Slaughter of the Heretics
Kayle quivers slightly and looks away to the south, "The darkness
is upon us."
Xabre looks out to the south, and takes a deep breath, gripping his
Criesis pauses when he hears the sound, an involuntary shudder runs
through his body but he raises the spear and cries out "For Umbar!"
and almost immediatly begins to rush south.
Torn doesn't seem to hear or see anything. Swaying on his feet he just
keeps on mumbling beneath his breath and.
Anduthar looking back at his men and then to the south,raises his sword
and rides on shrieking the name of the EYE!
Torn snaps to as the cries rise around here. Growling deeply he follows
the troops south.
You approach the Rath Anwarmen road which runs west and east.Rath Anwarmen,
Outside UmbarA short road, perhaps a half-mile in length, runs north to
the great Corsair city of Umbar. The Rath Anwarman runs east and west,
leading to the northern desert and the southern coastal fiefs, respectively.
Looking north towards Umbar, you see that the city consists of two huge
concentric walls. The outer wall surrounds the whole city and the bay,
and the inner wall is higher than the outer. The outer wall of the city
has a deep ditch lined with pallisades surrounding it. The tops of six
towers and many other tall buildings are visible over the wall.
Lenina draws her own blade in a swift motion, in harmony with Namir's
Krintak cringes as the Wraith lets out a scream, not answering Namir..
obviously too much attention is being payed to the Black Figure.
Dantius rushes into the area from the south following cresis
Naarumek's body shutters as the horrid call of the Nazgul, its whole
body frozen in fear from the terror of this ancient wraith. It is unable
to speak, unable to move, unable to think, only able to fear, in awe of
the shadowy creature.
Namir +shouts "This Uruk has been found guilty of treason against
the Eye. He and all those who fight with him and support him shall be destroyed!
The Ringwraith bears witness as testimony of this! Now seek and destroy
his followers!"
Anduthar rides like thunder from the north,his men following with strict
order behind him,shouting the name of the Eye!
The wings of the beats that befouls the air with his vile stench flap
loudly and send the air blistering with a sickness around Namir. The Lord
of Umbar is encompassed in the full rage of a fell wind as the beast of
the same name draws nigh to him, and sets down upon it's giant, quilless
claws at his side, with it's great black Rider sturdy and cruel atop it.
Dubhglas's band, the names of Castamir and his sons on their lips, pull
up to form a protective bodyguard around Namir and Lenina...
Criesis spots Naarumek, an inhuman growl rising from deep within him
as he raises his spear once more to cast it at the Uruks.
The sky darkens, and turns a ruddy hue. The image of an Eye appears
momentarily, followed by a booming voice, "Krintak has taken my name
in vain. All who stand beside him shall die. Your souls will know no rest."
Torus raises his scimitar but hesitates to attack.
Torn arrives from the north trotting softly. As his glazed eyes fall
on the Nazgul the fogs withing seem to dissipate. His jaw drops and he
slows his advance. As he hears Namir's cry, he raises his scimitar and
waves it into the air, screetching in triumph. Stopping to bow to the dark
figure in the distance he shivers in excultation and turns to face his
opponents with mad eyes.
Lenina shrinks away from the beast, obviously confounded by that which
surrounds her, and she stumbles slightly.
Xabre looks up, and blinks a few times. He's unable to do any more.
Anduthar's face ashen as he spots the nazgul,then hearing the voice
of the Eye he attacks the uruks standing by Krintak with great fury,his
eyes shining bright with wrath.
Krintak trembles as he hears the voice, not dareing to even glance upwards.
He begins to mumble to himself, quickly jabbering something unintellible
and quiet.
Kayle looks at the wraith and his body starts to quiver slightly, he
manages to gain some control, but judging by the shaking of his scimitar,
he is pretty upset on what lies before him.
Criesis attacks Naarumek with his Spear, but he misses by a handspan.
