, "Rauwulf! Tis HIM! The BEAR! he has not forsaken us!"

A cry rings out that echos threw the forest. It means the death a doom of any Morian Orc, "Baruk Khazad! Khazad ai-menu!"

Massive_Bear leaps towards the troll, his maw gaping open to reveal row upon row of razor sharp teeth. It is not these he uses to attack with however, rather, he flails with his powerful claws, attempting to penetrate the Troll's thick hide.

Grimbeorn slides the bears gently off his shoulders onto the ground. "Ground hold you, brothers," he says, offhandedly killing a snaga that rushes at him with a spear. He stands up and starts wading through the orc troop towards the bound prisoners, stopping only to break orc heads and arms if they try to attack him.

Levi-Dodin an another warder are rushing at the orcs. The other warder standing back let's loose an arrow, it whines in the air as it flies to it's enemies.

Mimira snarls, and bites at any Orc foolish enough to come towards her, but they all seem to have other things on their minds.

Ilyana lets cry a wordless yell as she sweeps her staff down at the ribs of the nearest orc.

Buurz bowls into Mimira, knowing it won't take much to flaten her, his leap is measurerd so as to take on any that may approach him. The uruk squad without arrowes crashes into Levi and the others. Those with arrows continue to pepper any enemy they can.

A yell escapes Gavin's throught as the orcs advance. He swings his staff wildly at them, hitting them as often as missing.

Dred as the bear roars again, Dred jumps forward at the beast and swings out with his deadly axe at the bear then brings his shield in close to counter any swip that the bear might do..but is a bit late as he is olny about to block the incoming claws on his shield..takeing a bit of a blow on his right side...

Mimira flies to the ground as Buurz bowls her over. She screeches with rage, and flails about, trying to kick him with her legs, or bite him with her mouth. She snarls in the insane way that only a an animal that's been in a cage to long can do. This is it, death in battle, or freedom, and Mimira is not about to take it laying down.

Levi turns in time to see an orc come rushing at him. Levi crouches and points the pike of the axe directly at that orc's gut. Levi-Dodin swings his axe down on the head of the nearest orc, spitting it in two. The othe r warder swinging his war hammer into the heads of other orcs. Levi turns in time to see an orc come rushing at him. Levi crouches and points the pike of the axe directly at that orc's gut.

Ilyana lays about her with her staff, sweeping it down to crack bones when there's room, otherwise using it as a blunt spear. She tries to keep the two captured guides in view and forces her way in their direction whenever she can.

The falcon lets out a cry, and flies towards the captive humans. The falconer, seeing this, screams, but turns from his course and charges for the uruk guards, rushing one ugly brute and bashing his skull in before continuing up the hill.

Buurz, with his measured bowling of Mimira is up and away from her rather quickly. Another Uruk pounces atop Rauwulf, kicking and wailing at his splinted collar bone. The uruk non-arrow users don't fare well against the staves and axes of their foes. The arrow launches though keep the battle even, for now.

With a swipe of his left fist, Massive_Bear diverts Dred's attack. Roaring defiantly, he launches himself at the Olog-hai again, attempting to sink his teeth into the weapon arm of the mighty troll, an arm that is normally out of reach of mere humans, but not a Massive_Bear. It would seem that in his rage, The Massive_Bear is oblivious to the plight of his fellow Beornings.

Grimbeorn comes up behind Buurz and peels the orc off Mimira as if it was as much effort as to seperate two squabbling children. The huge man flicks the large uruk into a smaller snaga that is sneaking up beside him. Then he scoops up Mimira, placing her on a shoulder.

Mimira howls as Buurz leaps away from her, and tries to catch her breath, "Rauwulf! Tis HIM! The BEAR!", she screams again, finding in these words some new reason to live, some new reason to fight, some new reason to fight! She struggles to find Rauwulf, and once seeing him, and the orc thats set upon him, she rolls through the grass as best she can with her arms tied behind her back to get close.

Screaming in hate, the falcon falls upon an archer, clawing at his eyes. Behind it, the falconer runs up the hill towards the fallen captives. He has almost reached them.

The uruk archers now charge into the battle, thier arrows spent. Each of the non uruk combattants bring down one of the ugly uruk beasts. Buurz tries to rally his squad back towards the humans Mim and Rau. Knowing the battle lost but attempts to make a save.

Mimira oof's as she is picked up, and kicks and bites for a moment wildly, thinking that it's an Orc that has her. When she realizes that it's not, she just kind of stares up at Grimbeorn, her eyes wide

Ilyana flinches and is distracted as one of the orc arrows buries itself into the ground just behind her. Two of the orcs in front of her take advantage of her distraction and press the attack. She falls back and looks around frantically for some place she can recover.

