At Home in Mirkwood


Ashjaki Plotting
DOL GULDUR: The captain and lieutenant of Dol Guldur form plans and welcome a newcomer to their ranks.

Mirkwood and Cob Webs
MIRKWOOD: Orcs encounter another favored child of Darkness.

Gollum-chasing and Hell-raising
DOL GULDUR: Intrigues among the orcs of Dol Guldur, and pursuit of a slippery prisoner.

Dol Guldur, Liquor, Gollum, and Grudges
DOL GULDUR: Gollum eludes his captors in the Necromancer's stronghold.

Gollum's Interrogation
DOL GULDUR: Gollum is captured again and interrogated by the captain of Dol Guldur.

Inquisitor of Pulgorbuurz
The rivalry between Ghazhgund and Prakhmog leads to a deadly confrontation.

Drunk Ashjaki, Recruiting, and Pencils
DOL GULDUR: Rumors spread of a change in power in a Lugburz tribe.

An Ecunimical Conversation
DOL GULDUR: The Eldest Orc of Mordor encounters a leader of the shamans of Moria.

An Orc of Mordor Shows His Mettle
MIRKWOOD: Ver-beeg of Mordor meets the leaders of a Morian raiding party in Mirkwood.