The horsemen of Durthang gallops towards the frozen uruks standing infront
of Krintak,they attack with horrible efficiency and the already shaken
troops of the Zhagbuurz retreat by waves.
Naarumek remains motionless as the spear of the High Priest, way from
its mark, flies over its body.
Torn focuses his furious attention at Krintak and wades through the
battle towards him.
Anduthar shrieks and attacks Krintak with his long sword,from on top
of his horse he hisses,"You shall pay your rudeness and treachery!"
Krintak glances over as Naarumek is struck with a spear, his knees quivering...
he looks up with a horrid frown on his face, but only so far that he may
see the knees of anyone in front of him. He lets out a long cry as he hears
the armies marching, a cry of fear and despair.
You<Anduthar> attack Krintak with your Longsword...Your attack
against Krintak lightly wounds him!
Torus +shouts "All who wish to die may stand by Krintak, Those
who wish to live ad serve the eye will slay him!"
Kayle remains off to the side watching the battle, but mainly watching
the wraith, his eyes seem to be stuck on it.
Dantius attacks Krintak with his Spear and moderately wounds him!
From Shalam Flickers of riders... men mounted on small, swift horses
blur the afternoon dunelines against the sky as tribesmen gather from several
directions, observing.
Criesis screams in frustration as his spear flies wide and he runs forward
pushing guards of the Church out of his way as he grabs ones spear he is
detained struggling against the smaller Paladin.
Lenina muses upon the events unfolding before her. Bringing her blade
before her, she makes no motion to enter the fray, but the desire for blood
in her grows stronger by the minute.
The horsemen of Durthang charge at the retreating lines of the Zhagbuurz,
only to meet with a second line of defense and they are greatly outnumbered,
and dwindling fast.
Dwar swift and silent it remains in the company of the unworthy men
of Harad, their Lord and his own. There is no sound to it, for no words
are yet commanded from it, and so it stays it's breath while it stays it's
station upon the great and terrible black vulture of Mordor, whose wreak
appals the air and shuns even the scent of death for it's own wreak is
twice as repugnant. Upon his steed, he stales the heart of those around
him, who would dare defy his master and walk alive to continue to do so,
and it is them that he targets now with all the darkness that is for Mordor
to project like the knife of power that is for Sauron to wield.
Krintak falls down on his chest as a sword comes down upon him, and
he coughs violently in recoil. He looks up to see a large horse bearing
Anduthar, and then yet another spear flying towards him, he howls and tries
to stand, putting his hands up to guard himself... not haveing the wits
in the chaos to pull a weapon. "My armies! My armies!! Where... whe..
are my armies!", he studders out loud, droppign his Haradrim pipe
and steppign on it by accident.
Torn wades in through the clump of people surrounding Krintak. Cackling
madly he raises his scimitar high above his head. Totally forgetting his
own defences he keeps this pose a moment longer and growls, "The eternal
torment take youz!" He brings his scimitar down, attempting to actually
strike the Hai's head.
Dantius thrust's his spear at Krintak his vein's pulsing with blood
One of the Uruks flees from the overwhelming forces that are attacking
Krintak and his small force. He runs towards the staring form of Kayle
who remains entranced by the wraith.
The eyes of Anduthar glare with unearthly fire,his mouth letting out
a hysterical laughter as he thrusts his sword upon Krintak's chest. He
looks about with maddened eyes as saliva of wrath drips from his bloody
Namir looks around the area, Krintak and his aid being attacked viciously
by the men around him, "Find his armies and destroy them. None shall
live to seek forgivness."
Torn 's attack goes wildly off. He squints his eyes in fury. Staggering
backwards he waves his scimitar up at the sky and howls loudly. Growling
in frustration he starts to make his way back out of the fighting.
Criesis pulls the spear free and growls at the paladin who backs away
in fear, he turns again to gaze with hatred at Naarumek as he hefts his
spear once more.