Levi-Dodin shouts over to the dwarf with the bow, "The Archers! Shoot the archers!" Soon an arrow whistles by, into the group of orcs with bows. Levi laughs as an orc impales itself on his axe. Levi gives a cruel twist, and disembowls the beast. Levi pulls his axe from the dead body in time to feel a blade hit him in the back.

The bear's teeth bit down of the trolls arm, then there is a loud crunch as it seems to bit into stone. Dred then hisses and pushes out with his 'door' shield and trys to push it away with shield and foot with all his might...

Almost frantically, Buurz launches himself at Rauwulf, who is stillon the ground and in a bad way. Unfortunatly for Buurz a stray staff shot cocks him in the back of his head sending him spilling into the bushes and undergrowth. The few Uruk left standing, not seeing thier Sergeant and seeing Dred in trouble flee the area as best they can.

Mimira grabbed, Grimbeorn in one stride is ontop of Rauwulf and the orc on him. Grimbeorn grabs the orc by the back of the neck and shakes it violently until a loud snap signals the breaking of the creature's neck. The orc is tossed aside and Rauwulf put onto the giant man's other shoulder.

The uruk squad's number dwindles faster by the moment, thier balck blood litters the ground with its filth. Buurz on the other hand chases back towards Mim and Rau, almost upon them.

As the uruk archers draw blades and charge into the fray, several head off to prevent the falconer from reaching his goal. One sinks his blade into the human's arm. The latter hardly notices, as he bashes in the goblin's face.

Levi-Dodin shouts as the blade is turned by his armor, but still does damage. Levi shouts at the beast, "Yer not gonna kill me like you did me father!" Levi brings the long haft of his axe into the groind of the orc. As it leans over, Levi spins and removes its head.

Gavin makes his way towards Ilyana. He swings at a large orc, hitting it in it's ribs with a shattering 'crack!' He grins and continues swinging at the foes around him. He shouts out suddenly as an arrow flies inches above his head. He again cries out as Ilyana falls and rushes at the two orcs bearing down at her, his staff raised. He lowers it on the first orcs head, and then swings it around into the others stomach. Shouting, "Get up!" to the fallen woman, he falls back as the first recovers to resume attacking

Mimira starts to yell, bravely, but stupidly, "put me down! Untie me! Let me fight!", then she begins to cough, gasping for breath. She doesn't sound like she could fight her way out of a paper bag in her condition.

The strength of the Olog-hai is impressive to say the least, and despite Massive_Bear's own formidable strength, he is forced backwards. Not to be denied however, he leaps back at the Olog, refusing to give any quarter. With both arms extended, he rakes his claws down the Troll's chest.

Still on her knees, Ilyana leans her staff forward at an angle to catch a charging orc in the stomach. It cracks ribs and knocks the breath out of him. She climbs to her feet and brings the tip down with a viscious jab to the throat.

Grimbeorn gets an arrow shot into his back, close to Mimira's head. He grunts from the pain of the deep shot, but heads back to protect Ilyana and Gavin. As he walks he reaches behind him and snaps the arrow's shaft, tossing the end aside.

A song of war erupts from the three dwarves, both singing to add the battle rage, and to frighten their enemies. Levi finally cuts his way threw the main orc host and now has to choose between rushing for the captured humans, or attacking troll.

Rauwulf just lays across Grimbeorn's shoulder, unconscious.

Levi-Dodin decides for the humans, and runs toward Grimbeorn to cut off the orcs. Another "Baruk Khazad! Khazad Ai-menu!" is heard, and his song is renewed.

Mimira shouts, as it's all she can really do, and well you all know Mimira, and what a mouth she has, "Taste FEAR YE UNNATURAL SLUGS! FEEL THE RAGE OF THE BEAR!", and then she cackles madly as she watches the melee all around her

Dred is able to brings his shield infront of him, just as the bear chashes into him.. this push him back a few steps..but seeing the bears noce just over his shield he punchs out with his fist and hope that he might be able to stun the beast if he hits..his like of thinking is it works on wargs..what not bears..

Gavin screams out in pain as an arrow lodges itself into his shoulder. He drops staff as his hands instintively move to the wound. Only too late does he realize his mistake as an orc slashes at him with an axe, slicing the human's arm.

Ilyana stands back to back with Gavin and wields her staff against the oncoming enemy with a fierce light in her eyes. When she hears Gavin's scream, she whirls and tries to block the orc's attack, but misses. She swings her staff around again, and this time she connects solidly hearing the distinctive sound of an arm bone snapping.

