The Capture of Ravenwyr
Osgiliath: Center of the Ancient City
Middle-earth time is:
Dawn on Sterday, Day 29 of December, 3008
Dulgrist rises slowly as the black figure walks away. He looks back at the uruks with him.
Sylykk swallows hard, as the dark figure dissapears
Karce stands apart from the group. The ugly Uruk grabs something from his pocket and begins to speak to the small object.
Dulgrist begins moving westward again, crouching in the snow. He glances back at Karce and snarls softly.
Karce looks into the darkness, he sniffs the air and snaps a look to Dulgrist. The short Snaga trots back over the the group.
Dulgrist moves westward in a crouch, his feet scraping the snowy ruined road as he leads the smaller orcs.
Necksnapper creeps forward nearer to Dulgrist
Karce looks about, still in his 'duck walk' position. He looks to his open hand and whispers to the object within.
Dulgrist continues to crouch and move westward beneath the massive ruins.
Sylykk slows down, waiting for Karce to catch up, hoping to get a peek at the strange object
You move west through the ruins.
Karce moves through the ruins towards you from the east.
Karce has arrived.
Sylykk moves through the ruins towards you from the east.
Sylykk has arrived.
Necksnapper moves through the ruins towards you from the east.
Necksnapper has arrived.
To the west, you see,
Standing just inside the ruins, you picture how a traveller to this city would perceive the sights and sounds around him or her. You imagine walking in, and having vendors hawking their wares to you, and quiet city guards standing unmoving at strategic locations along the walls, gate, and among the crowd. Now all that there is left is a ruined, twisted gate, partial walls, and a ghostly, empty, cracked and broken street.
To the west lies the gates and the entrance to the city, and to the east lie more ruins.
Written in crude scrawls on the flagstones of the road is:
The Highhelms will die!
Karce sniffs the air once again, he growls somewhat and looks to Dulgrist.
Dulgrist stops, peering ahead into the darkness with a tight grin.
Necksnapper crouches nearer to his comrades, trying to see what is ahead.
Dulgrist waves the snagas forward, motioning for them to spread out and keep low in the ruins.
Karce whispers to his open hand once again, he places an object back in his pockt and sighs.
Necksnapper glances at Karce and scratches his head.
Sylykk walks out ahead, his spear ready.
You hurry west, towards a beautiful view of Anduin.
Karce hurries in from the east.
Karce has arrived.
Dulgrist moves through the snowy ruins in a low crouch, very slowly.
Necksnapper hurries in from the east.
Necksnapper has arrived.
Dulgrist moves through the snowy ruins in a low crouch, very slowly.
Ravenwyr turns listening to faint sounds around them. Several men stand near the wall just having come from the Garrison.
Ravenwyr lights his lantern.
Karce follows the low crouched Dulgrist in a similar position.
Sylykk hurries in from the east.
Sylykk has arrived.
Necksnapper crawls forward, low to the ground
Dulgrist waves the smaller orcs, more lightly equipped, to move forward in the ruins and around to the flank of the lone human. He watches the other nearby humans carefully as he remains crouched in the dark snow.
Ravenwyr steps ove talking to one of the young men and motions them to start moving.
Larkid straps his axe to his back.
Sylykk advances, keeping his eyes on the human head of him
Larkid stands alone, apart from the others, keeping a silent watch.
Karce turns and takes the eastern side. The short Uruk 'duck walks' to his position, keeping quiet and low.
Ravenwyr watches the men file through the rocks and begins to follow carefully picking his way in the darkness.
Necksnapper following Dulgrist's orders, Necksnapper creeps from boulder to boulder moving slowly forward and around the side
Ravenwyr pauses, thinking he heard something and looks to Larkid as the other three men continue on.
Sylykk moves catiously, making sure to keep the ruins between him, and the human guard.
Dulgrist watches his orcs creep out through the dark ruins, outside the light of Ravenwyr's lantern for now. Occasionally he glances over at the other nearby humans.
Karce pulls a rock out from his pocket, he whispers something quietly to it and places it back.
Larkid tilts his head slightly and peers into the darkness.
Ravenwyr reaches out a hand towards the Ranger as he stands quietly and listens.
Karce snickers softly, watching the lone human.
Dulgrist narrows his eyes, watching the man with the lantern, and does not move.
Larkid slowly steps backwards towards Ravenwyr, at the same time sliding his axe from his shoulder.
Necksnapper glances at the strange Uruk. "Hssssst! Put that away!" he whispers to Karce.
Ravenwyr frowns and decides to draw his blade, nodding to Larkid and glancing worriedly at the other men moving out of sight around a wall.
Ravenwyr wields Longsword.
Larkid unslings the axe from his back and grips it tightly.
Karce stops his snickering as soon as tLarkids blade is readied.
Sylykk stops, waiting and watching
Ravenwyr begins to move more quickly to try and catch back up with the others.
Karce growls, he turns to Necksnapper and shoots him a deadly look. One that would turn water to ice. He smiles and turns back to the Humans.
Ravenwyr shifts his shield and heads eastwards...
Dulgrist instinctively whips his head toward the uruk's hiss in an angry glare. The movement causes the iron of his dark helmet to scrape slightly on his chainmail collar.