Krintak lets out a great cry as Torn makes his way towards him, his
mind explodeing with incredible and unimaginable stress, everything in
this Uruk's life going catastrophic, he simply lets out a punch towards
the nearest being... not knowing how to do anything else at the chaotic
Krintak attacks Torn with his Bare Hands, but he misses by a handspan.
More and more riders gather to pool at some distance mostly northwards
of the fighting, cutting off the road's access to any who might wish to
Glints of steel gleam dully in the blazing sun of knives, scimitars
and lances at the ready. MOre than a few bowman make arrows ready, a few
popping shots lustfully into the few Mordain unlucky enough to wonder to
the edge of the frey.
You<Anduthar> attack Krintak with your Longsword...Your attack
against Krintak moderately wounds him!
Dubhglas rises from the body of an orc, his face covered in the blood
of the fallen. He hears Namir's orders and motions towards the desert.
"Come! I will lead you toward the enemy! I know where they can be
Naarumek manages to stand, as the call to battle overwhealms fear. It
turns, looking upon the oncomming force. With a hiddious grin it cries
words into the air, neither sane nor intelligiable. It quickly pulls the
hood of its cloak over its face, grabbing for its that laid upon the ground.
Torus nods, and motions to his men to the east.Torn barely notices Krintak's
attack as he staggers backwards.
Xabre follows the hordes of Durthang men, searching out someone to attack.
Criesis attacks Naarumek with his Spear, but he misses by a mile.
Dubhglas's boarding party remains behind to guard Namir and Lenina.
Dwar to Namir's words, it is the truth. With the mix of his threatening
commands and the shadow that is beside him, there are few souls that could
stand up to match them both. With a glint of palelight shone within the
darkness of it's hood, the Nazgul waits, and forever it shall wait till
yet it's master commands otherwise, staying ittself at Namir's side, to
fell any who would draw to him without invitation of the Lord of Umbar
Dantius attacks Krintak with his Spear and lightly wounds him!
Criesis throws a second spear towards the Uruk in the distance.
Anduthar opens his mouth wide as he slashes and thrusts his sword at
the cowering Krintak with fury.He drops half way from his horse and continues
his deadly attack upon the helpless uruk until its body is a wreckage of
what it once was.
Krintak shudders and falls back as two spears both strike and nearly
impale him, covering his ears and screaming as he starts to back away from
all that attack him.
Lenina's stony gaze follows Naarumek's form. She watches the tall-masked
one as he continues to fight with the Uruk. Looking to Namir's other side,
she shivers visibly at the Nazgul, finding it to be perhaps a wiser idea
to leave her love's side. Lenina calls over her shoulder as she advances
to Criseis's side, "I aid my friend, Namir."
Anduthar shrieks out,his body trembling with the sickening joy of the
moment as his body is covered with blood and little pieces of uruks he
slashed through,"For the Eye!Kill every one of them,leave no blood
to spill!"
Namir looks to the nazgul with a slight shiver, then smiles at Lenina,
"Please. Fight and destroy those who oppose the will of the Lord."
Kayle shakes his head as if coming out of a dream and begins to walk
towards the assembled group surrounding Krintak, his eyes remain on the
wraith but he seems to have taken control of his fear, or atleast hide
it away under a mask of haunted looks.
A terrible feeling overcomes you,<Anduthar!> as if you almost
realize that the Eye has seen your innermost feelings...traitor! The Eye
will surely strike you down as well...
Criesis glares at a second Paladin who almost without question hands
over his spear, he grasps it and turns to glare once more at Naarumek,
he leaps forward his massive legs covering the distance quickly between
himself and the Uruk.
Namir looks at the approaching forms of the tribes and shouts otu to
Krintak lowers his hands, glareing towards Lenina as he watches Namir
casually converse towards her. His eyes flare and he marches towards the
human, not minding anything that might be strewn in his path... which could
of course be a fault at the current moment.