His arms full of the injured captives, Grimbeorn sends a kick which crumples an orc in half as he reaches Ilyana and Gavin. Another kick knocksdown the orc attacking Gavin.

Levi-Dodin rushes at Buurz, axe ready and voice in grim song. As Levi approaches, he swing his axe with a vicious arc.

Gavin falls to his knee and snatches his dropped staff. Quickly, he swings it around on the fallen orc, slamming soundly into his head. He jumps back up and swings at the retreating forces, knocking a final orc down.

Buurz snarls as the Dwarf comes into the bushes with him, Buurz not worried of the dwarf in itself, but warry of the rest of the 'good' party scrambles backwards, kicking and flinging low branches towards the Dwarf as he him self makes for his escape.

Grabbing the blade, E'li skewers the orc, then continues towards Buurz, and the lonely humn figure behind him.

Mimira struggles to glance skyward, seeming to be searching for something as she bounces upon Grimbeorn's shoulder. Suddenly she gasps, "Yes! Tis there! Tis still there Rauwulf! He was wrong! He lied to me!", and she whoops slightly, right into Grimbeorn's ear. How rude.

Ilyana spares a glance at Gavin's arm. She holds her staff ready, but suddenly there's no target nearby.

Levi-Dodin grunts as his axe hit's a branch. Levi switches his movement and thrusts at Buurz with his pike on his axe.

Grimbeorn starts at the scream next to his ear and grumbles, "Please don't do that." He steps on a wounded orc's back and his foot nearly touches the ground through the body.

Foiled again in his offensive, Massive_Bear reels back as the Troll's fist slams into his face. The blow does not have the desired effect however, rather than stunning the mighty creature, it only serves to enrage him further. Stepping to one side, Massive_Bear charges in again, attempting to get around the immense shield that serves to protect the Troll. With fists flailing wildly, the Bear assalts the Troll in a near frenzied state!

Buurz spits at the stumpy as it foolishly tries to use a pike in the underbrush. But Buurz did not gain rank by getting involved in stupid fights. Scrambling to his feet, he leaps off into the woods, a vet of forest raids.

Ilyana looks around frantically, torn between going to Gavin and Rauwulf as Grimbeorn brings them closer. Biting her lip, she turns toward her brother. "Gavin, how's your arm?"

Seeing the foe escape, the falcon flies at the uruk, screaming and clawing at his eyes. The falconer pursues, hatred burning in his eyes

Grimbeorn looks to the orc captain getting away...and decsides it is not worth it to go after it.

Gavin turns to Ilyana, breathing heavily and wincing as he tests his arm. "It isn't too bad," he he mumbles. His gaze quickly shifts to Grimbeorn and the humans carried on his back. "HYow are they?" he asks.

Dred glances back to see how the uruk force is doing and seems shocked to see that they have mented back into the wood. With a howl of rage..he begins take a few back steps from the bear. This seems to be his luck day as one of the bear's paws only slashes right leg lightly..reather than haveing half of his leg cut out from under him. Dred then Yells in broken command "Fallz back!!!! " he then trys to move toward the woods as he backs up...

Levi-Dodin shouts at the retreating orc, "My axe is reserved for you! Show you're Mahal Damned face again, I'll cut it off!" Levi turns and sees the bear and troll. Levi shouts to the dwarves, "The troll! Attack the back of the legs of the troll!" Levi now rushes at the troll's behind, with warders coming around the sides to help. Levi raises his axe to strike behind the knee of the troll. Levi swings as the troll backs up...

The falconer sees nothing besides the fleeing orc... not the bloodied companions behind him, not the dwarf floundering in the underbrush, and certainly not the bulk of the troll, falling back on him. Mindlessly, he presses on, rage fueled by pain from his bleeding arm.

Grimbeorn looks to the two beornings over his shoulder. "One can scream loudly, so she is fine. The other--" he looks concerned at Rauwulf "--needs help." He puts the two gently down on the ground, near the dead bears.

Unlike his comrades, Massive_Bear does not relent in his attack. He leaps after the retreating Troll hacking and slashing at it with his sharp claws. An almighty roar issues forth from the jaws of the beast, a roar that strikes fear into ones opponents and brings hope to ones allies.

Ilyana turns her attention to Rau and Mim. "I don't know," she says in a voice full of worry. She runs to meet Grimbeorn. She knees next to Rauwulf and looks down at him. "Rau," she sobs.

Grimbeorn picks up a large rock and hurls it at a fleeing orc with all his strength. The orc finds itself with another hole in its head. It keeps running for a while before realizing and dies.