Ravenwyr puts on Metal Shield.
Necksnapper looks for a big stick to smash with
Ravenwyr stops abruptly at an unmistakeable sound and takes a deep breath to call out to the other men ahead of them...
Larkid thuds uncerimoniously to the ground, dropped here by the huge dragon now receeding towards the horizon.
Dulgrist's left hand is held close to his body, where the other, somewhat distant uruks can see it if they watch him. He jerks the hand toward the humans' flank. Then he rises with a bellow.
Karce looks to the Human headed towards him, he opens his foul mouth and green saliva drips from it. His elongated tooth sticks out greatly now..
Larkid lowers himself into a defensive stance and hold shis axe ready for a charge.
Necksnapper garbs a crude stick from the ground, wielding it clumbsily, he leaps into the air with his comrades
Karce rises, he -ROARS- loudly and growls at Ravenwyr, "Feed!"
Dulgrist crouches and springs forward toward the humans, rushing with his red blade held low. He leaps over a fallen stone foundation and his boots crunch snow and gravel.
Ravenwyr spins on his heel, his shout lost in surprise as he hears a bellow and glances about quickly to try and see in the dimness. He quickly sets the lantern down and moves away from it to whatever cover he can tak.
Without a weapon, Karce scans the grounds for anything that can be used to slay his victim.
Sylykk raises his spear, ready to fight oncomers, as he leaps out from behind a fallen wall, eyes trained on the human guard
Ravenwyr says, "Larkid!"
Karce grabs a medium sized rock that sits beside his feet, he jumps down and charges Ravenwyr.
Ravenwyr turns to see if he can see the others, but they have gone too far.
Dulgrist snarls angrily as he approaches the humans, and his breath rises in steamy clouds which soon dissipate behind him as he runs. He raises his blade, legs pumping beneath his rattling armor.
Ravenwyr turns in time to see a dim form rushing with with a rock held aloft. Wyr tries to throw his shield up to bash the charger, but the figure somes very quickly out of the shadows!
Karce roars and throws the rock, at the speed this Uruk is running and the aim he seems to have it is doubtful the rock would hit anyone.
Karce slows down somewhat, in an apelike stance he swipes at Ravenwyr, not expecting to cause any harm.
The rock falls harmlessly aside but dreadfully close to the Guard's head. Wyr ducks and leans forward with his shield to try and ram the charger and push the body to the side.
Smokey clouds from the east fill the sky, blotting out the sun, and leave the day in a dark gloom.
Karce impacts the large shield and is tossed aside. Now on his back, the Uruk roars and looks for a chance to get up.
Sylykk comes jumping over the ruins, spear held high, growling a low snarl, his breath coming faster, as he senses the prospect of bloodshed
Dulgrist picks up the speed of his run as he finally comes within mere feet of the humans. His scimitar swings in a hack at the axe of the first enemy as he slams into him, relying on his momentum and impact to jar the human's defenses and leave him open for the following slash.
Necksnapper howls and swings his stick in the air, leaping towrds the already joined combat between Karce and Ravenwyr.
Dulgrist attacks Larkid with his Scimitar...
Larkid dodges the attack.
Karce crawls back, he gets to his feet and chuckles at Necksnapper attacks.
Larkid lifts his shield to meet Dulgrist's blade, deflecting the force of the swing with practiced skill. He lifts his axe as the Uruk-hai barrels past, swinging at his legs.
Ravenwyr spins with the force of the Uruk hitting his shield and his blade whips out to cut at the foe's knees... but the figure falls back and hits the ground beyound the reach of the blade.
Larkid attacks Dulgrist with his Axe!...
...and he hits! Ouch!
Necksnapper leaps into the air, crudely swinging his stick in Ravenwyr's direction.
Sylykk falls onto Larkid, slashing with his spear at the humans throat.
Sylykk attacks Larkid with his Spear, but he misses by an arm's length.
Gnarl hurries in from the east.
Gnarl has arrived.
Dulgrist snarls angrily as the human deflects his charge, and suddenly the human's axe whips into the chainmail covering his left leg. The big orc nearly trips, but swings around as he stumbles and hacks brutally at the human's head.
Dulgrist attacks Larkid with his Scimitar...
Larkid dodges the attack.
Larkid falls back, narrowly avoiding the spear's tip and swinging his axe in a feeble counterattack.
Larkid attacks Sylykk with his Axe and moderately wounds him!
Gnarl tries to appear small
Hurin appears from behind some ruins.
Hurin has arrived.
Sylykk grunts as the axe slashes at his chest, cutting through, drwaing blood
Hurin comes down from the Outpost and looks around at the situation.
Ravenwyr's eyes go wide as a stick materializes out of the darkness and comes swooping for his face! He ducks quickly and is brushed along the shoulder with the strike and throws his blade up to TRY AND HIT THE ATTACKER IN THE FACE.
Larkid is fighting Dulgrist and Sylykk as the other try to drag Ravenwyr off.
Hurin lights his lantern.
Gnarl moves through the ruins behind Ravenwyr
Sylykk stabs with his spear trying to get the weapon into Larkid's stomach
Sylykk attacks Larkid with his Spear, but he misses by a long shot.