One of the distant riders seems to be gesturing for the others... communicating
orders through their scattered ranks of about two dozen.
Four riders depart up the road swiftly, thier horses throwing up dust
as they run towards the road and heading away from Umbar to search for
others of this non-human scum.
Namir says something unintelligible.
Torn stands his ground as he reaches the more calm outskirts of the
fighting. Turning his head this way and that he tries to make out some
opponents. Hissing still in his frustration he prowls the perimeter like
a hungry wolf, his white wargpelt enhancing the impression.
Herald creeps in unsure of the response of his return, but his goal
is welded into his heart that the only way he would be accepted back into
Umbar is to fight along side his people. He stands still breathing heavily
waiting for the rightm oment t which to enter into the crowds and proclaim
himself. It is with a heavy heart he sits and he wouldn't be surprised
if one has seen him already being all tnese and nervous.
Dantius jabs his spear visiously at krintak's chest a evil smile corssing
his face.
Dantius attacks Krintak with his Spear and badly wounds him!
Lenina breaks into a short run, moving swiftly near to Naarumek and
Criesis. Her stride unbreaking, she brings her black blade across her chest,
twisting it at end in a wicked arc at the orc's neck.
Fell Beast raises both it's wings in a boney and leathered arc, one
riseing into the dust and the other unfolding at Namir's back, as if a
pale swampy curtain riseing behind him. The creature's neck withdraws from
where it stood stiffly, and it extends with the beak stretching open so
that the shriek that comes next may wail long and shrilly within the air.
Anduthar looks around and gulps,stopping his furious attack upon Krintak
abruptly,seddling in his horse safely he rides on towards the gates of
Umbar,his face ashened and his lips trembling with fear...
Lenina attacks Naarumek with her Scimitar and moderately wounds him!
Kayle has arrived at the outer edge of the crowd and opposite from the
wraith and Namir. He watches as Krintak runs towards Namir.
Criesis attacks Naarumek with his Spear, but he misses by an arm's length.
Krintak barks out in pain as a spear smacks across his chest, his head
flying back and his hood falling back to reveal his plain uruk face, tall
and shaved to the skin, with tattoos of the Eye at his eyelids. He continues
to limp towards Lenia, throwing a fist towards her face. "YOU SKAI
TARK!", he bellows out, enraged by insanity.
Namir stands his ground, despite the movements of the beast, watching
the battle and catching glimpse of Krintak.
Krintak attacks Lenina with his Bare Hands, but he misses by a mile.
Shalam rears and twists at the eerie scream the Fell Beast emits. Hyn
has a hard few moments to regain control of his frightened animal even
at the distance he is at... he is almost unseated but reins the stallion
into a tight circle. One wouls guess he's cussing up a storm...
Those who have survived the battle so far among the Durthang humans
spot their Lord fleeing the battle suddenly and cease their attacks,retreating
towards the gates along with him.
Herald steps outside the fight seeing as to what is happening and decides
to move back east for a little to collect himself.
Criesis thrusts now with his spear at the crimson Uruk his blade getting
turned away as he follows its motions almost falling but recovering his
steps sufficiently to gaze in anger at the one who avoids his blows.
Namir clears his throat and leaves the side of the wraith to rush to
Krintak, "Excuse me, rat, but I believe you have just decided to fight
me." He looks to the others around him, "Please, allow me the
Torn raises his arms above his head once again. He waves his scimitar
about. At the screetch his face freezes in fear, but quickly a mad giggle
escapes from his throat and he screetches. "Da Eye will prevail!"
Lenina flicks a glance towards the flailing beast, and jumps back, startled
by his crude outburst. Easily side-stepping the feeble attack, she takes
a quick step towards Krintak, bringing her scimitar in a devilish thrust
at the orc's back.
Lenina attacks Krintak with her Scimitar and badly wounds him!