Gavin looks towards the roar and spies the bear still locked in combat with the troll. He runs over to help, but stops a few feet away, unsure of what to do. He watches the battle helplessly, glaring at the troll.

Rauwulf lays unconscious, his eyelids half open and revealing glazed eyes. His breathing is shallow and he remains motionless, unanswering.

Levi-Dodin's axe ring clearly as it hit Dreds left's as tho he hit stone..and seems to only part the skin slightly.As dred swings out with his axe behind hime then bear crash into his front sending both falling into the woods with dred trying to fend off the Bear with his shield...

Ilyana stretches out a hand to push some of the matted hair out of his face, wincing as she sees the multiple cuts and scars on his face and body. She slides her hand around to cup his face, letting the warmth of her hand flow into his skin. "Rauwulf," she whispers. "Come back. Please..." Tears start to flow down her cheeks as she looks down at him.

The falconer makes a desperate leap, and falls upon the goblin, still pestered by his falcon. The force of the impact bring both down, rolling on the ground.

As Levi's plain steel axe impacts the trolls leg, he ducks as the axe whistles above his head, and the bear pushes the troll into the forest.

Mimira lays on the ground gagging, and coughing horribly. Then after a time, it becomes quite apparent that she's actually laughing. Hysterically. Madly.

E'li bashes to orc's kull as the latter flounders around, eyeless and screaming in agony, then turns to survey the battle.

The only movement descernable from Rauwulf are the spasmadic twitching fingers of his uninjured side. They curl and uncurl in a tense motion in much a similar manner as the dying throes of a spider.

Levi-Dodin rushes around a tree to attack the troll from behind again. Levi raises his axe to swing down on the troll's tendon in his heel. As levi swings down, two dwarves begin to hack also at the troll's behind.

Mimira finally seems to get herself under control. Slightly. She lays there gasping on the ground, "untie me hands", she rasps out, her voice a harsh croak.

Dred, as the bear trys to bit down on his neck, he quickly drops his acxe and move his his hand to grap the neck of the bear..barely keeping the jaw of the beast at bay..he begins to try to choke the bear..but at the same time he bring his knee up and trys ti hit the bear in the soft part of it's underside...

Silently, grimly, E'li advances on the only thing left on the battlefield, the immense troll.

Grimbeorn extends a claw and snaps the ropes the bind Mimira. "Don't make me regret doing that," he tells her with a stern look, quickly turning back to watch his son finish off the troll.

Unwillingly, Mimira's mad laughter pulls Ilyana's attention away from Rauwulf, but she looks back when she feels his hand moving. Reaching down, she holds his hand tightly in hers. So tightly, it might almost hurt. She keeps calling to Rauwulf in an attempt to bring his mind back to them. Tears roll off her cheeks and splash down on his skin.

Gavin slips back and stands behind Grimbeorn, watching the battle

[Gavin has disconnected.]

Massive_Bear gasps as his air supply gets blocked in the form of an Olog-hai's grip upon his throat. The knee to the stomach adds insult to injury and for a moment it appears the Bear is in trouble. However, in a display of pure strength and willpower, Massive_Bear overcomes Dred, breaking free of the choke-hold and rolling to one side. Flat on his back, the Bear is unable to retaliate immdiately, thus providing an avenue of escape for the Troll should it act quickly.

Mimira rolls around, on her back, albeit slowly, trying to see if she can find Rauwulf.

Mimira finds her arms free, and finally notices Rauwulf. She claws her way across the ground, slowly, grimacing with each movement, but seems quite determined to reach him. "Rauwulf", she rasps out...

Dred, hisses as then bear is knock off of him and rolls to the side and stands with surprizing speed.. this makes Levi-Dodi's axe dig into the ground, he then brings his shield infront of him and begins to move wuickly in to the wood..powering his way though the trees( knocking over one as he gose as well).. takeing large step he beging to out run his attackers...

Levi-Dodin shouts the the warders, "stay yer weapons" We have wounded to care fer." The dwarves turn and head back to the wounded.

Mimira finally, painfully makes it over to Rauwulf, "Rauwulf... ", she mutters, nudging him with her forehead upon his chest, "Wulf... we're free..."

Massive_Bear rises to his feet, but has given Dred to much of a head start. For now the battle is over, but rest assured, it will be joined again. And next time there will be no escape...

Ilyana looks up helplessly at the giant standing next to them. "Isn't there anything we can do for him, Grimbeorn?" She still holds Rauwulf's hand tightly, but he doesn't seem to be responding.

Dred disappears into the northern forest, going north west.

[Dred has left.]