Karce looks to Hurin and growls, "You can be feed" He runs for him, weaponless.
Khamul has arrived.
Indur has arrived.
Dulgrist says, "Curse you!" He spits as Larkid ducks his slash, then leaps for the human again, grappling at his shield and slashing at his legs. "Your blood, human!"
Larkid spins on a heel, the spear catching his cloak and tearing it slightly. With the force of his spin he brings his axe to bear on Sylykk.
Larkid attacks Sylykk with his Axe and moderately wounds him!
Dulgrist attacks Larkid with his Scimitar...
Larkid parries the attack with his Axe!
Hurin starts to set for Karce's attack when he suddenly stiffens with freight.
Gnarl shivers with the appearance of the Ringwraith
Necksnapper throws his weight to the side, but unfortunately, too late as Ravenwyr's blade bites into his ear.
Karce stops before Hurin and slashes at him with an outstreched arm.
Ravenwyr finishes the swing and involentarily glances up sensing something amiss as a chill runs up his spine.
A chill grips you as you feel an unearthly presence in back of the Uruks...two very dark silhouttes against the rising sun to the east.
Necksnapper says, "Raaagh!"
Larkid 's battle skill falters suddenly as the form of the Nazgul fills his vision. Helpless, he stumbles backward.
Gnarl tries to get closer to Ravenwyr,while keeping and eye on the Ringwraith
Dulgrist takes a limping step to the side and raises his blade to parry, when his black flesh goes slightly ashen. He stares at the two dark figures approaching in the twilight of dawn.
Indur follows in by Khamul's side, seeming not phased by the action going on infront of him. His eyes glaring from under the shadows of his hood, he stands still and calm now, watching slowly.
Sylykk stumbles back as the axe slashes down accross his arm, ripping at armor and flesh
Necksnapper glances backward and almost trips over his own club in suprise.
Karce steps away from the Human, he turns and reaches for his pocket. He brings the rock out once again and speaks to it, the ugly Uruk shudders as the Ringwraith comes into view.
Sylykk brings his spear up in a stabbing motion towards Larkid's face
Ravenwyr takes advantage of the momentary pause in the attack to leap forward, unaware of what has approached, and swings a silver arc of steel for the nearest foe... Necksnapper, tryiing to remove his head form his shoulders!
Sylykk attacks Larkid with his Spear, but he misses by an arm's length.
Gnarl cowers amongst the ruins
Dulgrist seems to shake himself from his stare, and turns away from Larkid to rush at Ravenwyr, shouting.
Khamul halts, and folds his arms menacingly. You attempt valiantly to fight an overwhelming urge to flee, and it tests your courage to look upon this undead nightmare.
Dulgrist says in Uruk, "Grab this one, uruks! Take him for the Eye!"
Gnarl rushes in behind Ravenwyr
Sylykk holds his spear ready, but glances at Dulgrist and the one ho fights
Gnarl attempts to bearhug Ravenwyr from behind
Suddenly, a loud, echoing shriek emits from beyond the robes of Ji Amaav. His eyes glaring over the Mordain more than the slimey Whitetrees. A loud, shaking hiss comes forward, sounding in both anger and displeasement.. "Sssnaga! Ssstand before your lordsss and fight like true ssoldierss! Ceasse thy worthlesss enemiesss!"
Necksnapper ducks quickly, hitting the dirt. Although dodging the sword, his breath is knocked from him.
Hurin stands still as the attack from Karce harmlessly glances off of his armor. This brings his attention back to his current situation as he fumbles to get his blade out.
Dulgrist stumbles as he catches sight of the dark-robed figures again, and focuses his rage and terror on the human in front of him.
Hurin wields Longsword.
Ravenwyr begins to grow very much uncertain of what is happening and fear colors his dark eys pale in the lantern light as he darts a glance about the shadows and backs up a step.
Gnarl grabs Ravenwyr
Karce looks up at the ruins as the Words are spoken, he turns to Hurin and growls, "You'll be a meal for me Human. Your blood in my cup!"
Dulgrist rushes toward Ravenwyr in loping strides, his eyes wide, slaver steaming from his fangs.
Necksnapper tries to regain his footing, as much out of fear of the dark ones behind him as from self preservation.
Sylykk ignores Larkid, and races towards Ravenwyr, snarling curses, pulling his spear back, ready to attack
Larkid's feet carry him backwards, away from the ghastly apparitions to the east.
Ravenwyr says something unintelligible.
Ravenwyr suddenly gets grabbed from behind by Gnarl and tries to twist free, swearing in Rohirric.
Karce leaps towards Hurin, he attempts to jump on the Human.
Gnarl drags Ravenwyr toward the other Uruks
Ravenwyr throws an arm wide and tries to strike with his arms nearly pinned, sword still weaving madly in the dim light.
Gnarl struggles to keep the Human from escaping
Necksnapper crawls forward in the dirt, trying to wrap his arms around Ravenwyr's ankles.
Khamul steps forward, his iron-shod boots making an ominous crunch on the ground as he makes his way toward Gnarl and the struggling human.
Ravenwyr says something unintelligible.