Naarumek lifts its chain-covered hand to block the blade of the female,
not expecting the force to be so great. The scimitar cutting three of its
fingers off cleanly. Yet, in its battle-raged state, the Uruk feels no
pain, as it begins to swing the axe. But instead of striking it backs off,
holding the shaft of the blade defensively and forgeting about the spear-thrower.
Anduthar,riding madly towards the gates sees Namir fighting side by
side with the hosts of the faithful Mordain,and curses at the Tower Lord.
Krintak growls as a voice approaches him, reaching for his back and
whipping a scimitar out of it sheath. He lets out another pathetic cry
as the scimitar carves up his leather armor at the back, stepping back
to rub it like an old man with arthritus.
Krintak pulls a straight black scimitar from its sheath at his back.
Traveler slowly strolls into the area, using his walking stick to guide
Dantius turns his head and runs towards naarumek h.Dantius thrust's
his spear at the chest of naarumek blood splattered across dantius's garbs
Anduthar growls at Namir,almost shrieking madly,"<Adunaic>
You<Anduthar> attack Namir with your Longsword...Your attack against
Namir mildly wounds him!
Kayle watches the conflict with his sword blade glistening in the sun
before him. A feint breeze comes off the desert and a strand blows into
his eyes, but it goes un touched as he watches what is transpiring.
Dantius attacks Naarumek with his Spear, but he misses by a handspan.
Anduthar slashes at Namir his eyes rolling with fear mixed with fury!
Dwar slides off of the back of it's fell beast, and it stands then before
Namir. Before he may fex yet a single sinew within his body, the Nazgul
has gripped him by his arm with it's cold undead fingers and halted him
wherehe stands, the fear that forms out of it like a vile stench now focused
into one living point, the unfortunate Lord of the Tower of Umbar, whose
skin is met with only the smallest barrier of armor between the Nazgul
and itself. Strength that has not been felt in the arms of mortal men grips
now the Tower Lord, and he is not permitted to move.
Traveler ducks slightly, as he walks into a seemingly large battle.
This stranger looks around with care.
Namir curses as Anduthar surprises him with a strike that manages to
slip past his armor and cut his arm. Namir draws his dagger as well, turning
to face Anduthar and jumping towards him, his dagger dives towards Anduthar's
waist as his longsword swings at his throat.
Namir attacks you<Anduthar> with his Longsword!......and he hits!
Leuthyn halts as a man rides from the north to give him a report. He
nods and yells something in his tribal dialec, urging most of his people
to turn rein and follow him. He puts heel to flank and bolts off over the
sand... a few tribemen linger to scout around.
Anduthar hisses at the Tower Lord,"<Adunaic> You shall come
with me to the pits of Udun traitor!"
Dwar releases Namir and at the same time, it casts him away, towards
it's beast, it stands then between him and this Dunadan that would come
to strike the protectorit that his lord has given him.
Dantius runs towards krintak criss-crossing through the field of battle
now his garb's soked by the blood of his foes
Namir gets flung backwards, diving to the ground and rolling to his
feet angrily, but not saying a word.
Lenina spits upon the beast at her feet.
Naarumek twists the shaft of the axe to parry away the spear of another
human, still in motion. As the strike of the human, which it thought betrayed
it also, hits the tower lord. The darkling continues to back away, snapping
its head back around suddenly, looking to see what is behind it.
Dwar's fingers encircle the hilt of a gleaming, hateing blade that shones
with a pale glaze as it is drawn from the depths of a sheathe than hangs
at the side of the Ringwraith. The weapons sings with a loathsing whistleing
as it is drawn forth, and held out to strike down the opposer of the EYE,
the Nazgul and the Umbar Lord.
Dwar brandishes the pale blade of the unforgiving 3rd Nazgul.
Anduthar is frozen by the very sight of the Ringwraith,he mumbles something
unintelligible and shouts in despair to the skies above with eyes filled
with terrible fear,"I HAVE NOT FORSAKEN YOU MY LORD!"
Torn strains to make out anything of the fighting. Seeming to distinguish
something in the direction of the Nazgul he starts that way , with stiff
legs, but with determination in his eyes.
Namir dusts himself off and resheaths his sword, obviously not needing
Namir slides the blade back into its scabbard, effectively dousing the
light of the blade.
Dantius rushes at krintak his spear out and the blood dripping from
the trip flying away as he runs towards him in a bloodcrazyed rage of battle.
Fell Beast caws again with it's shrill and grave tone, it's neck stretching
out and curling about the TowerLord, the presence of it almost too much
for any stomach to bare, for the slightest touch of it is as if to dine
on a half decayed corpse, stricken green in the light of the moon.
Dwar wastes no time as would this Black Numenorean, and with the effort
that not a child would give to breathing, it raises and swings it's weapon
with the skill known only to the Lords of old who knew the ancient ways
of fighting and have known them for the age past. It aims it's blade so
that in a single stroke it may deliver Anduthar away from his traiterous
human life.
Kayle continues to stand opposite the nazgul and Namir. His head shakes
once or twice as if he is argueing with himself, but then his eyes fall
upon the Wraith and he begins to stare again.
Criesis thrusts forward with his spear at the oblivious Uruk, attempting
to strike blood but his head almost downcast as he realizes the futility
of his strikes.
Dantius attacks Krintak with his Spear, but he misses by a handspan.
Namir shakes his head, blanching as he's surrounded by the neck of the
beast, "<Adunaic> I believe your Lord sees differently."
Criesis attacks Naarumek with his Spear, but he misses by a handspan.
Traveler slowly looks around and recognises the creepy feeling moving
up and down his spine. He decides he should try ad depart before he doesn't
have that freedom.
Anduthar looks away from the Tower Lord,believing that the Nazgul will
be making him pay for his treachery,he turns about madly,searching for
someone else to attack;seeking for a companion as he is taken to the pits
of hell!
Krintak shivers, his jaw quivering at everything happening before him,
all because of his own pride. He smiles, and stands straight, atleast as
straight as he can stand with his wounds, smileing. "I am KRINTAK!",
he madly calls out, twisting around and swinging his scimitar at Cruesis's
waist as he sees him attacking Naarumek. "DIE! TRAITOR TO LORD OF
DUSHGOB!" His tongue slips out of his lips as he bites down in attack,
and he screams again as blood starts to stream from this organ. He takes
no notice to the spear that flies past him.
Spotting Naarumek Anduthar charges on madly,slashing with his sword
but missing wildly with the heat of the moment.
Krintak attacks Criesis with his Scimitar, but Criesis parries the attack
with his Spear!
Naarumek continues to back-step, madly blocking each of the blows that
come onto it. But it manages to deflect each of them, still turning its
head back to see what is behind it.
Lenina brings yet another crushing blow to the unpitied uruk, Krintak.
The blade slices through the arc with a sick, shrill cry, towards the creature's
Lenina attacks Krintak with her Scimitar and severely wounds him!
Criesis notices Krintaks attack and shifts his spear, to push the scimitar
down and away from him dancing backwards for a moment to gather stock of
the situation.
Mardahk dashes into the area, and glances around, bewildered. He locates
Anduthar and runs toward him.
Kayle rushes foward quickly, he body moves in agile beauty like a dancer.
His sword begins to raise in his hands as he comes closer to the forms
of Krintak and criesis.
Namir growls slightly, "Beast, I realize you have orders, but I
must join my men."
Dantius attacks Krintak with his Spear and severely wounds him!
Lenina, out of earshot of Namir, hears not his words, nor his departure.
Kayle dodges in besides Criesis and his blade follows from his side
in a sweeping motion, towards the extended body of Krintak.
Traveler slides back in the direction he came from, as quietly as possible.
Krintak collapses to the ground, defeated by Kayle!