Gnarl with little effort picks Ravenwyr up from the ground
Indur stays at his spot as Khamul walks forward, his arms crossed as his glaring red eyes keep close watch on the fighting.
Dulgrist leaps near to Ravenwyr finally and raises his blade, but then slams the hilt of his scimitar at the human's unprotected head.
Hurin turns his head toward where he hears his Seargent yelling and lashes out at the annoying orc that is harrassing him and standing in his way. His sword whips around over his head once and gets sent seeking Karce's weapon arm.
Ravenwyr curses and kicks viciously at the Uruk trying to grab his ankles and swings madly.
Khamul approaches quickly, and draws his sword with a hiss of cold deathly steel.
Ravenwyr attacks Dulgrist with his Longsword!...
...and he hits! Ouch!
Gnarl puts Ravenwyr over his shoulder
Dulgrist attacks Ravenwyr with his Scimitar...
Ravenwyr dodges the attack.
Khamul wields Water-Skimmer.
Sylykk charges at Hurin, spear aimed at the humans chest
Sylykk attacks Hurin with his Spear, but he misses by a mile.
Indur sees Khamul draw his sword and looks around, sensing trouble is afoot and reaches into his robes, pulling out his sword.
Dulgrist snarls and yells as the human's sword lashes out. He raises a heavily-maide arm in defense and knocks the blade away, but his own blow goes qutie wide.
Indur wields Dawnsword.
Karce is thrown off course by the sweeping sword. He falls far off from Hurin and clutches his arm.
Gnarl tries to throttle Ravenwyr into submission
Larkid backpedals and stands beside Hurin, watching the scene and holding he weapon before him with as much courage as he can muster.
Ravenwyr is thrown up over Gnarl's shoulder and tries to pommel the Uruk carrying him with his sword.
Khamul stops in his tracks about 15 feet away from the struggling human, and levels his sword, point forward, directly at him.
Yikes! An arrow!
The bowshot hits Hurin, mildly wounding him.
Hurin's eyes go wild as he sees his commrad being carried away by the evil of the enemy and smacks the scimitar away with an unconcious effort and stabs inward at Sylykk's stomach.
Hurin attacks Sylykk with his Longsword, but he misses by a mile.
Gnarl runs east with the struggling human
Ravenwyr suddenly is getting throttled and gasps for air! He attemps to thrash out of the grip as he feels his blade slipping out of his our grasp...
Ravenwyr puts down a Longsword.
Sylykk steps out of the range of the swinging sword, and tries to bring his spear to impale Hurin.
Sylykk attacks Hurin with his Spear, but he misses by a long shot.
Yikes! An arrow!
Whew...the arrow flies wide, doing no harm.
Karce moves back, he notices now that he is clutching. He removes his hand and sees blood. Enraged he looks to the human, "Blood! My Blood!"
Larkid crouches low and swings his axe at Sylykk, trying to defend Hurin.
Larkid attacks Sylykk with his Axe and badly wounds him!
Dulgrist snarls with glee and runs after Gnarl and the human. He looks with greedy eyes at the stones where the dropped longsword clatters to the ground.
Indur slowly starts walking toward the fight betweemn Larkid and Sylykk, stopping nearby them, looking down and watching.
Hurin bats the spear away with his shield and comes in under the shield toward Sylykk's thigh.
Hurin attacks Sylykk with his Longsword and severely wounds him!
Ravenwyr tries a strangled cry and elbows the uruk strangling him. A shadow approaches adn Wyr's eyes dart about madly in his dark face as he tries to see what is coming towards them...
Gnarl feels the Chill of Death settle over him like a blanket. The Dark Lord approves of his capture of the human, and runs with greater speed
Sylykk snarls, hissing as the blow from the axe hits him, an attack from a forgotten foe, only to be attacked and cut by Hurin's attack. THe injured Uruk tries to jab at his opponent
Sylykk attacks Hurin with his Spear, but he misses by an arm's length.
Indur watches Sylykk again and hisses with anger turning to Hurin and glaring at him for a moment, his eyes beginning to glow more red by the moment.
Karce stands and grabs a large stick and chucks it towards Hurin. He moves towards Dulgrist, still clutching his arm.
Necksnapper watches his comrades carry away the human, and grins with glee.
Larkid wheels behind Sylykk, bringing his axe down in a mighty arc.
Yikes! An arrow!
Whew...the arrow flies wide, doing no harm.
Larkid attacks Sylykk with his Axe and moderately wounds him!
Indur shrieks out words in a different tongue, raising his armless sleeves into the air, then suddenly bringing them down to a point at hurin, a dark and subtle mist flowing about.
Dulgrist turns as he sees the dark figures approach the remaining brawl. He looks back toward where Gnarl runs off alone with Ravenwyr. Finaly he moves down and root in the stones for the fallen sword.
Hurin loses his grip on his weapon and it slips to the ground.
Hurin puts down a Longsword.
Ravenwyr struggles more madly than ever and screams as he thrashes under the weight of the Uruks!
Necksnapper looks over at the bleeding Sylykk. Remembering all that he taught him, Necksnapper rushes to help.
Hurin falls to the ground unmoving.
Dulgrist picks up Longsword.