Krintak's weapon "Prakh" falls to the ground...
Dantius acquires a strange black straight scimitar.
Anduthar seeking madly for someone else to slay he is suddenly frozen,the
once mighty lord of Durthang now shivers and trembles, almost in a spasm...His
lips let go a single drop of blood as Lt. Anduthar falls down on his face
from the black steed he was riding upon. Still trembling and kicking madly
around he half opens his eyelids only to face the Ringwraith and cowers
in greater fear than he had ever known in his whole life and begs for mercy,which
he well knew would not come.
Criesis attacks Naarumek with his Spear and mildly wounds him!
Dantius picks up the blade of the fallen krintak
Criesis screams aloud thirsting for blood and thrusts his spear forward
nicking Naarumek as a thin trickle of blood falls from the uruks hand.
Dantius looks at the krintak and grins and then thrusts his spear towards
Krintak begins to limp away from the scene as his scimitar is drawn
back by Crie, and another wound opened at his back. He continues to limp
away until a spear enters the back of his leg, and he falls in agony. As
yet another blade comes down upon him, he simply looks ahead, blood over
flowing his eyes, he pauses, and stays in this state for the rest of time...
his scimitar lyeing idley on the ground next to him.
Naarumek growls to itself as its defences fail, the spear of the human
cuts into its blocking hand, the same that the fingers were removed from.
Still the Uruk makes no attack, back stepping even faster.
The Fell Beast with no mind of it's own only the wishes of it's master,
understands not the words of the Towerlord and no response to them is given
save for the jagged and singeing breath rasp that is for only this one
foul creation to use.
Anduthar manages to get a hold of his fear and creeps towards the 'feet'
of the Nazgul Lord and trembling all over cries and weeps for mercy in
the name of the Eye.
Kayle follows through with his swing after it connects with Krintak's
body and wips his blade foward. He seems to lose balance and almost falls
and a feint look of surprise comes to his face before he seems to realize
it and his face becomes a mask of anger.
Criesis pursues Naarumek his voice screaming out "For the glory
of the Eye!" as he thrusts forward once more aiming this time for
the Uruks heart.
Criesis attacks Naarumek with his Spear and mildly wounds him!
Torn slams into a passing horse. He is thrown backwards and lands hard
on his back. Jumping back up he shakes his head and growls. Grinding his
jaws he starts to continue. Now a stray foot blocks his path. Falling on
his face he starts to screecth in fury, but that is soon muffled by the
dirt in his mouth. Sputtering he raises himself again. Shrugging resignedly
he peers at the figures moving past him and thrusts his scimitar towards
them once in awhile.
Namir growls and struggles in the beasts neck, his skin crawling with
every motion of contact.
Dwar speaks not words of comfort to the doomed Black Numenorean who
cringes before him, it raises only it's blade to fell him, for this is
the reward that the EYE deals to the traitors of his word. The edged pointed
of this pale and enchanted weapon moves down to strike the cowering lump
beneath him, and to mix his blood with the dirt that is the Dunadan's superior.
Kayle watches the form of Krintak walk away a few steps and then starts
to follow him his sword held in his right hand at his side.
Naarumek sends the twirling wooden shaft upwards, knocking the spear
somewhat away from itself, digging into its shoulder. The beast still makes
no attempt at attacking, moving backwards at an even faster pace, away
from the majority of the fighting.
Shivering like a poisoned dog,Anduthar cries and begs for his life,"O
great one,spare my life!I have served,served well the Eye,save,save,ssave
my life, sspare me mlord!"..with those last words his voice trembles
and frails off...
Criesis continues to follow Naarumek oblivious to his surroundings only
the angry screaming can be heard coming from his lips as he thrusts forward
once more aiming at the Uruks heart again.
Criesis attacks Naarumek with his Spear, but he misses by a hair.