Indur raises his sword and hisses, stepping closer toward Hurin, glaring at him with his red eyes as the mist clears away, he suddenly hisses, "Bow at thisss time and grieve before the might of the Black One, or fall before my sssteel!"
Sylykk howls as the axe tears into his flesh again, spinning around he slashes with his his spear at Larkid's throut
Ravenwyr says something unintelligible.
Sylykk attacks Larkid with his Spear, but he misses by a long shot.
Yikes! An arrow!
Whew...the arrow flies wide, doing no harm.
Gnarl grips the struggling human much tighter
Hurin lies on the ground, unmoving.
Larkid leaps away from the spear point, all the rest dissolving as he focuses solely on the battle.
Larkid attacks Sylykk with his Axe and terribly wounds him!
Karce moves the the unmoving body of the Human, "See what happens when you draw Karce blood. YOU PAY!"
Ravenwyr throws a punch up for Gnarl's face, aiming for an eye as he manages to get an arm free for a moment.
Indur watches Hurin fall and looks down at him. With much anger, he shrieks out in a malevolent yell, a command of sort, "Kneel, buub! Get on thy kneesss!"
Yikes! An arrow!
Whew...the arrow flies wide, doing no harm.
Ravenwyr takes off Metal Shield.
Gnarl slams Ravenwyr into the ground before looking for a rock
Sylykk falls to the ground, rolling away as the axe cuts yet again through his now much useless armor. Struggling to get up, He turns to flee
Dulgrist finally turns and lopes over the snowy ruins toward Gnarl and his captive.
Ravenwyr twists and bites Gnarl on the arm fiercly!
Larkid lets his opponent run, he stands panting and snarling, looking for a new target.
Sylykk dodges aside Larkid, and manages to escape!
Gnarl growls and bites Ravenwyr back
Sylykk walks further east, gazing in awe at the ruins.
Yikes! An arrow!
Whew...the arrow flies wide, doing no harm.
Karce turns to the captive, he makes his way over to him andgrowls. Still clutching his bleeding arm.
Khamul steps forward to the struggling Uruk and human, and with one hand reaches out for the human's hair, with the other aiming a deadly stroke at the Uruk. "Back, earth-maggot. This one is My prey."
Ravenwyr keeps trying to kick and crys out as the Uruk bites him on the shoulder. It's teeth doing far more harm than his own could.
Gnarl cowers away
Necksnapper approaches the fray rubbing his bleeding ear.
Ravenwyr goes very still, seeing Khamul, eyes wide in his dark sharp face.
Yikes! An arrow!
Whew...the arrow flies wide, doing no harm.
Dulgrist runs toward Ravenwyr and Gnarl, carrying his scimitar in his meaty right hand and the longsword in his left. He leaps over a fallen pillar, and his boots land heavily in the snow and gravel.
Karce makes his way to Dulgrist, he looks to the Human Captive and chuckels.
Indur turns from the body of Hurin, believing he is dead and looks to Larkid, the other whom gave threat to his Snaga. He slowly and quietly walks to the back of Larkid, almost so quiet he cannot be heard.
Dulgrist suddenly stumbles to a stop, seeing Khamul approach them.
Karce kneels down and whispers something the the Human.
Khamul's sword makes an evil cut in the uruk, and his mailed hand grasps a hold of Ravenwyr's hair. An evil laugh from the monstrous wraith chills you, and you realize that the human looks upon the face of death itself.
Hurin struggles back to his knees with a wild look of surprise growing in his eyes as the dark figure towers over him. He tries to look up at the unseen face but, is unable to lock his gaze on the evil within, "Never shall the might of the true bow to your filth and evil.
Necksnapper puts his face in the dirt as the dark ones approach
Karce +whispers to Ravenwyr, " ... ... be ... ... ... ..."
Yikes! An arrow!
Whew...the arrow flies wide, doing no harm.
Larkid looks about at the melee, and realizing he is the only human standing, begins a slow retreat to the west.
Gnarl whimpers and cowers, bleeding from the cut of Khamul's sword
Ravenwyr's heart hammers in his ears so loudly that he seems unaware of anything but the form looming over him... indescribealbe to even himself.
With a grin, Karce steps away from Ravenwyr. He bows deeply to Khamul and steps back towards Dulgrist, almost hitting him.
Indur finally comes close enough to Larkid to grab him from behind, reaching out with his arm-less sleeve and grasping the back of Larkid's neck, lifting him slightly off the ground.
Gnarl feels the cold seep into his bones from the sword of the Nazgul
Dulgrist stops and watches Khamul over Ravenwyr, and further over the ruins, Indur over Hurin. The uruk commander seems at a loss.
Necksnapper continues to cower in the dust
Hurin scrabbles along the ground searching for his missing weapon with his hand.
Larkid goes rigid with an unnatural chill, his spine crawling with revulsion. He hangs, unable to do more.
Hurin picks up a Longsword.
Gnarl scampers over to Dulgrist looking for some protection
The vise-grip of Khamul's herculaen strength almost tears Ravenwyr's poor hair out of its very roots as the Shadow of the East slowly, and without noticable effort, lifts the man into the air.