The fell beast's eyes seem to gleam momentarily, as if filled by some
otherworldly knowledge. Instinctively, it moves aside from Namir, freeing
Dantius looks around the battle and just seeming to sense something
runs towards the east
Namir smiles inwardly thanking something and rushes off to join his
Mardahk, sensing that something is wrong, retreats.
Naarumek pulls its body to the side, away from the thrusting weapon,
but this time the creature attacks back. It is suddenly swings the axe
forwards with a great howl into the air around it.
Naarumek lights his lantern.
Naarumek attacks Criesis with his Bare Hands and mildly wounds him!
Naarumek wields Long Axe.
Torn growls a sigh out and stops his futile thrusts. Digging once again
into his pouch he pops something green in his mouth. Throwing his head
back he inhales sharply and closes his eyes. Once he opens them again they
are glazed. Torn grins madly as his eyes glaze and he's into his own inward
Kayle comes to the body of Krintak and notices a note that rest partailly
underneath his body, he reaches down and places the blade of his scimitar
on the throat of Krintak as he bends down to pick up the note.
Criesis is thrown back a step by the Uruks hit upon his chest, he pauses
and raises his spear in defence of his body before shaking his head and
thrusting his spear forward once more.
Criesis attacks Naarumek with his Spear and lightly wounds him!
Krintak gurgles a little as the scimitar touches his throat, though
doesn't move further more.
Naarumek steps forward, pushing the spear into its own body, mumbling
words itself. The Uruk swings the axe cross-ways, towards the human's stomach.
Anduthar shrieks in such agony and anguish that the whole battlefield
is echoed with it,he rolls on the ground madly,holding on the wound that
will cost him his life.Blood runs freely from Anduthar's body,painting
the parched ground red.Lost all of his wealth,honor,rank and the favor
of the Eye on this accursed battlefield,only two words escape his lips,
"Ssspare me..."
Naarumek attacks Criesis with his Axe and severely wounds him!
Kayle reaches down and takes the note. His blade remains on Krintak's
throat as he reaches down to take it, he then rises with the note that
is covered with blood from Krintak's wounds.
Criesis falls back staggering under the blow as he falls to his knees
glaring up at Naarumek he spits blood and shouts "Traitor, you will
die and suffer eternal torment for this!" as his body falls back among
the advancing grouping of humans.
Torn runs his glazed eyes across the battlefield. Seeing the Nazgul
again he shudders. His face pale he again begins to walks toward the dark
Dwar extends it's hand to it's beast, and with a single disheartening
command it pales the light of the air and sends it's monster forward to
finish what it had begun. The creature comes hither to it's master's commands
and stands abode the body of Anduthar, with it's neck extending to thrust
it's beak out and imbed that within the back of the cowering man, whilest
the Nazgul drifts from where it stood to follow the body that it was sent
to guard.
Naarumek waves its hand in front of its face towards the oncomming humans,
then it turns to the east and runs, as fast as it has been taught.
Torn shrugs as the Nazgul departs. Stopping he looks on all the fighting,
confusion plain on his face.
Kayle crumbles the parchment in his hands and throws it on the ground
he scratches at his unshaven face that holds specks of blood on it before
he takes his blade away from the bodies neck, he shakes his head as he
looks down and says, "I am numb of all feeling, I have reached the
other side."
Anduthar rolling over for the last time faces the fell beast without
a sound,his spirit escaping his miserable body a long while ago. He looks
at the skies with empty eyes,his mouth dripping down and up again, giving
aways sprays of blood now and then.Thus ended the life of Lord Anduthar,once
the chosen one of the Eye and the Nine...the commander of the human Mordain,as
an example of the fate of the ones who betrays the will of the Eye and
forsaken it for their own power hunger.
Criesis struggles to his feet and shouts after the fleeing Naarumek
"Coward! You are a coward and a traitor!" the blood flows freely
from a massive chest wound.
Kayle shakes his head and turns to look back at the remaining people
in the area.