Indur holds Larkid off the ground with his one arm by his neck, walking towards Khamul.
Gnarl puts his head to the ground before the power of the Dark Ones
Necksnapper drools and peeks through his clasped fingers up at the two nazgul.
Hurin looks around at any soldiers of Gondor that are still around....
Dulgrist stands still as the uruks gather around him, watching first one grim, black-robed figure and then the other in turn. He squints as the twilight grows, the sun dim and red to the fearsome East.
Hurin says something unintelligible.
Larkid gasps for air, his feet begin kicking and thrashing.
Karce smiles at the Humans pain. Not able to take his eyes off of Khamul and Ravenwyr, the Snaga dosn't notice Dulgrist right behind him.
Ravenwyr quite naturally is frightened out of his very wits and begins to thrash madly as he hangs by his hair, his eyes wild with his fear.
Khamul looks to the sky and lets loose a long and shrill scream.
A shrill and high-pitched wail, full of despair and evil, echoes over the area.
Indur looks to the sky and lets loose a long and shrill scream.
A shrill and high-pitched wail, full of despair and evil, echoes over the area.
Gnarl chortles at the humans plight
Necksnapper shivers at the sound of the Wraiths
Dulgrist cringes and falls instinctively to his knees as the dreadful wails fill the cold morning air.
Hurin looks toward the horizon and closes his eyes, offering up a small prayer as he kisses the crosshilt of his sword.
Necksnapper continues to bury his face in the dust
Karce turns to see Dulgrist on his knees, the moronic Snaga follows suit and kneels.
Indur squeezes his hand tighter around Larkid's throat, pressing in deep against his windpipe attempting to slightly choke him for the moment, his eyes still looking away at Khamul.
Ravenwyr hangs limply at the chilling crys as the sudden thought flaches through his humb mind that dying might be better than living, but his limbs do not obey him as he hangs in the air.
Larkid's eyes bulge and a vein stands out on his forehead. His struggling grows more frantic.
Gnarl thanks Sauron that he is not in the grip of the Nazgul
Khamul notices the human struggling futily, and focuses his dark gaze upon him.
Hurin stands up from the ground and looks over at Indur, gathering up strenght from his bowels he never knew he had, "Let that man be....." He holds his sword out in a straight line pointing at Indur, the sword shaking violently.
Karce turns to Hurin and growls, "Fool!"
Hurin quickly glances at the horizon, praying for morning.
Ravenwyr grows very still again as the Wraith's gaze turns upon him. His own eyes locked ahead of him before he forces them closed and shivers, humiliating himself as he looses control of his bowls.
Indur turns around to Hurin, holding Larkid strangling in his hand. He holds Larkid infront of him as a shield as he hisses at Hurin, "Leave my ssspace now, buub. Thessse are our landsss. Come clossser and your breathren diesss."
Karce grasps his arm, his hand now soaked in blood.
Gnarl makes plans for what he will do to the human once back home
Indur slowly begins to back away from Hurin, holding his sword to his side and Larkid infront of him as a shield, retreating back to the East.
Ravenwyr whispers to himself... "By sun and sand... let this not be real!"
Larkid chokes and sputters, suddenly bringing his shield up to bash at the Wraith's head.
Hurin is unable to controle his shivver and his blade shaking even more as he forces himself to stare at Indur without his eyes flinching, "Release him you foul beast and you will be able to crawl into the hole you belong in before the sun casts its eyes upon thee."
Ravenwyr finds some strength within himslef ot reach up above his own head and try to claw at the hand holding him by his hair, all the while with his eyes shut to not look upon what is before him.
Indur says something unintelligible.
Gnarl looks to Dulgrist to see when He will leave for the comfort of darkness
Gnarl grabs a fist sized rock
Indur feels the shield contact his mithril helmet, shrugging it off slightly as he loses a grip slightly, dropping Larkid onto his feet to the ground. He reaches down and takes his glare off of Hurin, reaching down and bringing Larkid back up, this time by his face.
Khamul's fiery eyes bore into Ravenwyr, even as his fist balls about the hilt of his sword to create an evil mace. With terrible force, brings his mailed fist to connect with the captive human's face.
Dulgrist stands slowly to his feet and watches the dark-robed figures with their prey, seeming not the least concerned as the humans try to resist. He watches, shivering slightly.
Larkid lets out a muffled groan of agony, his breath barely bapassing between the wraith's fingers.
Gnarl cackles at the blow to the human
Indur raises his sword up above the head of Larkid slowly and suddenly brings the hilt upon Larkid's head, attempting to knock him out.
Khamul hisses, ""
Bizzog hurries in from the east.
Larkid goes immediately limp, the hilt slamming his unprotected head with a dull thump.
Hurin starts to slowly advance toward Indur with his sword still out and shaking, it seems to take him several mins to take only one step, his gaze wavering.
Gnarl rises to his knees, ready to flee
Ravenwyr's whole body snaps with the blow as he is dangled in the air! His head twists back as blood wells up from his broken nose and he spits out a tooth and sucks in a gasping breath as the dimness closes in about his vision like the fingure holding him..... (passes out)
Indur points out his sword at Hurin, holding Larkid up with his other arm. He hisses and looks back at Khamul, ""
Necksnapper watches Dulgrist for guidance
Bizzog hobbles into the scene, slowly, but is suddenly stopped by the sudden wave of terror that caon only be characterized by the presence of a Nazgul.
Khamul drops the unconscious human roughly to the ground, taking no more notice of him. His glance focuses on Hurin...
Gnarl slinks off into the ruins
Indur still holds up the limp human, turning his glare to Hurin, though hissing in a different tongue once again, " Ssssnagas!! Take your prisssoner back to the camp!"
His eyes fixed on ravenwyr, Karce holds a stiff smile.
Bizzog swallows and glances about, watching carefully, but staying in a low-key position.
Ravenwyr falls like a rag doll, forgotten.
Hurin freezes where he is at, unable to move even feebly another step.....
Khamul turns to face Hurin, and walks forward steadily, his long sword held at ease by his side.
Dulgrist nods slowly, bowing low toward the dark figures. Then he steps back and looks around with wide eyes at the uruks near him. "You heard, fools! Get them and take them to camp!"
Dulgrist says in Uruk, "And keep em alive!"
Necksnapper helps scoop up the captives
Hurin starts to back away. His steps growing faster and faster.
Karce jumps slightly and growls, he makes his way to Ravenwyr and tosses him over his shoulder.
Bizzog doesn't bother to ask if the captain was speaking to him. He stumbles along towards the prisoners.
Gnarl comes and helps carry the captive
Dulgrist turns to the dark ones as if for affirmation, but turns again to stare angrily at hte orcs, waiting for htem to move.
Gnarl tries not to look directly at the Nazgul
Bizzog approaches Ravenwyr to help haul her away.
Karce turns to Bizzog, "I got 'em"
Bizzog nods, " I willa help."
Dulgrist breathes heavily, steam rising into the morning light, as he watches the orcs, and steps slowly after them over the stones and blood-streaked snow.
Ravenwyr hangs limply over the Uruk's shoulders, oblivious.
Bizzog grasps Ravenwyr's wrists and follows Karce.
Gnarl breathes easier once out of sight of the Nazgul
Khamul stops in his tracks, and with voice well-used to invoking fear and command utters words Hurin shall not soon forget. "By the rightful Lord of Middle Earth, freeze where you stand." The whole area is filled with the power of the high-wraiths suggestion, and most of the Uruks halt where they stand.
Karce grabs the Humans ankles and shrugs, "Dunno"
Bizzog stumbles as he comes to a stop.
Gnarl freezes
Necksnapper freezes
Indur looks up as the sun begins to rise more from the breaking morning, he turns his back on Khamul and Huring and begins to rush West.
Karce stands still.
Indur has left.
Ravenwyr hangs limp, face bloody and long braid dangling like a rope. He moans faintly but does not stir.
Larkid walks further east, gazing in awe at the ruins.
Hurin shakes violently as his eyes go totally wide and he wretches violently then shakes his head to regain his wits. After standing where he is frozen for several moments he is able to look back up at Khamul and actually look at the darkened and shadowed face without a face.
Gnarl thinks of the rock and wonders who'd notice
Bizzog dares not look at the dreaded Nazgul, but does turn his attention to the defiant human.
A single trickle of blood from Wyr's face drips a trail down Karce's tunic back.
Bizzog, who is standing behind Karce watches the blood with anxiety.
Gnarl sees Ravenwyr moan and smacks his in the head with the rock.
Gnarl thinks noone should challenge a Dark One and hefts the rock again
Necksnapper snickers
Bizzog swallows.
Ravenwyr twitches as the rock hits him, and lies still, bleeding and unconcious.
Bizzog pokes Ravenwyr and mumbles something to himself.
Bizzog's fear of the waiting Nazgul to the east gets the better of him, and he carries Ravenwyr off, to the east.
Karce has left.
Bizzog walks further east, gazing in awe at the ruins.
Gnarl grabs Ravenwyr's feet
Gnarl and helps Bizzog carry the human
Gnarl walks further east, gazing in awe at the ruins.
Necksnapper walks further east, gazing in awe at the ruins.
Gnarl hurries in from the east.
Ravenwyr walks further east, gazing in awe at the ruins.
Ravenwyr has left.
Gnarl slinks back hopefully unnoticed
Gnarl from behind cover, lobs a rock at Hurin, then runs cackling
Gnarl has left.
Hurin tries to hold his gaze with Khamul but, his courage is not capable of the test as his body starts to shake uncontrolably and he turns around and faces back toward his home and runs as fast as he can.
Hurin wanders out of the ruins through the huge, rusted gate of Osgiliath to the west.
Hurin has left.
Khamul stands with his sword pointed directly at Hurin. "Coward. Your race is fodder....
Dulgrist follows the uruks east with their prisoners.
Khamul turns, laughing softly to himself as the warrior flees him, to Dulgrist.
Dulgrist turns as he senses the attention of the dark figure. He turns slightly, and bows low, shakily. The sun is less red, and higher and paler in the bitter sky now. "L-lord?"
Khamul hisses, " Fortify your position well. There will be an inspection, and soon. Do I make Myself clear?"
Khamul says in Uruk, "Make sure the prisoners are thouroughly interrogated."
Dulgrist swallows, but grimaces as he finds his throat dry. "Yes, Lord. Inspection soon."
Dulgrist nods briefly. " Yes, Lord."
Khamul nods, and with one last chilling glance at the Uruk commander, slips away to the east.
Khamul has left.
Dulgrist remains bowed low as the dreadful figure walks away. Slowly he rises, and hurries toward the east in his Lord's cold wake.
Dulgrist steps quickly over the snowy ruins, limping slightly.
Dulgrist says in Uruk, "Snaga. What're you doing away from the camp?"
Dulgrist says, "Move it, snaga! Back ot camp."
Necksnapper stares at the ground and slouches eastward
You slip and slide as you clamber over a huge slab of cracked stone. Carved in big, crude letters on the slab are the words 'S A V E U S'.
Necksnapper clambers over a huge slab of cracked stone, and heads towards you, from the west.
Necksnapper has arrived.
Bizzog holds up his hand at Gnarl and stammers, "Dark uns say ALIVE, snaga."
Indur stands beside Khamul, once again in his still and quiet state. Watching on with his arms crossed.
Gnarl grabs some more rope
Gnarl grumbles
Bizzog finally finishes tying up the human, Ravenwyr, hands behind the tree.
Khamul unwields Water-Skimmer.
Indur unwields Dawnsword.
Bizzog spits toward Ravenwyr's face.
Dulgrist walks quickly over the stony ruins, where the snow slowly melts into icy slush in the pale morning. He limps slightly, favoring his left leg, but only slows as he approaches the center of the camp.
Ravenwyr +whispers to himself, "Don't go ... ... ... ..."
Gnarl thinking noone is looking and pops the captive yet again
Ravenwyr mumbles to himself.
Bizzog quickly backs away from the rest of the supervisors, especially the Nazgul.
Gnarl slinks back into the ruins
Khamul turns his gaze, unmistakably, on Bizzog.
Necksnapper comes into camp and sits near the captive, watching him closely
Ravenwyr twitches, being kicked again.
Gnarl finds another rock
Bizzog feels the hateful and fearful gaze of the Nazgul on his back, but stays motionless, looking at the ground.
Ravenwyr sits with his arms pulled back and tied firmly, his head danglling to the side. He is quiet, maybe unconcious again.
Bizzog pretends to be busy, picking things up around the camp and placing them in some hap-hazard order.
Khamul hisses, "Face me, snaga."
Gnarl hides glad he's not Bizzog
Bizzog swallows and drops the object currently in his hands, a rotting log and turns towards Khamul.
Dulgrist looks slowly at the uruks gathered around the captive, and at the uruks gawking at the Dark Lords from further off. He scowls angrily, but says nothing yet as the Nazgul speaks.
Bizzog avoids eye contact, and instead looks at Khamul's midsection, still very frightful.
Bizzog rubs his fingers against his palms in both hands, sweat glistening from his brow, running down his rolled belly and onto the ground.
Indur turns around and looks toward Mordor, walking off slowly and hissing.. ""
Khamul says in a cold, unpleasant voice, "Snaga, you have been chosen to bring this captive to the Dark Tower."
Indur goes east.
Bizzog pauses, thinking, but dares not voice his question. He merely nods quickly.
Dulgrist watches the exchange carefully, squinting.
Sylykk clambers over a huge slab of cracked stone, and heads towards you, from the west.
Bizzog looks at the two captives, wondering to himself.
Bizzog finally points to Ravenwyr, "This 'un, Great Masta?"
Ravenwyr shifts his head ever so slightly, but makes no noise, still bleeding down his face and onto his uniform.
Khamul hisses, "You will succeed. Failure will mean eternal torment." He kicks Ravenwyr. "This one is required in the Barad-dur. I need not tell you to leave at once."
Bizzog cringes, expecting to feel the wrath of the Nazgul.
Bizzog nods quickly.
Bizzog heads back towards the tree where Ravenwyr is bound.
Sylykk picks his way over rubble and vegetation, and walks towards the ruins of Osgiliath.
Ravenwyr twitches at the kick, but still makes no noise.
Gnarl watches Bizzog approach the captive.
Bizzog walks behind the tree, unbinds the captive, then reties her hands behind her own back.
Ravenwyr slumps foward.
Khamul turns, and goes to join his compatriot.
Khamul goes east.
Gnarl breathes easier with the departure of the Nazgul
Bizzog notices Ravenwyr slightly concisous, and makes to hit him in the face.
Dulgrist turns and watches the dark one disappear into the forested road to the east. He finally sighs and turns to the uruks again. "Snagas! Listen up!"
Gnarl bows to Dulgrist
Ravenwyr gets pommeled again and doesn't resist, either already unconcious, or in shock.
Bizzog struts off, toward the East, and Mordor.
Dulgrist gazes across the orc soldiers and yells in a deep voice. "Get to yer posts! Get trenches dug around this camp! If this camp is as sloppy as this by nightfall, I'll have some heads!"
Gnarl scrambles to grab a shovel
Dulgrist moves into the camp, snarling and yelling to motivate the snagas to work despite the sunlight.